EVT Flashcards
What are some financial applications of EVT
Distribution of income has fat tails
Pricing puroses
Reinsurance pricing and modelling
CAT Models
Captal management or reservings
What an example oF A non financial application of EVT?
Meteorology for example - not interested in focusing on the average events want to do a risk assessment for extreme conditions to power plants, flooding, heat waves, hurricanes, droughts
What is the difference in focus between classical stats and extreme value theory
Classical stats - focus is on average behaviour of stochastic process: CLT
In EVT focus is on rare events: Fisher tippett theorem
What does the fisher tipett theorem state
Tells us the cdf for the block maximum follows approximately a generalised extreme value distribution with three parameters determining the model flexibility
Mu- location
Sigma - scale
Zeta - shape parameter
Define Mn
Block maximum Mn= Max(x1,….xn)
For GEV what are the three types of distributions
Determined by the value of shape parameter zeta
Gumbel: exponential tail with zeta=0
Frechet: fat tail with zeta equal to 1
Weibull : upper finite end point with zeta equal to -1
Name the two methods of EVT
Block maximum and peak over threshold
What is the asymptotic distributions int he case of peak over threshold
Yi=Xi-u|Xi>u is asymptotically distributed as a generalized pareto distribution with two parameter and one indirect parameter (threshold):
Sigma is scale parameter
Zeta is shape parameter
What are the three variations of GPD
Gumbell gives exponential tail : Zeta=0
Pareto/Frechet: gives polynomial tail behaviour Zeta>0
Weibull gives upper tail end point and has zetaa<0
Why is EVT important in particular in finance
More extreme losses are the thing determining the reserves for the company - they are most worrying. Isolating justt he extreme values we can plot a distribution to more accurately model these ont heir own
What length tails do the three generalized EVT distributions have
Heavy tailed - Frechet
Medium tailed - Gumbell
Short tailed - Weibull
What does Picklands balkema de Haan Theorem say?
For many loss distribution the distribution fo losses above a high threshold is a generalized Pareto distribution
What is GPD most efficient at modelling
Modelling values beyond a very high threshold. GPD would not describe the full data well more so the bigger losses.
What is a spline and how are they used in EVT
A spline function f is a piecewise polynomial function defined on an interval [xmin, xmax] with specified continuity constraints
Often we will model separate chunks of data using different distributions to get a more accurate fit of extreme values - may need a few GPD distributions to model the few extreme values
What is the effect of a higher shape parameter in EVT distribution
Thicker tails implying more extreme losses