Immersion in cool water and applying mud to irritated areas
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Sucking stings
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Licking Wounds
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Exerting pressure on wounds to stop bleeding
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
What do you call the treatment is intertwined with religion and magic
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Tribal Healers
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Sucking, bleeding, fumigating, steam baths, medicinal herbs
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Seat of life
Disease is a divine punishment or mark of sin
Ancient Hebrews
Disease was considered an imbalance of the four humors of the body: pleghm, blood, yellow, bile
4th Century Hebrews
Prehistoric and Ancient Medicine
Ancient Egypt
Linked anatomy and physiology with theology
Ancient Egypt
Pills, cake suppositories, enemas, ointments, drops, gargles, fumigation and baths
Ancient Egypt
Drugs were made from vegetable, mineral and animal substances and imported materials such as saffron, cinnamon, and perfumes, spices, sandalwood, gums, antominy
Ancient Egypt
Healing goddess
mistress of heaven and protector of women during childbirth
Life is eternal cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction
Ancient India
Detected diabetes by the sweetness of urine
Ancient India
Treated snakebites by appying torniquets
Ancient India
Surgery of nose, earlobes, harelips, and hernias
Ancient India
Perform cesarian sections
Ancient India
Balance of yin and yang
Was considered the way
Confucius forbade dissections
Ancient China
Nei Ching
Ancient China
Five methods of treatment
- Cure the spirit
- Nourish the body
- Give medications
- Treat the whole body
- Acupuncture and moxibustion
exercise, physical therapy, massage, and administering medicinal herbs, trees, insects, stones and grains.
What ancient is exercise, physical therapy, massage, and administering medicinal herbs, trees, insects, stones and grains practiced?
Ancient China
What years is inculotaion against smallpox was created
11th Century
Built healing temples of Asclepios in Thessaly
Ancient Greece
Round building encircled a pool or sacred spring of water for purification
Building for incubation site where cure takes place
Healing rituals began after sundown and often involved fasting or abstinence from certain food or wine
Ancient Greece
Two people from Ancient Greece
- Tholos
- Abaton
What ancient are these people from? Thales, Anaximader, Anaximenes, Heraclitus
Pre-Hippocratic Medicine
Living creatures originated in water
Air is necessary for life
Basic element in all animal and plant life was water, from which came from the earth and air
Earth, air, fire and water are basic component of life
6th Century BC
Father of medicine
His approach revolutionized medicine before the ancient past and began turning it into and objective science
People practicing should be pure and holy
What did Hippocrates taught during his time about one should have:
- Observe all
- Study the patient rather than the disease
- Evaluate Honesty
- Assist Nature
Address mental illness, anxiety and depression
Healing message for Christ
Healing was not differentiated into physical, mental or spiritual
Luke the physician
With the crusaders came the disitribution of disease
Compassion, forgiveness, and concern for the unfortunate and dispossessed
Christian Faith
Founded a hospital in the fourth century. other hospitals were established by Christian community in Caesarea, Edessa, and Bethlehem
Roman Emperor Constantine
What are the 3 hospitals in the community during Roman Emperor Constantine
- Caesarea
- Edessa
- Bethlehem
What are the three diseases that came during the crusaders
- Leprosy
- Typhus
- Smallpox
What year did the bubonic plague happened
Father of pharmacology
First suggested that gonorrhea and syphilis are separate diseases
Jean Fernel
Physiology, pathology and therapeutics were standard discipline of medicine
The Renaissance
Forerunner of clinical surgery
Ambroise Pare
Father of Anatomy
Andreas Versalius
Combination of Alchemy , medicine, and chemistry
First measurement of the relative weight of urine
Jan Baptista Van Helmont
Presented laws of motion in mathematical manner
Discovered gravity
Isaac Newton
Continuous circulation of blood in body system
William Harvey
Centigrade system for measuring temperature
Christian Huygens
Developed the system of measuring temperature
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit
Forerunners in the invention of microscope
Marcello Malpighi and Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
Was discovered as a treatment for malaria
Explored human anatomy through dissections
Leonardo Da Vinci
What era is Ambroise Pare
The Renaissance
What era is Andreas Versalius
The Renaissance
What era is Latrochemistry
The Renaissance
What era is Jan Baptista Van Helmont
The Renaissance
What era is Galileo
The Renaissance
What era is Isaac Newton
The Renaissance
What era is William Harvey
The Renaissance
What era is Christian Huygens
The Renaissance
What era is Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit
The Renaissance
What era is Marcello Malpighi and Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
The Renaissance
What era is Quinine
The Renaissance
What era is Leonardo Da Vinci
The Renaissance
What era is Thales
Pre-Hippocratic Medicine
What era is Anaximander
Pre-Hippocratic Medicine
What era is Anaximenes
Pre-Hippocratic Medicine
What era is Heraclitus
Pre-Hippocratic Medicine
What era is Tholos
Ancient Greece
What era is Abaton
Ancient Greece
In depth- studies of the nervous system; discovered the relationship of the brain cortex to peripheral nerves, and became founder of modern physiologic theory
Albrecht Von Haller
Pioneer of experimental fertilization
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Demonstrated blood circulation, stressed importance of the capillary system, and became the first person to record blood pressure with manometer
Stephen Hales
Father of pathology, Correlated anatomy with pathology
Giovanni Battista Morgagni
Smallpox Vaccination
Edward Jenner
Specialists in obstetrics, founded the Great Windmill Street School of Anatomy, the first medic school in London
William Hunter
Experimental Surgeon; method of closing aneurysm; Pioneer in comparative anatomy
John Hunter
Humane regimen be instilled at Asylum de Bicetre near Paris (care and treatment for mentally Ill patients)
Philippine Pinel
What era is What era is Albrecht Von Haller
18th Century
What era is Lazzaro Spallanzani
18th Century
What era is 18th CenturyStephen Hales
18th Century
What era is Giovanni Battista Morgagni
18th Century
What era is Edward Jenner
18th Century
What era is William Hunter
18th Century
What era is John Hunter
18th Century
What era is Philippe Pinel
18th Century
What era is autopsies are the major focus medicine
19th Century
He is the most outstanding morphologic pathologist of his time
Carl Rokitansky
All cells come from other cells
Rudolf Virchow
He is the founder of experimental physiology and discovered the principle of homeostasis, clarified the multiple functions of the liver, studied digestive activities of the pancreas, and was the first to link pancreas with diabetes
Claude Bernard
He pioneered and established the specialty of internal medicine
Claude Bernard
He is a pathologic and clinical understanding of chest diseases including emphysema, bronchiectasis and tuberculosis
Rene-Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
He was also a pioneer in the invention and the use of then stethoscope
Rene-Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
Performed the first successful abdominal surgery to remove a huge cyst from an ovary.
