Everything Flashcards
Lucid interval
Extradural haemorrhage
Asthma exacerbation most likely to cause what emergency resp pathology?
17yo girl loses vision after seeing RTA
Acute stress reaction
Lung Ca on CXR
Flushing due to 5HT from carcinoid
Hyponatremia cranial cause
Severe unilat headache, photophobia
Poor prognostic factor in ICU pt who is intubated
2.5cm breast lump w septum
breast cyst
intermittent breast bleeding
duct papilloma
Palliative care, breathlessness tx
non haemolytic febrile rxn, increase in temp when giving blood products
give paracetemol
glaucoma presentation
headache, unilat poor vision over few days
red, fixed, dilated pupil
pt consumes alcohol, headache, nausea, vomiting - what is ABG
normal O2, low CO2, met acidosis w raised anion gap
tx for complete heart block
VT on ECG, BP 80/60 tx
ketones from breakdown of fat or protein?
Artery supplying L colon
Severe epigastric pain, collapsed, regains consciousness after fluid BP 56/40
woman w palm laceration, weak flexion of MCP, PIP middle finger, which muscle affected
flexor digitorum superficialis
what are lumbricals
intrinsic hadn muscles, flex MCPJ and extend IPJ
haemarthrosis and pain on lat aspect of knee
ACL > Collateral
Achillies tendon rupture IX
diabetes w slurred speech, most important IX
repeated DM with slurred speech
gram pos diplococcus cause of pneumonia
streptococus pnuemoniae
gram neg diplo cause of STI
neisseria gonorrhoea
Hypotensive, bradycardia, unresponsive to 500mg atropine, ECG:
Transcutaenous pacing
Perforated diverticulitis, unwell, surgery of choice?
Obese, diabetic, 3w oedema, hyperlipidaemia, protein 4+, cause of hyperlipidaemia
nephrotic syndrome
man comes in after RTA, unconscious, pulseless, not breathing, chest compressions, ECG shows VT
Unsynchronised 360J shock
man comes to ED, unproteced anal sex, wants pill to stop getting HIV, what is the time limit for HIV PEP
11yo anorexia in about to die can be fed agains her will under which legal framework
teen, low mood, weight loss, doesn’t feel like eating
Pt collapse, P wave rate 75, broad QRS rate 40
complete AV block
T1DM goes to an all night party, presents to A&E w vomiting, pH 7.24
Student come to UK from Nigeria, jaundice, anaemia, fever
40yo farmer w wheeze, normal CXR
farmers lung
anal abscess, swelling, fever, lump, MX
incision and drainage
pain on passsive dorsiflexion, compartment syndrome in young guy w fractured tibia plawying football
4 compartment fasciotomy within 6h
30yo man w joint pain, sacroilitis and DIP pain
psoriatic arthritis
transfusion rxn, fever, other obs normal, tranfusion stopped, what next
check bag against pt details
Pt on wararin having nasal polypectomy, what to do w warfarin
admit pt 2d pre-op and start heparin
Breast ca biggest RF in pt
Legionella, Abx?
Which drug is co-prescribed with morphine in palliative care
Mid diastolic murmur
mitral stenosis
pt with widespread ST elevation, what sound
pericardial friction rub
which abs are most specific/raised in SLE
EDM aortic regurg murmur w sudden onset CP radiating to back
aortic dissection
pt w symptoms of aortic dissection, AR, what test to confirm dx
contrast CT chest
lady w yellow eyes and high reticulocytes
70yo lady falls onto outstretched hand, fracture, what test to follow up
pt on warfarin for AF has INR 3.3, falls, found on CT to have intracerebral haematoma, warfarin stopped, given vit K, what next
prothrombin complex
pt has central CP, what is ECG criteria for thrombolysis
ST elevation in leads II, III, Avf
male, married, sex w wife only, pain in testicle and epididymis, organsim?
