Everything bruh Flashcards
What Is the Foreword of Zeta Phi Eta?
Zeta Phi Eta, as a national organization, is only as strong as its campus and professional chapters. The chapter is only as strong as it’s individual members. What you gain from your membership in Zeta Phi Eta will depend upon what you contribute in terms or enthusiasm, interest and service
History of Zeta Phi Eta
Zeta Phi Eta, national professional fraternity in communication arts and sciences, the oldest national group of its kind, was founded at Northwestern University on Oct. 10, 1893, under the inspiration and guidance of Dr. Robert McLean Cumnock.
Five founders:
Edith De Vore Maud Newell Mollie Connor Leila Little Laurine Wright
What are the Purposes?
- To band together individuals committed to high standards in communication arts and sciences
- To provide opportunities for sharing professional interests through participation in worthwhile activities in the fields of communication
- To provide a climate in which members may develop sound professional philosophies
- To stimulate and encourage all worthy enterprises in communication fields
What are the Policies?
- The keep the fraternity professional in character
- To establish chapters only in accredited colleges or universities maintaining one or more recognized departments of communication arts and/or sciences
- To encourage a balanced membership engaged in the different fields of communication arts and sciences
- To make the fraternity a professional aid and stimulus after graduation
What are the Growths?
- The fraternity was incorporated under the laws of the state of Illinois on June 25th 1902
2 In 1908 Zeta Phi Eta affiliated with Phi Eta Sigma, a local organization founded in 1901 at Emerson college, Boston Massachusetts. In affiliation, the chapter at Boston became Alpha, and the one at Evanston, Beta. The cameo and pearl pin of Alpha became the official badge and the shield and torch of Beta became the coat of arms
- Zeta Phi Eta has since expanded its area of interest in the field to include all communication arts and sciences
- As of 1975, zeta Phi ETA’s bylaws were amended to include men in its membership
Who wrote the Zeta Phi Eta Symphony?
Lillian Gayton McCarthy. Beta
You should freakin know it.
What is the badge?
There shall be two regulation badges: one a rose-colored cameo carved with the Greek letters Zeta Phi Eta in relief, the cameo to be surrounded by 23 pearls or a gold band, the other, to have no cameo, but made in the shape o the regulation cameo with just the Greek letters Zeta Phi Eta in raised letters. Either badge may be made into lapel pin, ring or charm.
Coat of arms
The coat of arms shall be a gold shield crossed with a bar of white bearing the letters Zeta Phi Eta and supporting a torch, the shield to be surrounded by laurel wreath
What is the recognition and honorary pin?
The official honorary and recognition pin is the coat of arms
What are the colors?
The official colors are rose, white and maroon.
The official flower is the la France Rose, which is a pale pink rose
What is the official flag?
The official flag of Zeta Phi Eta consists of white satin; the coat of arms in gold satin will be appliquéd on the white, in the center, with the top of the shield parallel to the length. The width is to be two thirds of the length and the flag is edged with gold fringe on all four sides
What is the certificate of initiation?
A wallet size membership card bearing the coat of arms and a certificate of membership bearing the official seal of the fraternity shall be presented to each initiate at the time of initiation.
What are the Traditions?
- Founders day is observed on or near Oct. 10th each year. This time is set aside to honor the five women whose initiative and vision are responsible for the creation of Zeta Phi Eta.
- A memorial service is held for those Zetas who have passed away during the biennium National Convention
- Membership in Zeta Phi Eta, national professional fraternity in communication arts and sciences should be listed among a member’a credits in any publicity
- When a national officer visits, the chapter should make every effort to arrange transportation to and from the airport, as well as plan a social gathering to which all members are present including professional members who live in the vicinity. No member of the chapter’s executive committee should be absent from such a meeting.
- A chapter advisor(faculty and/or alumnus) is chosen due to specific qualifications and an interest in the chapter. The advisor should be a member of the chapter’s executive committee.
- Each zeta Phi Eta chapter has certain obligations to the department to which it exists. The chapter should give loyal support and aid to the administration, foster sound scholarship and participate in the activities of the department. Each chapter should establish a reputation for responsibility, dependability and unquestionable honesty and honor, and should encourage individual members to develop a sense of responsibility to the college and society in general
What are the article names and their subsections?
