Evolutionary Timeline and Evidence of Evolution Flashcards
George Buffon (1707-1788)
Examined animal body structures and their functions –> puzzled by anatomical features that seemed to have no purpose (ex. pigs toes that don’t touch ground)
Believed species had been created in more perfect form but had changed over time
Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)
Proposed that life had changed over time
Eramus Darwin (1731-1802)
First to suggest that all life might have evolved from a single source - also proposed that life had changed over time
Jean-Bapitiste Lamarck (1744-1829)
First to propose possible mechanism for evolution of species
Lamarck’s Principles
Proposed that evolutionary change resulted from 2 principles:
1. Use and disuse: structures an individual used became larger & stronger, structures not used became smaller & weaker
2. The inheritance of acquired traits: individuals pass on to their offspring characteristic they had acquired during their lives
Legacy of Lamarck
Principles proven to be false, but proposed the ideas:
- All species evolve over time
- A species evolves in response to the environment and becomes better adapted to that environment
- Changes are passed on from generation to generation
Patterns of Change: Fossils
Formed when remains of organisms are gradually replaced by mineral deposits (rock) –> most are hard impressions in solid rock, sometimes entire organisms are preserved (in amber) and thin tissues like leaves are preserved as films
Dating Methods - Relative Dating
Sediments are deposited in layers over time –> things in deeper layers are older than things in layers deposited on top (does not determine actual age)
Dating Methods - Absolute Dating
Radiometric dating or tree rings (does determine actual age) –> radiometric dating: scientists measure the percentage of parent vs daughter isotopes in a sample as the radioisotope decays (ex. radiocarbon dating)
Transitional Fossils
Fossils that show the link between “snapshots” provided by the fossil record and show characteristics common between two separate groups (ex. animals with gills and lungs show the link between fish and amphibians)
The study of the past and present geographical distribution of organisms (used by Darwin and Wallace)
Patterns in Anatomy - Homologous Structures
Structures that have common evolutionary origin –> are similar in form but may serve different functions in modern species (ex. bat wings and human arms)
Patterns in Anatomy - Analogous Structures
Structures that perform the same functions but evolved from different origins (ex. butterfly wings and bird wings)
Patterns in Anatomy - Vestigial Structures
When the function of a body structure or organ is reduced or removed over time
The study of the pre-birth stages of an organism’s development which can determine evolutionary relationships (ex. all vertebrates have paired pouches that develop gills or ears, and/or throats)