EVOLVE TESTS - ch. 9, 13, 14 Flashcards
- A woman inquires about herbal alt methods for improving fertility. Which statement by the RN is the most approp when instructing the woman in which herbal preparations to avoid while trying to conceive?
A. You should avoid nettle leaf, dong quai, & vit E while you are trying to get pregnant.
B. You may want to avoid licorice root, lavender, fennel, sage, & thyme while you are trying to conceive.
C. You should not take anything with vit E, Ca, or Mg. They will make you infertile.”
D. “Herbs have no bearing on fertility.”
- Semen analysis is a common diagnostic procedure related to infertility. In instructing a male pt regarding this test, the RN would tell him to:
A. Ejaculate into a sterile container
B. Obtain the specimen after a period of abstinence from ejaculation of 2 to 5 days
C. Transport specimen w/container packed in ice
D. Ensure specimen arrives at the lab w/n 30 min of ejaculation
- RNs should be aware that infertility:
A. Is perceived differently by women & men
B. Has a relatively stable prevalence among the overall population & throughout a women’s potential reproductive years
C. Is more likely the result of a physical flaw in the woman than in her male partner
D. Is the same thing as sterility
- Although remarkable developments have occurred in reproductive medicine, assisted reproductive therapies are associated with a number of legal & ethical issues. RNs can provide accurate information about the risks & benefits of TX alternatives so couples can make informed decisions about their choice of TX. Which issue would not need to be addressed by an infertile couple before TX?
A. Risk of multiple gestation
B. Whether or how to disclose the facts of conception to offspring
C. Freezing embryos for later use
D. Financial ability to cover the cost of TX
- A couple presents for their first appointment at an infertility center. A noninvasive test done during initial diagnostic testing is:
A. Hysterosalpingogram
B. Endometrial biopsy
C. Sperm analysis
D. Laparoscopy
- An infertile woman is about to begin pharmacologic TX. As part of the regimen, she will take purified FSH (urofollitropin [Metrodin]). The RN instructs her that this med is administered in the form of a/an:
A. Intranasal spray
B. Vaginal suppository
C. Intramuscular injection
D. Tablet
- The rate of fertility declines dramatically after the age of 35. While explaining the cause of this rapid decline in fertility to the pt, the RN is aware that the primary reason for this is r/t:
A. Endometriosis
B. Abnormalities of oocytes
C. Infection
D. Metabolic disease
- A woman is 6 wks pregnant. She has had a previous spontaneous abortion at 14 wks of gestation & a pregnancy that ended at 38 wks with the birth of a stillborn girl. What is her gravidity & parity using the GTPAL system?
A. 2-0-0-1-1
B. 2-1-0-1-0
C. 3-1-0-1-0
D. 3-0-1-1-0
- OTC pregnancy tests usually rely on which technology to test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)?
A. Radioimmunoassay
B. Radioreceptor assay
C. Latex agglutination test
The radioimmunoassay tests for the summit of hCG in serum or urine samples. This test must be performed in the lab,
The radioreceptor assay is a serum test that measures the ability of a blood sample to inhibit the binding of hCG to receptors.
The Latex agglutination test in no way determines pregnancy. Rather it is done to detect specific antigens and antibodies.
OTC pregnancy tests use ELISA for its one-step, accurate results.
- A nurse teaches a pregnant woman about the presumptive, probable, & positive signs of pregnancy. The woman demonstrates understanding of the nurse’s instructions if she states that a positive sign of pregnancy is:
A. A positive pregnancy test
B. Fetal movement palpated by the nurse-midwife
C. Braxton Hicks contractions
D. Quickening
- During a pt’s physical exam, the RN notes that the lower uterine segment is soft on palpation. The nurse would document this finding as:
A. Hegar sign
B. McDonald sign
C. Chadwick sign
D. Goodell sign
At approximately 6 weeks of gestation, softening and compressibility of the lower uterine segment occur; this is called the Hegar sign.
The McDonald sign indicates a fast-food restaurant.
The Chadwick sign is a blue-violet cervix caused by increased vascularity; this occurs around the fourth week of gestation.
Softening of the cervical tip is called the Goodell sign, which may be observed around the sixth week of pregnancy.
- CV system changes occur during preg. Which finding would be considered normal for a woman in her 2nd trimester?
A. Less audible heart sounds (S1, S2)
B. Increased pulse rate
C. Increased blood pressure
D. Decreased red blood cell (RBC) production
Between 14 and 20 weeks of gestation, the pulse increases about 10 to 15 beats/min, which persists to term.
In the first trimester blood pressure usually remains the same as the prepregnancy level, but it gradually decreases up to about 20 weeks of gestation. During the second trimester both the systolic and diastolic pressures decrease by about 5 to 10 mm Hg.
- Which presumptive sign (felt by woman) or probable sign (observed by the examiner) of pregnancy is not matched with another possible cause?
A. Amenorrhea-stress, endocrine problems
B. Quickening-gas, peristalsis
C. Goodell sign-cervical polyps
D. Chadwick sign-pelvic congestion
Goodell sign might be the result of pelvic congestion, not polyps.
- In order to reassure & educate pregnant pts about changes in their BP, maternity nurses should be aware that:
A. a BP cuff that’s too small produces a reading that’s too low; if too large, produces a reading that is too high
B. Shifting pt’s position & changing from arm to arm for different measurements produces the most accurate composite BP reading at each visit
C. The SBP increases slightly as pregnancy advances; the diastolic pressure remains constant
D. Compression of the iliac veins & IVC by the uterus contributes to hemorrhoids in later stage of term preg
Because maternal positioning affects readings, blood pressure measurements should be obtained in the same arm and with the woman in the same position.
The systolic blood pressure generally remains constant but may decline slightly as pregnancy advances. The diastolic blood pressure first drops and then gradually increases.
This compression also leads to varicose veins in the legs and vulva.