Evolution Flashcards
How old is planet Earth
4.54 Billion Years Old
How long has life been on Earth
3.5 to 4 Billion years ago
Name the scientists which have actually proven natural selection through their work with finches?
Peter and Rosemary Grant
Sometimes genes or chromosomes change which increases variety among the population. What do we call these genetic changes?
Identify the concept which identifies a particular allele becoming more or less common in a given population.
Allele frequency or gene frequency
What do we call the transfer of genes from one population to another within the same species?
Gene Flow
Name the common form of genetic recombination in which chromosomes overlap and exchange gene segments during meiosis.
What term do we use to describe all different alleles of genes which are found in a particular population?
Gene Pool
Sometimes the allele frequency of a population is stable. What do we call this stability?
Genetic Equilibrium
Genetic variation can possibly lead to either ______________________ or _________________________.
Adaptation or Evolution
What do we call the use of mutation rates in DNA to estimate the time a species evolved?
Molecular clock dating
Biological diversity is __________________ by the origin of new species but is ___________________ by the natural process of extinction.
Increased, Decreased
Sometimes the allele frequency can change as a result of exposure to pesticides and antibiotics. What do we call this change in allele frequency?
Selection pressure
Name the 3 major divisions of the Geologic Time Scale in decreasing order.
Eon, Era, Period
Identify 5 physical forces found on our planet.
Gravity, Electromagnetic Force, Weak nuclear Force, Strong nuclear force, Friction
What do we call those that study fossils and ancient rock?
What nickname do we give to specific fossils that are found in particular layers of sedimentary rock?
Index Fossils
What happened 2.2 Billion years ago that allowed life to form on Earth?
Great Oxidation Event
What do we call the form of dating Earth’s history using radioisotopes in proportion to stable isotopes?
Radiometric Dating
How many mass extinctions has our planet endured?
Five Mass Extinctions
Which 2 scientists proved that amino acids could form from gases in our Earth’s early atmosphere?
Stanley L Miller, and Harold C Urey
What do amino acids form when joined together?
Form Proteins
What do we call expected and gradual extinction?
Background Extinction.
Name the 3 major gasses we believe were present in our Earth’s early atmosphere?
Nitrogen (N2), Water Vapor (H2O), Carbon Dioxide (CO2).
After a mass extinction, we have a high rate of speciation since organisms can now fill the new niches. What do we call this time frame?
Adaptive Radiation
Name the slow and steady form of evolution which Darwin believed to be true.
Many scientists now believe in a slightly different theory of evolution in which evolution is steady but interrupted by rapid mass extinctions. Name this form of extinction.
Punctuated Equilibrium
Define bipedal locomotion.
An organism that moves with two legs
What is the scientific name of those who were considered to be the first handymen?
Homo Habilis
What is the scientific name of our most recent relatives?
What scientific name is given to those who first walked upright with a non-tilted pelvis?
Australopithecus afarensis
Our earliest pre-Homo “almost complete” fossil is of Australopithecus afarensis. What is her nickname?
What is the difference between coevolution and convergent evolution?
Coevolution describes the reciprocal influence of two or more species’ evolutionary trajectories due to close ecological interactions, while convergent evolution involves unrelated species independently evolving similar traits in response to similar environmental pressures.