What are the stupid goddamn lymphatic ducks that we have to know?
- Thoracic Duck
- Right Lymphatic Duck
What does the Thoracic Duck drain?
Ok, you don’t even have to remember any information for this. All you have to know is that the thoracic duck drains EVERYTHING that the right lympathic duck doesn’t drain.
So then what does the stupid ass right lymphatic duck drain?
The right lymphatic duck = weak sauce. It drains the right arm, the right side of your stupid fucking face, and your right thorax.
Where do these damn ducks drain into?
The right lymphatic duck drains into the right subclavian vein. Now every source I saw on the interwebs says that the thoracic duck drains into the left subclavian vein, but Dr. Carey says left brachiocephalic. So let’s go with that.
Is there anything particularly stupid I have to know about the thoracic duck? Like a particular dilation or something of that nature?
Very astute. Of course, you are correct. The thoracic duck has a dilation at the beginning of it called the cisterna chyli. We’ll go over the nodes that drain directly into the cisterna chyli.
Ok. Let’s talk about nodes. What nodes do we care about in this unit in terms of the breast?
We care about several boob nodes. I came up with a boob-related mnemonic: “Interested individuals, please always ask”
Interested - Inguinal (inferior breast)
Individuals - Infraclavicular (superior breast)
Please - Parasternal (medial breast bilaterally)
Always - Axillary (main guy on the job)
Ask - Apical axillary (superior breast and other axillary nodes)
Note: the parasternal nodes are the only ones that show up in Dr. Carey’s drawing.
Woah woah. That was a lot of info, asshole. Let’s slow it down. Inguinal nodes, what do those drain (in terms of the lady chest balls)?
Well what do you think? Inguinal nodes are way the hell down in your goddamn…inguine, or whatever, so they are draining the inferior breast.
What do the infraclavicular stupid-ass nodes drain?
Just…think… Where would the “beneath the clavicle” nodes exist in relation to the breast? Did you just say above it? Good job! You’re right! The infraclavicular nodes drain the superior breast.
What part of the all-organic milk bags do the parasternal nodes drain? Think about the name of the nodes….
Did you say medial breast? Awesome! Did you say that they drain the medial breast bilaterally? Even better! Give yourself a pat on the back. No seriously. Do it. You think I’m not watching but I am. I’m always watching. Pat. That. Goddamn. Back.
What part of your sweater meat gets drained by the axillary nodes?
All it says in the B-pages is “predominant drainage of the breast….”
So just imagine this guy named Axel who is definitely a boob man and he is all over those zeppelins like a (insert hilarious Southern saying here).
Ok, final chesticle node: what do the apical axillary nodes drain?
Apical = top. These guys also drain the superior breast (can you remember the other node that does that?). They also drain the axillary nodes.
Ok. I’m going to give you the mnemonic again. Try to name all the associated nodes.
“Interested individuals, please always ask.”
Inguinal, infraclavicular, parasternal, axillary, apical axillary
(inferior, superior, medial, predominate, superior + axillary)
Ok, chill the fuck out bro. We can split thoracic nodes into two categories:
- Parietal Nodes
- Visceral Nodes
Each of these categories have 4 nodes associated with them. Let’s continue, shall we?
What are the parietal thoracic nodes?
- Parasternal (Overlap alert! Apparently parasternal has love for a little more than just the Grand Tetons.)
- Intercostal
- Diaphragmatic
- Posterior mediastinal
Here’s a mnemonic: “Parasternal, Intercostal, Diaphragmatic, Posterior mediastinal”
I know, I know: “fuck you, Chad!” I’m an asshole. What’s your excuse?
What does the parasternal parietal thoracic nodes drain (other than booooooooooooobs)?
These naughty nodes (only 10 miles from where you live, PM them now!) drain the upper abdominal wall, the anterior pleura, and part of the liver.
All those things (including medial gazongas) seem to be pretty much in the same area so that makes sense to me.
What do the stupid fucking dumb shitty ass asshole intercostal thoracic nodes drain?
Intercostals take care of the lateral and posterior thoracic wall.
From an ancient text: “Sir Intercostal was one of King Arthur’s bravest knights. Legend tells of a time, during the great battle of Lymph, when Sir Intercostal single-handedly defended the lateral and posterior walls of the kingdom’s stronghold, Thoracic Castle, in the county of Parietal.”
Medieval times were weird…