Ex 3 Flashcards
The ilioinguninal nerve travels through what?
Inguinal canal
What supplies the distal 1/3 of the forearm and the the arm eminence, lateral wrist, and palm>***
Palmar branch of the ulnar nerve
The axillary nerve contains fibers from what levels ?**
C5 and C6
The inferior branch of the superior gluteal nerve supplies what?
Glute med, min, TENSOR fascia lat
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh contains fibers from what levels?
What nerve is associated with stoppage gait or foot drop??
Common fibular
The pudendal nerve travels in what structure?
Pudendal canal
How does the brachial plexus expand segmentally from medial to lateral? *
Roots—->trunks—>divisions—->Cords—>terminal nerves
How do you test the coccygeal plexus (anococcygeal nerves too) > ?
Anal pucker
The axillary nerve travels posteriorly around what?
Surgical neck of the humerus
What nerve gives sensory supply to thenar side of the posterior hand, extensor side of the thumb, extensor side of prox phalanges of digits 2 and 3 and lateral half of the extensor side of the ring finger?
Radial nerve
The ilioinguinal nerve travels with what structure?
Spermatic cord/round ligament
The median nerve supplies pronator quadratic via what nerve? **
Anterior interosseous nerve
Quadratus lumborum contains fibers from what levels?
Is erb-duchenne and upper or lower BP injury?
Does the ulnar nerve give off branches in the arm?
The tibial nerve motor supplies what?
Entire posterior leg
The inferior gluteal nerve contains fibers from what levels??
The median nerve passes between the two heads of what muscle?
Pronator teres
What levels form the brachial plexus?
The common fibular nerve is made up of _______divisions of what levels?
Posterior, L4-S2
What is the terminal branch of the pudendal nerve ?
Dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris
Claw hand is atrophy of hand muscles due to damage to what nerve?
The superior gluteal nerve leaves the pelvis via the GSF________to the pisiformis
The common fibular nerve supplies what muscles?
Biceps femoris short head
What nerve does the musculocutaneous nerve become?
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
What does the posterior interosseous nerve supply (branch of the radial nerve) ? **
Extensor pollicis long us and extensor indices
The lateral cord is made up of what?
Anterior divisions of superior and middle trunks
What muscles does the medial pectoral nerve supply?
Pec maj and min
What makes up the coccygeal plexus?
VPR of S4-Co1
What is the largest thoracic nerve?
Sub costal nerve
Medial branches of lumbar spinal nerves supply what? *
The lateral prctoral nerve supplies fibers from what levels?
C5, C6, C7
The tibial nerve gibes off muscular branches to what?
Popliteus, both heads of gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris
The radial nerve sends articular branches to what parts of the arm/forearm? **
Shoulder and wrist NOTTTTTT elbow
In klumpke’s where is their atrophic paralysis ?
Forearm and small muscles of the hand
The tibial nerve contains fibers from what levels?
The ulnar nerve goes into the forearm between what?
2 heads of flexor carpi ulnaris
The inferior gluteal nerve travels ____to the piriformis
Deep branches of the lateral plantar nerve supplies what?
Interossei muscles, adductor hallucis, flex digiti mini I brevis, lateral lumbricals
What muscles does the lateral pectoral nerve supply?
prctoralis MAJOR
What is larger the common fibular nerve or the tibial?
Tibial q
The thoracodorsal nerve contains fibers from what levels?
C5 and C6
What is it called what there is nerve damage in 2+ root locations?
Multiple crush syndrome
The deep fibular nerve supplies what?
Anterior compartment of the leg
The genitofemoral nerve passes through what?
Poas Major
The inferior subscapular nerve contains fibers what what levels?
C5 and C6
What muscles does the axial lay nerve supply?
Deltoid and teres minor
Does the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm supply the hand?
No, (proximal to the wrist)
The superficial fibular nerve supplies what ?
Lateral compartment of the leg
What is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus ?
Femoral branch
The Sacral plexus is located on the anterior surface of what?
Piriformis muscle
The posterior division of the femoral nerve sends vascular branches to what joint?
The iliohypogastic nerve travels been what two things?
Quadratus lumborum and kidney
The medial cutaneous never of the arm contains fibers from what cord level>
C8 and T1
The medial pectoral nerve contains fibers from what levels?
C8 and T1
The superior gluteal nerve contains fibers from what levels?
L4,L5, S1
The perforating cutaneous nerve travels through what?
The sacrotuberous ligament
Superficial branches of the perineal nerve carry sensory info where >?
Urethral mucosa, external urethral orifice
In the leg the tibial nerve gives rise to muscular branches that supply what muscles?
Flex digitorum longus, flex hallucis longus
White Ramus communicans are ________and present where?
Lateral, T1-L2 or 3
What makes up the lumbar plexus?
What muscle does the thoracodorsal nerve supply?
Latissimus dorsi
Preganglionic info goes out via?
Ventral primary rami
The sciatic nerve is larger than the cord due to what?
What supplies the extenders of foot and toes ?
Deep fibular nerve
What does the musculocutaneous nerve pierce? **
The coracobrachialis
The deep branch of the radial nerve penetrates what?
What muscles does the suprascapular nerve supply?
Supraspinatus, infraspinatus
What muscles does the ulnar nerve supply?
Flexor carpi ulnaris, medial half of flexor digitorum profundus
What supplies skin of the 5th digit?
Lateral plantar nerve
Roots of C8 and T1 combine to become what?
Inferior trunk
The medial cord is made up of fibers from what levels?
C8 and T1
What nerves branch off of the superior trunk?
Suprascapular nerve, and nerve to the subclavius
What muscles does the musculocutaneous nerve supply
Coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, brachialis
The sciatic nerve is made up of what two nerves?
Tibial nerve, common fibular