Evolution Discoverers Flashcards
James Hutton (1726-1797)
Present day change is happening at the same gradual rate as before
George-Louis Leclerc (1707-1788)
Challenged idea of ‘life forms are unchanging’
Noted similarities between humans and apes
Thought Earth was more than 6000
Jean Lamarck (1744-1829)
Organisms become more complex and perfected
- Acquired Characteristics
- “use or disuse”
- “use or lose”
Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)
Limited by density-dependent factors
Pairs produce more offspring than sustainable… Survivors are limited
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)
- deeper fossils=more dissimilar
- new species moved in after old ones die, no evolution
Charles Lyell (1797-1875)
Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST GRADUALISM - change is slow & gradual Descent with Modification - random, no big plan
Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913)
Natural selection
What were Charles Darwin’s 4 main Ideas
1) Organisms produce more offspring, So they compete for resources
2) individuals within a pop. Vary
3) individuals with advantageous traits reproduce
4) slow and gradual
What are two theories to explain the rate if evolution?
1) Theory of gradualism (Darwin)
2) Theory of punctuated equilibrium (Niles Eldridge & Stephen Jay Gould)
What are the sources of evidence for evolution?
Fossils Biogeography Anatomy Embryology DNA
What is adaptive radiation?
A population adapts into many different species (they all have a common ancestor)
Is a type of allopatric radiation
Def. of paleontology
Def. of catastrophism
Def. of uniformitarianism
Def. of inheritance of acquired traits
Def. of theory of evolution by natural selection
Def. of survival of the fittest
Def. of descent with modification
How did the eye evolve
- Started as an opening that allowed brain to register light
- Covered with a film so that it could see shapes
- Filled by a liquid to create a lens making the object clearer (and upside down)
How does evolution affect HIV?
This evolutionary virus…