Evolution of Management and Organizational Theory Flashcards
Pre industrial
Pre-industrial societies were primarily agricultural and rural, characterized by limited technology and low production of goods.
Factors about pre industrial societies
1.Biased against management
2.Ruling class perceived work, commerce, and trade as undignified
3.Work was done by slaves
4.Individuals were bound to their stations for life
5.Rules were not questions
6.Profit making was not favorably viewed by the ruling class
7.Money should be made by conquering
Management Theory
during Pre-Industrial
1.Sporadic, Widely scattered
2.Span of Control discussed by
3.Socrates discussed leadership
4. Plato described work
Agrarian refers to anything related to the cultivation of land, farming, or agriculture
Factors about agrarian
1.Farm/home was the focus of the work
2. Followed in the footsteps of parent
3. Craftwork was prevalent
4.Land meant wealth
Classical Management
A set of theories and principles of management that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Factors about classical Management
1.Two stages of industrialization
2.Development of an industrial infrastructure
3.Nationwide Transportation System
4. Source of cheap power
5.Technological innovations
6.Modern Communications
7. Networked Financial Institutions
8. Educated Labor Force
9.Creation of capital goods sector
Administrative Theory
The study and analysis of the principles, processes, and functions of administration in organizations, particularly in the context of public administration.
Who invented Administrative Theory
Henri Fayol, a French Mining Engineer
Factors about administrative theory
Henri Fayol (Five Functions of Management)
1.Division of Work
2.Authority and Responsibility
3.Unity of Command
5.Espirit de Corps
Much of knowledge of
organizational structure came from this theory
Scientific Management
Also known as Taylorism, is a theory of management that analyzes and synthesizes workflows. It aims to improve economic efficiency, especially labor productivity.
Who invented scientific management
Frederick Winslow Taylor
Factors about scientific management
Four basic tenets (Frederick
1.Develop one best way to do each job
1. Select the best individual for the position
2.Ensure the work is carried out in
prescribed fashion (training and
increased wages as the carrot).
3.Divide work among employees so
that activities such as planning,
organizing, and controlling are the
prime responsibilities of managers
Factors about structuralist School
Ideal Organization (Max
Weber), the Bureaucracy:
1.Rules and procedures control organizational function
2. High degree of differentiation exists between function
3.Hierarchy used for reporting
4.Rules and norms regulate behavior
5.Ownership and administration are
6.Administrative acts are recorded in writing
Who invented Neoclassical theory
Neoclassical economics emerged as a theory in the late 19th century, based on the works of William Stanley Jevons