Evil and suffering Flashcards
What did C.S. Lewis say on the topic of evil?
‘Evil comes from the abuse of free will’
What is the logical problem of evil?
If God is omnipotent and omnibenevolent then how come evil exists?
What is J.L Mackie’s inconsistent triad
God is (A) omniscient/omnipotent and (b) omnibenevolent.
however evil (c) exists.
this means that either (a) or (b) must be logically inconsistent and therefore wrong.
What is the inconsistent triad?
As there is clear evidence of evil, if god cannot stop it, the is not all-powerful. or if god doesn’t care he is not loving and good therefore he either doesn’t exist, or he isn’t the god in the bible.
What did Epicurus say about the problem of evil?
’ is god willing to prevent evil but not able? then he is not omnipotent. is he able but not willing? then he is malevolent. is he both able and willing? then whence evil?
What did David Hume say about the problem of evil?
- Either god is not omnipotent/omniscient
or - god is not omnibenevolent
or - evil does not exist and since evil doesn’t exist then god does not.
What is the evidential problem of evil?
The existence of widespread evil and suffering in the world provides evidence against the existence of a traditional God. evil is strong empirical evidence that god does not exist.
What is solution 1 to the problem of evil?
Denying God’s omnipotence. if god is not omnipotent then he cannot control evil. (process theology)
Problems with solution 1?
- a god who is not omnipotent is not worthy of worship
- A non-omnipotent god would not be a god as omnipotence is a matter of faith
What is solution 2 to the problem of evil?
Denying God’s omnibenevolence. God does not stop evil because he is not all-loving.
Problems with solution 2?
The belief that god is good is a central belief to Christianity and life in heaven and it is a support to those who experience evil.
‘ god will wipe away every tear
What is solution 3 to the problem of evil?
Denying that evil exists. this is proposed by St.Augustine proposed that evil is simply a privation of good.
Problems with solution three?
Denying the reality of evil is not seen to be an acceptable solution. most people have experienced the power of evil and see it as tangible as goodness.
What does theodicy mean?
means ‘righteous god’ or ‘defence of god’ its an argument that suggests that god is right to allow the existence of evil and suffering because in one way or another, it is necessary.
What is the Augustinian theodicy?
God is just and allows suffering to happen as a punishment for evil sin.
In further detail what is the Augustinan theodicy?
when god created the world he made it perfect and therefore evil did not come from god - it came from the decisions made by humans. humans misuse our free will and use it to disobey god. Also evil is not a thing in itself, just a privation of good. afterwards, humans lost their immortality and Adam’s descendants inherited his first sin (original sin) because of this humans are inclined to make bad decisions and act immorally which results in evil.
What quote can be used to back up the Augustinian theodicy?
‘god saw all that he had made, and it was good.’ ‘all evil is either sin or the punishment of sin’
What are Schleiermacher’s criticisms of the Augustinian theodicy?
- If god had created a perfect world, then it could never go wrong
- If humans were able to choose evil then evil must’ve existed in the first place.
- if evil existed in the first place then the world wasn’t perfect and if the world wasn’t perfect then god is to blame for evil and suffering.
Other criticisms of the Augustinian theodicy.
- In nature suffering is vital for survival. : things must die so that others eat and live. god must’ve made the world this way.
- god is unjust in allowing humans to be punished for Adam’s sin.
- The existence of hell as a place of punishment contradicts God’s loving nature.
- if hell was part of the design of God’s universe and god knew that the fall would happen, why did he allow it to happen.?
What is the Irenean theodicy?
God deliberately made the world Imperfect so that humans could through trial and adversity become perfect human beings God created the world to be imperfect from the start. this imperfection allows humans to develop from the image of god to the likeness of god. Perfection has to be developed by humans themselves through free will.