E Coli
45yo w intracapsular #NOF, otherwise well (not given garden classification) - mx?
cannulated screw
pt with cough, apical cavitating lesions, haemolysis, firm LN in neck, test?
sputum culture and sensitivity for AAFB
lady w palmar erythema, raised ALT, raised bilirubim, ++ ANA
AI hepatitis
haematemesis, abdo pain, BP 120/80, tachycardia, what do you give while waiting for endoscopy
O neg blood
alcoholic w diplopia looking laterally, both sides, nystagmus, vitamin?
diabetic, weakness in 4 limbs, worse proximally > distally in LL, no change to sensation in LL, UL has some pins and needles, bilat eyelid weakness
alcoholic w multiple bruises on legs, has bloods and clotting which shows low bili, low pt, low fibrinogen, raised APTT, raised PT
pt w nephrotic syndrome (oedema, proteinuria, low albumin) what test for specific dx
renal bx
small cell lung ca, hilar LN, no distant mets, what tx
klebsiella pneumonia abx
pneumocystis jiroveci abx
co trimoxazole
guy flew from tel aviv, CP then few hrs later leg goes white, no pulses
aortic dissection
pt has bad claudication, can only walk 10m, distal aorta and both iliac vessels occluded mx
aorto bifem bypass
lady has surg 4 days ago, given mutliple bags of 5% dex, now drowsy, what is the mechanism
cerebral oedema
60yo man, unilat L hand tremor at rest, worse when people look, can do up buttons and hold teacup without shaking, mild cogwheeling at wrist + fingers on left
early parkinsonism
stroke w hemiparesis, 2d later SALT assessment = unsafe swallow
NG tube
Dx legionella - definitive test
urinary antigen
open communited fracture, skin loss, dirty, mx
external fixation
T2DM controlled on diet, painful red eye, blurry vision mx
refer urgently to opthal
guy gets claudication in calf, where is block
superficial femoral artery
guy afte RTA has shortened, internally rotated, flexed, adducted right leg
posterior hip dislocation
man does not open eyes, localises to pain, groaning, airway?
guy falls 10m what is 1st line mx
secure airway
56yo w weight loss, heart burn responding to antacids, smoker, drinker, what to do
lady w RA has purple nodule on shin w ulcerating and raised edges
proderma gangrenosum
guy w prostate ca has back pain, bone scan shows increased uptake in spine, how to help w pain
32yo woman w mobile non-tender lump in breast
woman w folate and iron deficiency, weird bowel sx, gastroenterirtis as child, IX
anti TTG abs
post partum breast feeding lady w red tender breast + no mass
triple assessment for breast ca
clinical exam, imaging, core bx
lady w sudden onset headache 12hr ago, CT normal, next?
old guy w bacteruria grown from catheter, what next
treat if symptomatic
guy post thyroidectomy w hoarse voice, weak cough
recurrent laryngeal nerve
Smoker has lung ca near R brochus removed w raised ca, what will histo show
few months of breathlessness, fine end-inspiratory crackles, bi basal creps, clubbing, JVP 5cm
pulmonary fibrosis
keratoderma blenhorrhagicum is a feature of
reactive arthritis
primary tension pneumothorax mx
lady w AI hx, has sore, gritty eyes, dry mouth, bilat parotid swelling
Man has no pain, jaundice, dark urine, pale stools
pancreatic ca
lady has headaches, transiently loses vision when she strains to defecate, signs in eyes, drinks, smokes, 12 coffees a day, what to do
lose weight
man w known AF presents with 1h hx of epigastric pain 15min after a meal
mesenteric ischemia
why is MRI spine best imaging in someone w disc prolapse
better soft tissue detail
pt has CEA and develops stridor post op
false aneurysm
man w newly dx DM, glucose +++ in urine, BMI 32, random BG 14, first line
diet and exercise
pt with asthma has short hx of yellow sputum, wheeze, given oral amox which improved sputum but still febrile, what next
give oral pred
RA pt w previous TKR has red hot swollen knee, recently had cystoscopy for longstanding urinary tract probs
marathon runner w large heart
opioid OD
young guy, poor stream, takes ages to pee, previous episode of non-specific urethritis
urethral stricture
pt with 4cm head of pancreas ca, invaded mesenteric vessels mx
ERCP and biliary stent
pt w known renal cell ca gets swollen legs and distended veins below umbilicus, dx
obstruction of IVC
IVDU develops harsh murmur
staph aureus
slow rising pulse
aortic stenosis
high ESR, pain on abducting shoulder
patent ductus arteriosus murmur
machinery murmur
pt w dislocated shoulder, what nerve palsy
patient has long term indwelling suprapubic catheter, keeps getting blocked, flushed out by nurse a few times, what to do
bladder washout
40yo banker, headaches, taking ibu and para daily, no neuro/eye signs, no wt loss, mx
stop meds, reassess in 1m
pneumonia, green sputum, hyponat, euvolemic, initial tx
Clarithromycin (legionella causes hyponatraemia)
hearing changes, haemoptysis, nasal discharge, renal probs, CXR shows 3 cavitated lesions
pt on immunosuppression develops difficulty swallowing, on lansoprazole, ibuprofen, dex, neutropenia, cause?
