Evoltuion Of The Universe Flashcards
1) t = 0
At t= 9 the universe existed as a singularity to , which sas if in Tokyo hot and dense
2) inflation
Then the universe expanded with rapid accerlwtion in a ohase cslled inflation .
Here the universe is concentrated with high energy gamma photons, no matter
3) first fundamental particles are made
Here leptons ( electrons, quakes) gain mass through a mechanisms involving Higgs body
4) hadrons?+ more mass
Then quakes combin with Esch other to form the first hsdrons ( neutrons and protons)
And more mass is made by PAIR PRODUCTION
5) AT TIME = 1S
At time = 1 s, all the matter in the h inverse is created k as temlertaure is cold
6) deuetui:
After matter is made, protons and neutrons furs ti form helium nuclei and also deuetmrium etc
7) at t = 380k years
At this point nuclei able to cslture electrons and the first atoms are made
Thr uniform radiation detected can be mircofves now , universe cooled down and gamma photons redshifted with expansion all the way to mricoews
7 steps remember
1) singularity
2) inflation ( all gamma photons )
3) first leptons gain mass through Higgs
4) then quarks combine to form hadrons, and mass is made through pair production
5) at t = 1 s, all thr matter in universe is made
6) protons and neutrons fuse with each other to form helium , deutelurm nuclei .
7) at t = 380k hears, nuclei are able to capture electrons it form atoms. Now thr universe has expanded so much that itscooled and gamma photons have red shifted to show microwsve background rsisoatm , which we still detected today