Evolution Basics Flashcards
genetic changes in a species/population of living things over generations
- requires optimal fitness which means adaptation to its environment
speciation and extinction
evolutionary Medicine
evolutionary methods used to understand disease and medicine
4 Key forces of Evolution
population genetics
mechanism for evolutionary change and has selective advantages
- example: skin pigmentation
- # 1 mechanism for variation
- most are neutral recessive or silent b/c variation must be compatible with life
- leads to new traits/diseases
certain genes are highly conserved across species b/c………..
they play a major role in body functions so not usually mutations here since it could cause death
- ex: HOX gene
- mutations happen in less crucial genes so its more compatible with life
fixed alleles
all other versions of the gene die out except for one, so a whole population could share that one gene
sexual reproduction
- 3 ways to get genetic diversity
sexual reproduction ensures genetic diversity and integrity through meiosis
1. independent assortment (chromosomes)
2. random fertilization: high # of chromosomes in egg/sperm
3. recombination: during meiosis swap genetic material to create variation
Skin Pigmentation
- folate and Vit D hypothesis explains the evolution of skin pigmentation
- UV light catalyzes synthesis of Vit D precursor in the skin from dehydrocholesterol
- used for bone development and calcium metabolism
- excessive UV exposure causes photolysis of folate and it’s deficiency
- less sun = need to absorb more UV light = less pigment = lighter skin tone
- more melanin = darker skin = more protection from UV rays so protects from folate depletion
3 Types of Selection
artificial: minimal genetic engineering or selection for certain traits by humans on other animals like dogs
natural: competition between and within a species and the environment restricts population growth
sexual: different sexual success within one species
4 effects of natural selection
- positive (bigger) or negative (smaller): like giraffe neck length increasing is +
- stabilizing (birth weight: which is associated with diabetes )
- balancing (ex: sickle cell anemia homo=bad, hetero=good)
4 disruptive which is selective against the mean (Darwin’s finches beaks became large or small depending on food source)
sexual selection
- Intrasexual competition
- leads to sexual dimorphism
one constraint is natural selection, like in peacocks if the tail is to large you cant run from predators - ex: male mortality
example of sexual selection
male mortality:
- males evolved to compete with other males to demonstrate they are the optimal mate but humans also live in a stable social group
- women live longer than men due to extrinsic causes like violence/aggression, smoking/alcohol, risk taking behavior
population genetics mechanisms
migration: certain ethnicities are prone to certain diseases /mutations b/c o genetics
gene flow: ppl carry alleles in their genome as the move from place to place
genetic drift: allele changes occur due to a random event
- founder effect: a population moves to a new area but the gene pool becomes limited
- bottle neck: large gene pool but an event happens where only a few survive and procreate to make a new population