evolutionary explanations for partner preference✅ Flashcards
what do evolutionary approaches suggest
- suggest that if partner selection has been inherited it must have specific value for human species
it either:
1. helps humans adapt to environment (natural selection)
2. helps to attract mate and have healthy offspring (sexual selection)
describe natural selection
- survival of the fittest
- gradual process where nature selects the most fit to survive the given environment
- the genes that aided survival are passed on to successive generations
describe sexual selection
- survival of the sexiest
- haracteristics that increase reproductive success then
- if a characteristic increases chance of reproductive success then characteristic will be adaptive because animal will have more offspring
describe anisogamy
- the differences between male and female sex cells
- these differences mean males and females use different strategies to achieve reproductive success
- explains intra/inter sexual selection
describe how male sex cells influence reproductive strategies (anisogamy)
- sperm is produced in large quantities and replenish quickly
- as a result a successful strategy for men would be to have sex/impregnating as many women as possible to pass on genes successfully
describe how female sex cells influence reproductive strategies (anisogamy)
- eggs take alot of energy to produce + created in limited numbers
- parental investment theory
describe the Parental Investment Theory regarding anisogamy
- Trivers shows how for women more energy is compromised for children
- she needs a long term committed partner to ensure resources are provided
- therefor females look for partner who demonstrates these characteristics
what are some overall A03 points of Anisogamy
- supporting evidence –> Singh
- biological reductionism + determinism
describe an A03 point of Anisogamy regarding Singh’s supporting evidence
- studied preferred waist to hip ratio as a sign of female fertility
- found men preferred any waist/hip size attractive as long as ratio was approx. 0.7 = fertile and not pregnant
- supports idea that men’s attraction is genetically motivated
describe an A03 point of Anisogamy regarding biological reductionism + determinism
- individual differences play a part
- eg- evolutionary explanations fail to consider homosexual relationships where partner choice doesn’t have evolutionary advantages
- biological determinism –> choices are determined by a person’s ability to provide for offspring
- needs holistic explanation, simplifies relationships
describe intra-sexual selection
- male choice
- evolutionary developed features that allow males to compete for females –> winner reproduces and passes on genes
- explains physical differences known as physical dimorphism (males are stronger body size)
- anisogamy suggests ‘quantity over quality’ for males
give an example of intra-sexual selection
- stronger males will be able to fight off others for access to females
- more chance of reproductive success
describe intersexual selection
- female choice
- idea that females place greater investment of time and energy so need to be careful when choosing partner
- quality over quantity
give an example of intersexual selection
- Buss asked 10 000 males and females from 37 cultures what they looked for in a partner
- females = financial stability, strong
- males = good waist to hip ratio, young
what are some overall A03 points of evolutionary theorys of partner preference
- supporting evidence–> Clark & Hatfield
- supporting evidence –> `Penton-Voak
- ignore cultural changes