Evidence-Based Assessment Questions Flashcards
Assessment: Collection of data about a person’s health.
Biomedical Model: The Western European/North American view that health is the absence of disease.
Complete database: A complete health history and full physical examination.
Critical Thinking: Problem solving and improving one’s own thinking ability at the same time.
Diagnostic reasoning: Method of collecting and analyzing clinical information including these components: initial available cues, formulating a diagnostic hypothesis, gathering data, evaluating the hypothesis with new data, and arriving at a final diagnosis.
Emergency database: Rapid collection compiled concurrently with lie-saving measures
Example of SOAP
Evidence-based practice: A systematic approach emphasizing the best research evidence, the clinician’s experience, patient preferences and values, and physical examination and assessment.
SBAR for Nurses
Subjective Objective Assessment Plan Intervention Evaluation Revision
Cultural Competence Information
Be open to people who are different from you, have a curiosity about people and become culturally competent. The United States is becoming more diverse not only through globalization and immigration, but also because of more increasing acceptance of diverse lifestyle choices. A key to understanding cultural diversity is self-awareness and knowledge of one’s own culture. Nursing and heath care professionals also are a part of a subculture. A cultural assessment must be an integral component of a complete physical and health assessment.
Healthy People 2020
The purposes of Healthy People 2020 are to address the multiple determinants of health and evaluate interventions. For the past two decades, the goals of Healthy People have been to eliminate health disparities. Healthy People defines a health disparity as “a particular type of health difference that is closely linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage. Health disparities adversely affect groups of people who have experienced greater obstacles to health based on ethnic group, religion, socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, geographic location or other characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion.
Healthcare Disparities Among Vulnerable Populations
Health care disparities affect people who experience social, economic, and environmental disadvantage. These “vulnerable populations” include ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and the LGBT community. Health care disparities can be measured by comparing the percent of difference from one group to the best group rate of disease. Non-Hispanic Whites had the highest rates of all racial and ethnic groups in drug-induced deaths and death from cirrhosis, death by poisoning, smoking in pregnant women, physical assault, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), binge drinking among high school seniors, firearm related deaths, steroid use among 10th graders, and prostate cancer deaths. Few of the differences in health between ethic and racial groups have a biologic basis but rather pertain to the social determinants of health.
Culture and Culture Related Concepts
Culture: A pattern of shared attitudes, beliefs, norms, roles and values that can occur among those who speak a particular language or live in a defined geographic location.
Ethnicity: A social group that may possess shared traits such as a common geographic origin, migratory status, religion, language, values, traditions, and food preferences.
Acculturation: Process of social and psychological exchanges that take place when there are ongoing encounters between individuals of different cultures with subsequent changes in both groups.
Acculturative Stress: Losses and changes that occur when adjusting to a new system of beliefs, routines, and social roles.
Biculturalism and Integration: Bidirectional and bi-dimensional: Rather than solely relying on assimilation, new immigrants developed new means of forging identities between the country of origin and the host country.
Difference between religion and spirituality
Religion and Spirituality: Spirituality is born out of each person’s unique life experience in his personal effort to find purpose and meaning in life. Religion refers to an organized system of beliefs about the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe or a belief in a divine and higher power.
The Concept of Health and healing has evolved in recent years. Which is the best description of health?
Health depends on an interaction of mind, body, and spirit within the environment.
Which would be included in the database for a new patient admission to a surgical unit?
All subjective and objective data, data gathered from a patient, and the results of any laboratory or diagnostic studies completed
You are reviewing assessment data of a 45-year old male patient and note pain of 8 on a scale of 10, labored breathing, and pale skin color on the EHR. This documentation is an example of:
Data Cluster
A patient is in the emergency department with naseau and vomiting. Which would you include you include in the database?
A diet and GI history
A patient has recently recieved health insurance and would like to know how often he should visit the provider. How do you respond?
You visits may vary depending on level of wellness
You are reviewing concepts related to steps in the nursing process for determining prioritization and developing patient outcomes. To what are these actions?
Which best describes evidence-based nursing practice?
Combining clinical expertise with the use of nursing research to provide the best care for the patients values and circumstances
What can be determined when the nurse clusters data as part of the critical-thinking process?
The nurse recognizes relevant information among the data
A patient says she is very nervous and nauseated, and she feels as if she will vomit. This data would be what type of data?
The expert nurse differs from the novice nurse by acting without consciously thinking about the actions. This is referred to as:
Which would be considered a risk diagnosis?
Identifying potential problems the individual may develop
Which would be included in a holistic model of assessment?
A patient’s perception of his or her health status
The nurse uses health promotion activities with a new patient. What would this focus include?
The nurse would empower the patient to choose a healthier lifestyle
Which is an example of objective data?
2-X 5cm scar present on the right lower forearm
Which statement best describes religion?
An organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe
The major factor contributing to the need for cultural care nursing is:
Demographic Change
The term culturally competent implies that the nurse:
Understands the cultural context of the patient’s situation.
You are the triage nurse in the emergency department and perform the initial intake assessment on a patient who does not speak English. Based on your understanding of linguistic competence, which action would present as a barrier to effective communication?
Providing the patient with a paper and pencil so he or she can write down the answers to the questions that you are going to talk.
Which culture would describe illness as hot and cold imbalance?
Hispanic-American heritage
Of what does the patient believe the amulet is protective?
The Evil Eye
Which statement best illustrates the difference between religion and spirituality?
Religion is characterized by identification of a higher being shaping one’s destiny whereas spiritualy reflects an individual’s perception of one’s life having worth or meaning.
The first step to cultural competency by a nurse is to
Understand your own heritage and its basis in culteral values
Which statement is true in regard to pain?
The cultural background of a patient is important in a nurse’s assessment of that patient’s pain.
Which factor is identified as a priority influence on a patient’s health status?
Which statement is most appropriate to use when initiating an assessment of cultural beliefs with an older American Indian patient?
What cultural or spiritual beliefs are important to you?”
Which statement best describes ethnocentrism?
The tendency to view your own way of life as the most desirable
Which category is appropriate in a cultural assessment?
Health-related beliefs
Which health belief practice is associated with patients who are of American Indian heritage?
Believing that forces of nature must be kept in natural balance
Which statement best reflects the Magicoreligious causation of illness?
Belief in the struggle between good and evil is reflected in the regulation of health and illness