What was the belief of Ancient Greeks with regard to species change?
Species are fixed and do not change
Who published the 1st theory of evolution & in what year did it happen?
Jean Baptiste de Lamark, in 1809
During his voyage on th HMS Beagle, what observations about animal, plant, and geology did Darwin make about The Cape Verde Islands?
Examined the geology of volcanic islands.
What observations were made at “The East Coast of South America”?
Change in range of species going further south
What observations were made at “The West Coast of South America”?
Fossils of giant extinct animals, similar to existing animals.
What observations were made at the Galapagos Islands?
The variations of the “Finch” species
James Hutton’s gradualism contributed what to Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution”?
profound geological changes are accumulations of small gradual changes that occur continuously
Thomas Malthus’s essay on overpopulation contributed what to Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution”?
suggested that population growth would result in poverty and famine because the World cannot support all the people.
Charles Lyell’s principles of uniformitarianism contributed what to Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution”?
forces that gradually shaped Earth’s geological past, continues to do so.
Who besides Darwin independently arrived at a theory of evolution by natural selection?
Alfred Russel Wallace
What are five tenants of Darwin’s theory of evolution?
- great potential fertility
- Natural population remains constant
- limitations on resources
- Different characteristics in same species
- variation characteristics inherited from parents
What is the sum of the allele frequency for any populations?
Define evolution?
change in physical characteristics of a POPULATION over time
Define gene pool?
all the alleles and gene loci in a population
Define allele frequency?
the proportion of alleles of a particular type in the gene pool.
What does it mean when a population geneticist says that a population is in H-W Equilibrium?
the genetic makeup of the population.will not change over time.
What does it mean if the observed genetic makeup of a population deviates too much from the predictions of the H-W model?
The population can evolve and is not Hardy-Weinberg
Is the observed genetic makeup of a population always what is predicted by the H-W model?