Ephraim McDowell
Laid foundation from gynecology and founded the Women’s Hospital of the State of New York
J. Marion Sims
He invented the Sims position and later the Speculum and Catheter
J. Marion Sims
What year did nitrous oxide gas and chloroform has been discovered but not yet put into practice
He discovered nitrous oxide gas
Joseph Priestly
He suggested to use in surgery but was ignored
Humphry Davy
He used Sulfuric ether during surgery in 1842
Crawford W. Long
He discovered that bacteria were often origin from disease
Joseph Lister
He had done the safe surgical procedure
Joseph Lister
Germ theory of disease and explained the effectiveness of asepsis and antisepsis
Louis Pasteur
He has done extensive research into microorganisms and founded bacteriology
Robert Kooch
He is the first american psychiatrist
Benjamin Rush
He is the first prominent american physiologist
William Beaumonth
He is the foundation of the modern genetics - Experiments of heredity of plants
Gregor Mendel
He discovered X-rays
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
When was X-rays discovered
November 8, 1895
They both discovered radium
Pierre & Marie Curie
They provided foundation for the use of radioactivity in the treatment of disease
Pierre & Marie Curie
What era was Rudolf Virchow
19th Century
What era was Claude Bernard
19th Century
What era was Rene-Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec
19th Century
What era was Ephraim McDowell
19th Century
What era was Pierre and Marie Curie
19th Century
What is an eradicated yellow fever
Major Walter Reed
Father of Chemotherapy
Paul Ehrlich
What era is Paul Ehrlich
20th Century
What era was Major Walter Reed
20th Century
He did an extensive research of process in digestion
They invented the first artificial kidney which led to dialysis
He made the first electrocardiogram
Willem Einthoven
He invented the electroencephalogram
Hands Burger
Defined and isolated vitamins and described their role in life process
What era was surgical techniques were refined
20th Century
What year was the microscope invented
It is a virtually eliminated the scourge of poliomyelitis
Salk Vaccine
They accurately described deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule
Watson and Crick
When was Watson and Crick described the Deoxyribonucleic acid?
They performed the first successful human heart transplant
Christiaan Barnard
What era was Computers and Imaging equipment
20th Century
What era was Major transplants
20th Century
What era was Coronary Bypass Surgery
20th Century
What era was Arthroscopic surgery
20th Century
What era was Laparoscopic Surgery
20th Century
What era was Lithotripsy
20th Century
What era was Use of Lasers
20th Century
What era was Artificial Hips and knees
20th Century
What era was Plastic surgery
20th Century
What era was Rapid expansion of technology and information
21st Century
What era was Research into genetics has greatly expanded our knowledge about heredity
21st Century
What era was Biotechnology
21st Century
What era was Robotic Surgery
21st Century
What has Robotic Surgery has to offer (3 Advantages)
▫️ Less Blood
▫️Faster recovery of patients
▫️Fewer overall complications
What era was electrical conduction system of the heart has been mapped
21st Century
What era was Pavlov
20th Century
What era was Salk Vaccine
20th Century
What era was Christaan Barnard
20th Century
What era was Electron Microscope
20th Century
What era was Watson and Crick
20th Century
What era was Abel / Rowntree / and Turner
20th Century
What era was Hans Burger
20th Century
What era was Lind / Eijkman / Hopkins / Szent-Gyorgi and Funk
20th Century
They defined as “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
WHO (World Health Organization)
A condition if the living animal or plant body or one of it’s parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms.
Defines as death rates
Occurrence of disease or condition
What are the Risk Factors and Primary Causes of Death
▫️Heart Disease
▫️Cerebrovascular Disease
▫️Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
What are the primary factors of “Heart Disease”
▫️Sedentary Lifestyle
▫️Cigarette Smoking
What are the primary factors of “Cancer”
▫️High Cholesterol
What are the Primary Factors of “Cerebrovascular Disease”
▫️High Cholesterol
What are the Primary factors of “Accidents”
▫️Failure to use seatbelts
▫️High Alcohol Use
What are the Primary Factors of “Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease”
▫️Cigarette Smoking