oesophageal candidiasis
man w low Egfr, high Ca, high creatinine, Ca was also high 1yo, dx
multiple myeloma
man w lateral epicondyle tennis elbow pain, which mvoement hurts
wrist extension
man w dull ache in groin, lump on standing, no cough impulse, does not transilluminate
49yo lady, 2m hx of diffuse thyroid swelling, intense sweating at night
bipolar, on Li, glucose normal, thrist and polyuria w hypothyroidism
diabetic insipidus
test for gestational diabetes
OGTT at 28w
low TSH, high T4, post-URTI, reduced iodine uptake, hyperthyroid
Viral thyroiditis
60yo man is diagnosed with diabetes, diet and exercise have failed. Mx
pt has bowel op 4do, not opened bowels for 24h, distended bowel w scant bowel sounds, cause?
post op ileus
pt has op for perforated duodenal ulcer, gets hiccups and nausea, what is the cause
subphrenic abscess
pt w symptoms of guarding, peritonism, next test?
erect CXR
pt w symptoms of bowel obstruction, next test?
supine AXR
renal colic, what is the first IX
PT has been unwell for a week, dysuria and going frequently, gets more unwell, bad loin pain
80yo w essential HTN, PVD, what HTN med?
pt w stiff shoulders, thighs, buttocks, fatigue, ESR 80, normal CK
polymyalgia rheumatica
testicular pain in sexually active 18yo patient - next step
take to theatre
AF, cold pale leg, 6 hours duration
uvula deviated, cervical lymph nodes, sore throat, infammed soft palate
peritonsilar abscess
man w 2cm painless penile ulcer, cause
treponema pallidum (syphillis)
lady w flushing, pustular rash, telangiectasia on face
man w bald head, lumpy hyperketotic lesions on scalp, at risk from?
lesion on shin, irregular borders, multiple colours, suspect melanoma, which is the commonest type
superficial spreading
pale stools, abdo pain, calcification
decrease in exocrine pancreatic function
lady w #NOF, IV paracetemol not helping, what analgesia next
femoral block
guy who was lifting heavy things, lumbar pain, mx?
Hayfever is mediated by?
patient w 3w of fevers, cough, unwell. OE: dull percussion, absent VR, reduced expansion
what vitamin do you give someone when starting TB treatment
drug-resistant TB pt comes to A&E, where do you keep them
negative pressure room + resp measures for staff
pt with features of UC, what IX
flexi sigmoidoscopy
pt comes in fitting, has had 2 doses of lorazepam, what next
phenytoin loading
lady with splenectomy, needs penicillin, why?
