Evil and Suffering Flashcards
What is the fall in Christianity?
When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden.
What are the three poisons of Buddhism?
Greed, Hatred and delusion
What is the Inconsistant triad?
The Argument that God can’t possibly exist because how can he be omnipotent and omnibelevolent if evil exists in the world
What is Samsara?
Samsara is the Buddhist belief of birth , death and re-birth
How do Buddhists escape Samsara?
By ending their cravings, craving and desiring things cause us to be reborn again and again.
What happens when you were bad during your life according to Buddhists?
You will have a lower rebirth meaning you will suffer more pain and difficulties.
What is enlightenment in Buddhism?
Enlightenment is when someone understands spiritual teachings, for example how their actions have hurt someone. This enlightenment is called Tanha.
What is the ultimate goal of Buddhism?
Their ultimate goal is to achieve Nibanna which is freedom from the cycle of samsara (rebirth)
What do these 3 poisons cause us to do?
They cause us to hurt others and harm ourselves through cravings.
How would you describe the world that God made for Adam and Eve?
Like Paradise
What did God tell Adam and Eve and the fruits in the Garden?
That they could eat any fruit apart from Apples from the apple tree.
Who had been in the garden longer Adam or Eve?
What Did the snake say to Eve?
The snake told Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
What were the consequences of Eve eating the forbidden fruit?
Adam and Eve were kicked out the Garden of Eden.
What does omnibenevolent mean?
All loving
What does omnipotent mean?
Unlimited power.
What does Omnipresent mean?
All present.
What are the 4 Islamic responses for evil and suffering?
Allah has a plan, suffering is a test, good can come from suffering, shaytan (the devil)
What do Muslims mean when they say Allah has a plan?
They think that all of life is planned by Allah meaning all evil and suffering is all part of his great plan.
What does inshallah mean?
If Allah is willing, Muslims say this when making plans.
What do Muslims mean by saying suffering is a test?
Msulims believe that on the day of judgedemt they will be accounted for everything bad and good they have done in their life. This means they believe that the suffering and evil they face will show their faith to Allah.
What do Muslims mean by saying Good can come from suffering?
They are saying that by enduring suffering and difficulties something good will happen in their lives.
What do Baha’i’s believe about evil spirits/entities?
They don’t exist and that “Satan” is a symbol that refers to the bad parts of human nature
What do Muslims mean by saying shaytan causes suffering?
Shaytan is the devil and Muslims believe that he causes evil and suffering.
What do Bahai’s believe about evil?
Humans are the cause of all evil