Evidence Disposition Definitions Flashcards
A sergeant or above who is responsible for approving electronic disposition requests sent by the authorizing investigator
Approving supervisor
The investigative department member responsible for the completing the EDR
Authorizing investigator
The status of an item in the evidence management system authorizing its disposal
A status assigned to impounded property and evidence by utilizing investigative tools to determine if associated evidence items need to be retained for a longer period or if they may be scheduled in the evidence management system to retain them for a longer period, to release, or to dispose
Disposition of evidence
The means by which the statuses of times are changed in the evidence management system to retain them for a longer period, to release or to dispose. An EDR is created automatically by the evidence management system or by evidence vault personnel, and it is electronically routed to the responsible section to be completed by investigators. An EDR is also created by investigators when they proactively disposition items.
Electronic disposition request. EDR
A queue in the evidence management system for the approving supervisor to review and approve the EDRs
Evidence approval queue
A queue in the evidence management system for the individual investigator to disposition property and evidence by completing the EDR
Evidence EDR queue
The person responsible for monitoring the EDR forwarding queue and sends the EDR to the responsible investigator
Evidence forwarding liaison
A queue in the evidence management system that receives all disposition requests sent to the responsible investigative section and handled by the forwarding liaison
Evidence forwarding queue
A queue in the evidence management system where all dispositioned firearms and ammunition are electronically routed for final approval by the gun disposition detail
Firearm approval queue
The default status when an item is entered into the evidence management system. The time will be retained until it’s status is changed
Computer systems available for investigators to research the details of events and any associated cases. Such systems include the evidence management system, accurint, cad, city municipal system, eighth judicial district court portal, jlink dmv, III, NCIC, NCJIS, Justice court, onbase, P1 and scope
Investigative tools
The status of an item in the evidence management system authorizing its release to the claimant
Release to claimant
The status of an item in the evidence management system authorizing its disposal after a predetermined period
Time dispose
The status of an item in the evidence management system when it still needs to be retained for a predetermined period
Time hold
The status of an item in the evidence management system authorizing its release to the claimant after a predetermined period
Time release