Everything Flashcards
A cluster of data centers
Availability Zones
Each region has many AZs. Each AZ has one or more discrete data centers with redundant power, networking, and connectivity.
3 Options to access AWS:
1) AWS Console - protected by password and MFA
2) (CLI) Command Line Interface - protected by access keys
3) (SDK) Software Developer Kit - for CODE, protected by access keys
AWS Cloudshell
(Account- Level)
Way to access AWS. An alternative to installing CLI is Cloudshell.
Quicker & easier.
Allows you to run AWS commands from the browser
IAM Credentials Report
audit permissions of your account
report lists users and status of credentials
IAM Access Advisor
Shows the service permissions granted to a user and when those services were last accessed (can use this info to revise policies)
Is EC2 PaaS, Iaas, or Saas?
IaaS - Infrastructure as a service.
Renting virtual machines (BRAIN)
EBS Volumes
“Elastic Block Storage”
Storing data on virtual network drives
Network drive you can attach to your instances while they run & allows you instance to persist data
- One instance at a time (2 EBS can be on 1 instance)(they can also standalone/not attached at all)
- One AZ
Distributing loads across machines
(Scalability) Horizontal
ELBs are servers that forward internet traffic to multiple servers (EC2 instances) downstream
Scaling the services using auto-scaling groups
Horizontal scalability
EC2 Reserved Instances
*Like a “soft” version of a dedicated host
75% discount compared to on-demand
reserve a specific instance type
recommended for steady-state usage applications (like databases)
EC2 Dedicated Hosts
a PYSICAL server with EC2 instance capacity dedicated to your use
- helps address compliance requirements
- (BYOL) Bring your own license
- more expensive $
- 3 years
Security Groups
firewall attached to the EC2 instance
To move an EBS volume from one AZ to another, you first have to snapshot it
It’s for a backup anytime you want
JSON Documents
IAM - can be assigned to users and groups allowing users to use certain services in AWS
*policies define the permissions to users
“Amazon Machine Image”
A CUSTOMIZATION of an EC2 instance - create ready to use EC2 instances with our customizations
built region specific (1 region)
EC2 Image Builder
used to automate the creation of Virtual Machines or container images
Automatically build, test, and distribute AMIs in multiple regions
Free service
Allows to be truly global
“Elastic File System”
NETWORK/Shared file system
Storage that can be mounted to HUNDREDS of instances at a time
Multiple AZs
Highly scalable. No capacity planning
EC2 Instance Store
Storage for EC2
High performance hardware disk attached to our EC2 instance
lost if the EC2 instance is stopped/terminated
Vertical Scalability
increase the size of the instance
ex: change from t2.micro –> t2.large
Usually a limit on how much you can vertically scale b/c of HARDWARE
Horizontal Scalability
increase the NUMBER of instance for an application (rather than size)
ex: auto-scaling group (ASG) & load balancer (ELB)
High Availability
Goal to survive a data center loss (Disaster)
ability to accommodate a larger load by making the HARDWARE stronger (scale up) or by adding nodes (scale out)
Cloud-friendly, match demand, optimize costs
means that there will be some auto-scaling based on load
DISTRACTOR - not related to scalability or elasticity
means new IT resources are only a click away in the cloud
Is Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) managed or not managed?
Auto-Scaling Groups
in the cloud you can create and get rid of servers quickly – as load on your websites and applications change
infinite scaling!
S3 allows people to store “objects” (files) in buckets (directories)
must have globally unique name
defined at the region level
buckets are created in a region
How to encrypt in S3?
Encrypt objects in Amazon S3 using encryption keys
S3 Websites
S3 can host STATIC websites and have them accessible on the www.
Why is it best to use S3 Versioning?
- protects against unintended deletes (ability to respond to a version)
- easy to roll back to previous version
- suspending versions does NOT delete the previous versions
S3 Access Logs
- for audit purposes
- log all access to S3 buckets
- any request make to S3 from any account (authorized or denied)
- helpful to figure out the root cause of an issues, audit usage, view suspicious patterns
S3 Replication
Cross-region replication
Use Cases = compliance, lowering latency access, replication accounts accounts
S3 Replication
Same-region replication
Use Cases = log aggregation, live replication between production and test accounts
S3 Storage Classes:
S3 Standard - General Purposes
99.999% availability
used for frequently access data
low latency
sustains 2 concurrent facility failures
Use Case = big data analytics, mobile and gaming apps, content distribution
S3 Storage Classes:
S3 Standard - Infrequent Access (IA)
for data less frequently accessed, but requires rapid access when needed
lower 99.9% availability
lower cost compared to standard
retrieval fee
sustains 2 concurrent facility failures
Use Case = disaster recovery, backup
S3 Storage Classes:
S3 Intelligent-Tiering
99.9% availability
Cost-Optimized - by automatically moving objects between two access tiers based on changing access patterns: frequent & infrequent
Resilient against events that impact entire AZs
S3 Storage Classes:
S3 One Zone - Infrequent Access (IA)
Same as reg infrequent access, but data stores in a single AZ
99.5% availability
lower cost than S3-IA (by 20%)
Use Case = storing secondary backup data copies of on-prem data
Amazon Glacier
low cost object storage
meant for archiving & backup
data retained for years
various retrieval options of time & fees
Glacier Deep Archive
standard: 12 hours
bulk: 48 hours
S3 Lifecycle Rules
transition objects between classes
S3 Glacier Vault Lock/ S3 Object Lock
WORM - write once read many
Snow family
physical device to import data
edge computing
Software to manager Snow family devices
Storage Gateway
Hybrid solution to extend/bridge on-prem storage to S3
Relational Databases
looks like excel spreadsheets “sequal”
perform queries/lookups
not sequal not relational FLEXIBLE Scalable High performance
ex: JSON is a common form of data in NoSQL
If a Database is AWS managed, what is AWS responsibility?
automatic backup, restore, upgrades
monitoring alerts
In memory database
helps reduce load of databases for read intensive workloads
faster than main RDS database for read/write
Serverless database
Key/value database
NoSQL - not relational
scales MASSIVE workloads, low latency
Dynamo DB accelerator
use instead of Elasticash for DynamoDB only
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Analytics & data warehousing
(ex: Tableau integrated with it)
Elastic Map Reduce
HADOOP CLUSTERS (for big data)
Serverless database
used to query data in S3