- Organization name
- Mission and goals
Subsection 1:Mission
Subsection 2: goals
Subsection 3: Governing Authority - Membership
Subsection 1: Membership statement
Subsection 2: additional membership requirements
Subsection 3: voting rights
Subsection 4: revocation of membership
Subsection 5: Reinstatement of membership
Subsection 6: recruitment
4. Officers Subsection 1: eligibility Subsection 2: additional eligibility Criteria Subsection 3: officer requirements Subsection 4: Titles and Duties Subsection 5: voting rights Subsection 6: term of office
5. Selection of officers Subsection 1: announcements of elections Subsection 2: Nomination Process Subsection 3: election process Subsection 4: Installation of officers Subsection 5: Re-election
- Officer vacancies
Subsection 1: Removal of officers
Subsection 2: Resignation
Subsection 3: Filling Vacant Officer Positions
7. Meetings Subsection 1: Membership Meetings Subsection 2: Officer Meetings Subsection 3: Calling Meetings Subsection 4: Meeting Procedure
8. Advisor Subsection 1: Selection Subsection 2: Role and Authority Subsection 3: Length of Term Subsection 4: Removal and Replacement of Advisor
- Finances
Subsection 1: Membership Dues
Subsection 2: Budget Approval - External affiliations
- Committees
- Publications and advertising
Subsection 1: Compliance
Subsection 2: Approval - Ratification and empowerment
Subsection 1: Ratification
Subsection 2: Empowerment - Risk management
Subsection 1: general - Amendments
What is article 1 meaning?
The name of this organization shall be Zeta Phi Eta, national professional fraternity in communication arts and sciences. The organization may also refer to itself as Zeta Phi Eta, Zeta Phi Eta at UCF or simply Zeta.
What are the subsection for article 2? (Verbatim) AKA What are the Mission and Goals?
First off: Mission.
Section 1: Mission
The mission of Zeta Phi Eta is to band together individuals committed to high standards in communication arts and sciences, while providing opportunities for sharing professional interests through participation in worthwhile activities in the fields of communication. It will provide a climate in which members may develop sound professional philosophies while stimulating and encouraging all worthy enterprises in the communication fields.
What are the subsection for article 2? (Verbatim) AKA What are the Mission and Goals?
Second: Goal?
Section 2: Goals
In the alignment with the mission statement of Zeta Phi Eta, our goals and policies are to always keep the fraternity professional in nature, to encourage a balanced membership engaged in the different fields of communication arts and sciences; and to make the fraternity a professional aid and stimulus.
Although it’s not in the old binder the new binder has it.
What are the four national projects?
- The national library project
- The national service project
- Reading for the blind
- As you like it cookbook
Not in the old binder but in the new one posted on FB
What are the national awards?
- The national council achievement award
- The distinguished service award
- The outstanding professional member award
- The chapter presentation award
- The campus chapter achievement award
- The professional chapter achievement award
Name four Task that the CEO has to perform.
Ensure that all officers are performing their duties as defined in this constitution
Provide all documents and records pertaining to their responsibilities to the newly elected CEO
Assign and assist in special projects to officers
Supervise and coordinate the activities of the organization
Four Task for COO
Assume the CEO’s responsibilities in their absence
Keep accurate records of all meetings in the CAO’s absence
Coordinate all conferences
Assist the CEO in their duties
Four Task for the CRO
Oversee the prospective member committee
Maintain all prospective members documents and binders
Check all prospective member assignments
Assign and approve all Prospective member assignments
Four Task for CFO
Keep the chapter’s finances in accordance with the budget
Be responsible for collecting dues and notifying members who are delinquent in their payments
Keep an accurate account of all funds received and expended
Be well informed on amount of orientation fee, initiation fee, and dues at both local and national level
Four Task for CAO
Maintain accurate list of members and their contact information
Check eligibility for potential officers, prior to annual elections
Keep accurate minutes and recordings of all meetings
Keep copy of constitution and have available for members
Four tasks for CCO
Oversee organization of rush events in conjunction with the CROs
Be responsible for all marketing, public relations, and advertising affairs of the fraternity
Manage social media platforms
Submit proposal for their portion of the semester budget
Four Task for CNO
Regularly plan volunteer and fundraising events
Obtain speakers and organize lectures for chapter at least once per month
Maintain contact with the organization’s philanthropy
Plan at least one major philanthropic event per semester
Eligible degrees that are not main ones
- Mass communications:Deaf Education
- Theatre Studies: Acting
- Communication Sciences Studies: Communication Disorders
- Writing and publishing studies: Poetry