Everything About Meiosis Flashcards
Cells without specific instructions and can become any type of cell needed by the organism
Stem cells
What do stem cells get instructions from?
Protein switches
What are the things in the stem cell that give instructions to the stem cell
Protein switches
What happens in meiosis 1
Separation of homologus chromosomes
How many chromosomes does each gamete carry
1 chromosome from each gamete is about…
The gender of the child
Chromosomes that are alike in length, placement of the centromere, and genetic info contained
Homologus chromosomes
The phase directly after fertilization
The combining of DNA from x and the DNA from y
What happens on prophase 1
The sister chromatids from mom are attracted to the sister chromatids from dad
This is what enables a population to be healthy, have less chance of a defect passed on to the next generation.
Genetic diversity
This is when two homologus chromosomes from two parents wrap around each other and exchange information
Crossing over
What is the goal for meiosis
To make gamete
What happens in metaphase 1
Centrioles go to opostite sides of the cell and homologus chromosomes line up down the center of the cell
What happens in anaphase 1
Centrioles put out spindle fibers which attach to individual centromeres, and the spindle fibers separate the homologus chromosome pairs and an equatorial plate forms
What happens in telophase 1
The expanding cell separates into two daughter cells, each containing 23 sister chromatids
And the nuclear membrane reforms
What happens right after the cell begins meiosis 2
The cell goes into interphase
What happens in interphase 2
The two daughter cells gather energy by using metabolism
What happens in prophase 2
The centrioles replicate
They make new spindle fibers
Nuclear membrane disappears in each cell
What is the goal for meiosis 2
To make gamete
What happens in metaphase 2
Sister chromatids line up down the center of the cell
What happens in anaphase 2
Each cell stretches and an equatorial plate forms.
Chromosomes are pulled to opposite sides of the cell
What happens in telophase 2
4 daughter cells are formed
Nuclear membrane reforms
Chromosomes turn back into chromatin
Chromosomes move inside the membrane
What are cells that have half the amount of chromosomes as a fertilized egg
Haploid cells
A change In either a chromosome or in the meiosis process which can make a chromosome defective or different than the way it started.
Some are harmful, some aren’t
A mutation
A loss of a piece of a chromosome due to chromosomal breakage
A chromosome mutation in which a chromosome segment breaks off and then reattaches in reverse to the same chromosome
When a chromosome piece breaks off and reattaches to another
The failure of a chromosome to separate from its pair during meiosis
If the centromere is in the center of the chromosome it is…
If the centromere is at the end of the chromosome it is…
If the centromere is between the end and the middle of the chromosome it is…
What are the two numerical mutations
Trisomy and monosomy
What are the 4 structural mutations
An organism with two different genotypes
What is the process of staining chromosomes and viewing the using an oil immersion lens on a compound microscope