pneumococcus (capsulated) infections
patient ventilated on ITU, develops respiratory alkalosis, what next
decrease frequency of ventilations
FEV1/FVC ratio shows a restrictive pattern, what is dx
pulmonary fibrosis
man w obstructive features, long term smoker, dx
chronic bronchitis
20yo female, 2y hx of intermittent diarrheoa, IDA, apthous ulcers, raised ESR, dx
2d post MI, pt develops SOB, raised JVP and harsh systolic murmur
man w stab injury to back, hemisection of cord, where does he lose pain sensation
lose pain sensation from contralateral side, lose power and proprioception on ipsilateral side
ECG shows STEMI in leads V4-V6, I, AVL
anterolateral infarct
lady with falciparum, apart from doxy, what other abx do you give
which DMARD causes retinopathy
which DMARD causes azoospermia
lady with tremor, weight loss, proptosis, exopthalmos, opthalmoplegia - cause
rectus muscle thickening
69yo guy w 2 prev TIAs and AF, what do you start him on
lady w hx of AF presents to A&E w fast AF, pulmonay oedema, peripheral oedema, what do you give initially
lady w acute MI, what do you give
aspirin and beta blocker
guy on prednisolone presents with darkened red reflex, problems w night vision, dx
post mastectomy, LN clearance, lady gets winging of scapula, which nerve is damaged
long thoracic nerve
pt post MI with PSM, bi basal crackles
papillary muscle rupture
pt w PSM, louder apex, rad to axilla, JVP 8cm
pt w early diastolic murmur, mid diastolic murmur, JVP 8cm
aortic regurgitation
pt on many meds, has high potassium and high urea, ECG shows bradycardia w 2:1 block
digoxin toxicity
ST elevation in leads II, III, AVF, which coronary artery
young pt collapsed, long QT, what is cause of death
pt has syncope, chest pain, faints - what IX will help ID cause
75yo patient, unresponsive, nurses saw her choking, no pulses or resp effort, nothing visible in mouth - next steps
start chest compressions
62yo man with hx of xs ETOH, presents w abdo distension, wt loss, cachetic, jaundice, ascites, LFTs show obstructive picture - which tumour maker would be most appropriate for confirming dx
pt w wt loss, deranged U&E, painless haematuria
renal cell carcinoma
most common bladder cancer
transitional cell carcinom a
pt w well controlled HIV has bilateral infiltrates
pneumocystis jirovecci
pneumonia, gram +ve diplococci
streptococus pnuemoniae
25yo pt with scaly head/dandruff in eyebrows and eyes, not itchy, cause
seborrhoeic dermatitis
Pt from pakistan, HTN controlled w amlodipine and BP 150/90 with retinal findings: blot haemorrhages and yellow deposits on macula - Dx
diabetic retinopathy
Footballer inverts ankle, presents with foot pain, no ankle pain, DX
fractured base of 5th metatarsal
guy jumps and lands on knee
medial meniscus tear
pulmonary adenocarcinoma mets to liver via what route
haematological spread
lady playing squash, runs, hears a crack from behind ankle then pain when she does plantar reflex
ruptured achilles
Son of 75 year old lady requests home visit for mother who has recent behavioural changes. Sometimes gets confused and sees people in the room who aren’t there. Recent loss of appetite. Cause?
depression w psychosis
guy post-op with delirium, morphine epidural in situ, best intial mx
put in well lit side room
guy with short hx of back pain, painless black lesions appear on feet
CT abdo
guy w nocturia, PSA 18, urinalysis trace blood, protein, urea and creatinine mildly elevated - next steps
urgent referal to urology
75yo lady with 2.5cm firm breast lump, not tethered to skin, no skin changes. Daughter 40yo and has had benign breast cyst dx. What does the old lady have?
ductal carcinoma
45yo lady w spontaneous dark brown nipple discharge, examination reveals one duct producing discharge. Dx
intraductal papilloma
tall 28yo man w radiofemoral delay, HTN, BP 210/110, rib nothching, DX
co arctation of aorta
young guy vomiting after a night out presents with chest and epigastric pain, L sided pleural effusion, subcut emphysema
oesophageal rupture (boerhaave syndrome)
sickle cell girl w severe back pain, what first?
Smear cells
Guy on ibuprofen, pain, 2 episodes of haematemesis w bright red blood. No further episodes. Stable obs, low Hb. What next
OGD within 2 hours
Lady collapses on hosp ward, had co-amox in A&E earlier, reports feeling breathless before collapse. 2h later is tachy, hypotensive, RR 34 on 10L O2. What do you give first
PBC antibody
anti mitochondrial
guy with metastatic renal ca has severe pain, vomited 4x, currently on oral morphine solution PRN, helps for 2 hours. What pain tx?
morphine sub cut infusion
Pt w previous TKR, tender, febrile, hot, swollen. No evidence of crystals on microscopy. Aspirate shows turbid fluid
septic arthritis
nutrition deficiency in coeliac
folate, b 12, iron (FBI)
guy smokes and keeps pigeons, progressive SOB on climbing hills. CXR shows reticonodular shadowing
extrinsic allergic alveolitis
acute presentation of gout, PMH HF, on ramipril. Mx?
