EVT: ENVS 359 Section 9 - 12 Flashcards
Five problems associated with TSS
- aesthetics
- filterability - remove TSS prior to filtering to reduce costs associated with cleaning filters
- disinfection - pathogens can be protected from disinfection if incased in TSS
- pumps - suspended solids damage pumps
- corrosion - slow water flow in pipes if suspended solids build up in elbows of pipes
Five analytical techniques for detecting and characterizing TSS
- XRF - xray fluorescence
largely quantitative, can be done using portable device - XRD - xray diffraction
very expensive, require crystalline solid - PSA - particle size analyze
assume particles spherical, scattering/light absorbed ultrasound - SDI - silt density index
very old, can be done in field using applied pressure across a membrane - Turbidity
good for drinking water, vague for problem solving
Ways to improve separation of suspended solids from water (6)
Increase terminal velocity
- Increase difference in density to be as great as possible
- Make particle size as large as possible
- Change gravitational force with centrifugation
- Change continuous viscosity by adjusting temperature
- Reduce separation time without changing velocity - use thinnest film of continuous medium possible
- Increase time spent separating by using large tanks and low flow rates
Why do surface contribute so much to the properties of colloids?
High surface to volume ratio
What is the surface property which stabilizes colloids
Surface charge
When is coagulation and flocculation used?
What factors in Stokes’ are used to decrease time needed to remove TSS in:
- Coalescence
- Inclined Plane Settlers
- Tube Settlers that use waste heat from another process
- Centrifugation
- Coalescence - diameter of particles
- Inclined Plane Settlers - distance that particles have to fall
- Tube Settlers - viscosity of water (viscosity of water decreases as temperature increases)
- Centrifugation - gravitational constant
Why is it an advantage to have a shallow stream running up an inclined plane settler?
Because with a fixed terminal velocity, the shorter the distance the particles have to fall -> the less time required to separate them from water
Filter size must match TSS diameter to be separated -> how to arrange for a filter when two distinct sizes present?
If two different densities and size ranges are used for the two media then after fluidization settling rates will result in separation
Sludge blanket clarifier
Inside top - rapid mix - coagulation Inside middle - slow mix - flocculation ----- rapid and slow mix control kinetics of clarification process Bottom outside - settling zone ----- take advantage of stokes' law
What will be done to a waste stream from a depth filter if no option for deep well injection
Remove water mechanically to reduce cost of landfill
Use of two phases to extract a third substance from one of two phases
Equilibrium constant/partitioning coefficient for gas partitioning with aqueous
Equilibrium constant/partitioning coefficient for partitioning between octane and water
Equilibrium for a compound as it moves across the surface for two phases