EWI Flashcards
What have we done this semester
-Team formation (interest + purpose)
- Problem space (identification, investigation validation)
- Solution Space (Value proposition, investigate & define solution)
- Prototype validation (Plan, execute, reassess)
- Pilot Validation (Decision, finding, plan)
- Pitches (Overview + next steps)
How should Impact be measured
- Identify KPI´s
- Collect Data for Tracking of KPI`s
- System or Database to store Data
- System to transfer data into insights
What are Tuchman’s stages of Group-Development?
- Forming
- Storming (conflict leads to real character show)
- Norming (resolving differences)
- Performing
What does the Problem Tree consist of?
- Causes
- Problem
- Root of problem
What are the two types of Innovation
- Discovery (looks for beneficiary)
- Problem (Starts with benificiary)
What does working backwards look like?
- FInd Problem
- Visualize solution
-Pitch it - Anchor (
What does the BCG Matrix look like
4 fields
- High market share = cash cow
- High growth = ???
- Both = Star
What are the stages of the S-curve
- Innovator (introduction)
- Early adopter (Growth)
- Early majority (maturity)
- Late majority (Decline)
- laggards (abbandonment)
what are the 10 types of innovation?
- Configuration (structure, Profit model, network, Process)
- Offering (Performance, system)
- Experience (Brand, Service, Channel, Customer experience)
What is the innovators dilemma
- Loosing a product due to innovation and having to decide what to pursue
What is blue ocean strategy?
Creating and capturing uncontested market space
What is the chasm ?
A part after early adopter, which entrepreneurs have to pass. Start with small niche and build from there
What is design thinking?
- Emphasise (Interviews, questionnaires, surveys)
- Define (Problem statements, reframing, identifying opportunity)
- Ideate (Brainstorming, mind mapping, sketching, role play)
What is the hype cycle
Hard push cause of hype, fall of demand leads to steady increase and steady level of demand