EX 317 Ch 2 Flashcards
Level of mastery of a task below which the student would correctly answer all items on a test.
point at which the student has made a predetermined number of errors, and therefore, all other items stop being administered because it is assumed the student will continue to get the answers wrong.
Content-referenced tests
tests that are concerned with the mastery of specific, defined skills; the student’s performance on the test indicated whether he or she has mastered those skills.
The standard by which criterion referenced tests are scored. The criterion represents an acceptable level of mastery
Criterion-referenced tests (CRTs)
tests that are scored according to a standard, or criterion, that the teacher, school, or test publisher decides represents an acceptable level of mastery.
Curriculum-based assessment (CBA)
a type of direct evaluation. “tests” of performance in this case come directly from the curriculum
Curriculum-based measurement (CBM)
an assessment method that involves timing tasks and then charting performance
Dynamic assessment
the goal of this type of assessment is to explore the nature of learning, with the objective of collecting information to bring about cognitive change and to enhance instruction.
Ecological assessment
Involves directly observing and assessing the child in the many environments in which he or she routinely operates.
Formal tests
tests that assume a single set of expectations for all students and come with prescribed criteria for scoring and interpretation.
informal reading inventories
commercial and teacher-made instruments for diagnosing reading difficulties, assessing a student’s progress, and planning interventions for a student.
Informal tests
techniques that are not intended to provide a comparison to a broader group beyond the students in the local project
Learning style assessment
An assessment that attempts to determine those elements that impact on a child’s learning
Limitations of testing
traditional tests’ lack of useful information about the needs and abilities of an individual
Naturalistic-based assessment
A performance based assessment technique that involved the application of knowledge to real-life activities, real world settings, or a simulation of such a setting using real-life, real-world activities
Norm Group
A large number of children who are representative of all the children in that age group
Outcome-based assessment
involves considering, teaching, and evaluating the skills that are important in real-life situations
Performance-based assessment
Same as naturalistic based assessment (Interchangeable)
A purposeful collection of student works that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress, and achievement in one or more areas
Showcase portfolio
the portfolio houses only the student’s best work and generally does not include works in progress. The student manages the portfolio and decides what to place in it.
Refers to structuring test materials, administration procedures, scoring methods, and techniques for interpreting results.
Standards referenced tests
Tests that measure whether students meet standards of what they should know and be able to do in different subjects at various grade levels
Working portfolio
teachers, parents, and students all contribute to the portfolio. oth works in progress and final product pieces are included.
Authentic Assessment
involves application of knowledge to real-life activities, real-world settings, or a simulation of such a setting using real-life, real-world activities.