Caucasian lady, Raynaud’s colour order
white - blue - red
post-transplant pt has dry cough and SOB, desats from 90+ to 83 on exercising. What does he have
pneumocystis jirovecci pneumonia
bilateral conductive hearing loss in old lady
pt with URTI has purple nodules on shin
erythema nodosum
commonest cause of corneal ulceration
HSV = dendritic ulcer
painful vesicular derm lesion on side of face, around forehead, eye, check - cause
66yo guy comes to GP with new onset dyspepsis, no wt loss or dysphagia, what next
refer on 2ww
30yo lady with fever and fits, temporal lobe necrosis, cause
HSV encephalitis
ring enhancing lesion on CT brain in pt with HIV
lady comes to GP with raised prolactin, raised IGF-1, normal TSH/LH/FSH/ACTH. Dx
old lady, takes nitrofurantoin, gets watery diarrhoea, 2 other in carehome have this too
blood transfusion, starts second unit, immediately gets chest pain, SOB, dark urine - what happened
ABO incompatibility
T1DM on subcut insulin pump comes in frequent episodes of SOB, palps and tingling in fingers. Cause
hyperventilation syndrome
most appropriate pre-op IX in well controlled asthamatic about to undergo diagnostic laparoscopy
guy falls down, can’t remember how long he’s been on the floor, comes in with renal failure and dark urine, raised K
thin 18yo girl comes in with low K, macrocytic anaemia, raised urea and normal physical examination. Cause
coeliac disease
smoker comes in w progressive breathlessness, GP does spirometry and send home w PEFR diary, what will help diagnose COPD
normal FVC and low FEV1
guy comes in with swollen legs, bilateral scrotal swelling, 10kg weight gain
peripheral oedema
lady with met breast ca, hypercalcaemia, what do you give first
IV fluids
guy with loin to groin pain, blood +++ on dip, what IX first
CT urogram without contrast
old man, one episode of painless haematuria
refer to urology 2WW
pt with pernicious anaemia, iron deficency as well, gastroscopy shows stomach ulcer, what malignancy
guy comes in with hypercalcaemia, renal failure, anaemia, bone pain
multiple myeloma
lady back from afghanistan, low Ca, raised PTH, what test to confirm Dx
serum vitamin D
guy with epilepsy and housebound, pain in spine and compressing rib cage
osteomalacia (due to epilepsy med)
guy has episodes of syncope, goes blue during, no other problems, IX
pt with right sided hemiparesis, aphasia, visual defect (does not blink to hand waving on R side but does on left) which arter
bitemporal hemianopia person - where is the lesion
optic chiasm
fit guy whose dad died early comes to you worried, passes out during sports, IX
guy falls down, no biceps, hand held in Erb’s palsy - what is damaged
Upper Brachial Plexus (C5,6)
zig zag lines, painful eyes, NV, no cluster headache
guy w haemorrhoids, do not prolapse, first line
old person, swollen knee, now swollen hip
lady with fever, catheter in situ 14d, E&D normal
purulent otorrhoea, hearing loss, keratin
lady comes back from india 3da with abdo pain, diarrhoea, vomiting
stool MCS
HTN young guy, raised CR, proteinuria
hypertensive nephropathy
lady about to undergo ovarian tumour resection, needs thromboprophylaxis, had PE
guy w droopy face including forehead
bell’s palsy
osteoporosis prophylaxis for 65yo lady on long term prednisolone
pt with lung ca findings + cushingoid, smoker
small cell lung cancer
someone w Hodgkin’s lymphoma, mediastinal mass, night sweats
curative chemo
change to bowel habit, wt loss, free blood in stool, dilation of colon proximal to sigmoid
colorectal ca
bloody stool, normal proctosigmoidoscopy
pt with hx of biliary colic, presenting w jaundice, obstructive picture
gallstone in CBD
lady with collapse, high K, low Na, other bloods suggesting addisons, IX
ACTH and cortisol levels
alcoholic comes in confused, ataxic, what do you give
pain right of epigastrium few hours after food, relieved by milk, wakes him up at night
duodenal ulcer
guy with hx of delirium tremens, wants to quit
refer to local specialist alcohol services
Sjogren’s ab
SLE ab
anti dsDNA
post-op lady w DVT, what test confims dx
venous duplex
which cardiac drug is CI in asthma
CXR pleural plaques, presents with pleural effusion, breathlessness, what IX
USS guided tap
guy with PEA, given one dose adrenaline, no pulse, what next
another dose adrenaline
