Evidence of Counter-urbanisation (Leire) Flashcards
Where is Leire Located?
Leire is a village in south Leicestershire, approximately 18km from the city of Leicester.
What is the nearest city to the village Leire?
How has the population Of Leire Changed?
Since 1981, the population of Leire has changed from 284 to approximately 600.
How has the quantity of Housing changed?
In 1981 there were 82 houses and in 2001 there were 216 houses
The average 4 bedroom home house price in Leire.
over half a million pounds
The average house price in leicester
House price
Where has the housing been built?
Between 1950 and 1980, development happened on the edge of the city, taking place on farmland. Since then, development has taken place on an old industrial estate.
The process by which an increasing number of people live within the countryside rather than in towns or cities
Why is counter urbanisation occuring?
- Increased car ownership
- Better roads and transport facilities (tecnological improvements means that employment can still be accessed due to a daily commute)
- Commute to work, to use services and leisure facilities
- More dolla dolla
- Longer holidays
Pull factors for rural areas which lead to Counter-urbanisation
-less sound, noise and air pollution
- more afforable house prices and larger houses
- a more attractive
Push factors of urban areas which lead to Counter-urbanisation.
-economic decline
-restriction of hobbies