Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot Flashcards
Speed Limits: In the United States
Mach 1 (91.817)
Unless you have a special flight authorization - 91.818
Speed Limits: Above 10,000
Unrestricted (below Mach 1)
Speed Limits: Procedure Turns
200 KIAS
Speed Limits: Class C
200 KIAS
(At or below 2,500’ AGL within 4 NM of the airport)
If a controller issues a speed restriction while vectoring you and then gives you an altitude change, does the speed restriction still apply?
Yes (AIM 4-4-12)
Can you exceed 250 KIAS below 10,000’ if ATC says “Maintain Best Forward Speed”?
ATC does not have the authority to lift the 250 below 10,000 speed restriction.
If a controller assigns a speed above 250 while at or above 10,000’, and then later issues of descent below 10,000 feet, it is understood that you must SLOW to _______ BEFORE descending below 10,000’.
250 KIAS
Can ATC in a class C or D assign you a speed greater than 200?
Any speed deviation above 200 must be specifically assigned by ATC (“…maintain 220 knots.”)
What are your max holding speeds and what are the altitudes?
0 - 6,000 : 200
6,001 - 14,000 : 230
14,001 and above : 265
How many degrees per second is a standard rate turn?
3 degrees per second or 25 degrees of bank
When assigned a hold still many miles from the fix, is it smart to ask for a speed reduction immediately?
This will save fuel, reduce your time in the hold, or possibly eliminate the need for the hold all together.
What is the length of time for the inbound leg of a hold? (Hint: there are 2)
At or below 14,000’ : 1 min
Above 14,000’ : 1 1/2 min
Standard turns in a holding pattern is to which direction?
Right Turns!
What approach category are we if we are flying Vref +10 (ie. 135 KIAS) throughout the approach?
Category A (0-90)
Category B (91-120)
Category C (121-140)
Category D (141-165)
Category E (Abv 165)
What approach category are we if we will be circling at Vref +20 (ie. 145)?
Category A (0-90)
Category B (91-120)
Category C (121-140)
Category D (141-165)
Category E (Abv 165)
What is the ATC guideline when assigning Speed Adjustments to… Arriving Turbojets below 10,000’?
AIM 4-4-12
Between FL280 and 10,000’, no less than 250 kts.
Below 10,000’…not less than 210 kts, except when within 20 miles of the landing airport, then not less than 170 kts.
To us pilots, this means - fly as fast as practical (within speed limits) unless ATC asks you to adjust.