pt with RTA, white out of lung
vas, leaking AAA, IX
CT abdo
guy w hx of BPH, IHD, indifestion, diabetes on metformin, simvastatin, bisoprolol, has erectile dysfunction - cause
adverse drug effect
RTA, conscious at event, brought into A&E with reducing consciousness, GCS 6
intubate and ventilate
anterior neck lump, bx as SCC of tonsilar primary, which infection causes this
Man with rheumatoid arthritis and T2DM has painless ulcer on the medial malleolus what’s the diagnosis, had evidence of lipodermatosclerosis and hemosiderosis
venous ulcer
DCIS dx on right outer quadrant, on first mammogrpahy, what is the treatment
wide local incision
55y woman smokes 10/d, 6m hx of white sputum and cough - what is done first
61yo asymptomatic, fasting BM 7.2, BMI 21, what should you do
dietary advice
breast ca with lung and bone mets, on low dose haloperidol, confused, constipated, cause
soldier gets off long flight, went pale, collapsed, hit head, mates noticed asynchronous jerky movements for 15s, recovered consciousness <5 mins
young woman, no lump, bloody discharge from nipple
intraductal papilloma
ankylosing spond hx, what diagnostic IX
Myopathy, high CK, polymyositis hx, IX
asthmatic being treated for exacerbation, responding well after tx, suddenly deteriorates, no air entry on L
rash on flexural surfaces, anaemia, diagnostic IX
upper GI bx
pt w cancer and mets, nausea, vomiting, not on chemo/RT, which medication to give
medication with SE of a obsturctive hepatic picture
30yo gentleman w intermittent swallowing difficulties for solids, but relieves w large amounts of water, no mass, bad breath
parotid gland swelling 2cm, which has become 5cm quickly - dx
parotid carcinoma
man w AF, stroke, hx of intracerebral bleed 6yo, which medication to add onto his current tx
beta blocker
woman w hx of fever, reduced air entry LLZ, fluid level (pneumonia, pleural effusion) - what next
pleural fluid aspiration
tension pneumothorax (tracheal deviation, deteriorating)
needle thoracostomy
ECG showing SVT, what do you give
adenosine 6mg
Hx of man w bronchial ca of 7cm, other features of ca, which would be the Sx suggesting that surg is not viable
hoarseness of voice = suggests L recurrent laryngeal nerve invasion
man w deficits described by CN 3-6, where is the stroke
serotonin sx patient had cancer, flushing + other symptoms, which hormone is responsible
person w COPD, previous courses of steroids, stopped 1-2w ago, postural hypotension. Cushingoid face. What IX next?
overnight oral dex suppression
SVT management
parotid gland became large quickly 5cm
parotid carcinoma
Weakness post illness, guy who had visual problems (optic neuritis?)
Progressive weakness post URTI, absent reflexes, ascending tingling, sensory level to umbilicus
Female soldier who had seizure/jerks after cramped longhaul flight
vasovagal episode
Elderly man sitting in chair, goes unconscious for 3-5 mins, no shaking or bladder problems. BG of prolonged PR interval, L axis deviation, RBBB, regained consciousness and is fine after. HR 60. Cause?
complete heart block
SIADH hx with slight hypernatraeamia, how do you treat?
vasopressin antagonist
Urine, eye, joint problems
reactive arthritis
Person with dry eyes, needs eye drops
Pregnant lady w DVT, mx?
LMWH (warfarin = teratogenic)
asthmatic on typical meds, gets recurrent throat issues, which med is causing this?
Beclamethasone - sounds like oesophageal candiasis
Person w HIV, on anti retrovirals, has oral thrush, no cough, no fever, lobar consolidation on CXR. Cause?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Asthmatic on salbutamol + ICS, what is next? (no LTRA offered in options)
Ipratropium (SAMA)
Pt with stroke, unable to put clothes on, puts on back to front/upside down. Which part of the brain is affected?
Parietal lobe
Pt with gout, has CKD stage 3, colchicne causes vomiting for the patient. Mx?
Steroid (NSAID CI in CKD)
Ankylosing spondylitis, failed on 3 NSAIDS, what next?
Old lady in care, home on nitrofurantoin, has watery diarrhoea and vomiting. 2 other people ill at care home. Organism?
Person w lung fibrosis, ?rheumatoid arthritis symptoms - which antibody?
anti CCP
Pt with mouth ulcers, bloody diarrhoea
Crohn’s disease
Opthalmoplagia and facial palsy
SOL (although only option remembered is cavernous sinus thrombosis)