Evidence Of Male Disadvantage (Workplace, Education, Media, Crime) Flashcards
Dermott - workplace
Men work longer hours than women, regardless of the status as fathers
Farrell - Workplace
Glass cellar, equals 25 professions ranked low, 24 of them are 85 to 100% male dominated
Benatar - Workplace
The second sexism state, the least desirable, and most dangerous jobs with the least pay and security remain largely the domain of men
Willis - education
Working class, lads are fatalistic about their features due to following in the fathers footsteps, low status, low paid, basic manual, labour jobs
Willis - education
Working class, lads are fatalistic about their features due to following in the fathers footsteps, low status, low paid, basic manual, labour jobs
Mitsos and Browne - education
Treat males and females differently, cause inequality for boys state that teachers are too lenient on Laddish behaviour of boys and that this can do them a disservice
Department for education
2019, 71.9% of female students achieved the C/4 grade in comparison to 62.9% of male student to achieved a C/4 grade. Females also are perform males in the 7/Aboundary
Sewell - Media
Black Caribbean, boys turned up a role models, lack of father figure within their home. Hyper masculine negative role models.
Easthorpe - Media
Hollywood films in computer games, transmit the view that masculinity based based on strength, aggression, competition, and violence
Reach media monitoring project - media
Coverage of black young males in the news often links them with violent crime and particularly murders involving knives and/or gangs
Messerschmidt - Crime
Don’t act as a location for doing masculinity, which has to be accomplished or approved
Campbell - Crime
Denying men access to legitimate, masculine status to academic success, or breadwinner roll.
Deviance and antisocial behaviour = he means for young males to express their masculinity.
Faludi - Crime
Committing criminal behaviour is not deviance at all, but an expression of the qualities we admire in males. Masculinity as an excuse for criminality and toughness and bravery