Evolution Flashcards
Darwin’s theory of natural selection states…
…that all species of living things have evolved from simple life forms that first developed more than 3 billion years ago.
Why was the theory of natural selection only gradually accepted?
1) The theory challenged the existence of God.
2) There was insufficient evidence at the time of its writing.
3) The mechanism of inheritance was not discovered until 50 years after the theory.
Another theory of evolution at the time of Darwin?
Lamarck’s theory that changes to an organism during a lifetime can be inherited.
How can we classify organisms?
By studying the similarities and differences between them.
Classifying organisms allows us to…
…understand ecological and evolutionary relationships along with models which allow us to suggest relationships between organisms.
Evolution occurs by what process?
Natural selection.
Natural selection occurs when:
1) There is variation within a species.
2) Individuals with characteristics most suited to an environment are more likely to survive and breed successfully.
3) Genes that enable the individual to survive are passed to the next generation.
New forms of a gene occur when…
…a mutation occurs in a gene. This may cause rapid change to the species if the environment changes.