Everything Flashcards
What is a community?
A group of people who have something in common.
What is a family tree?
A family tree is a chart representing family relationships.
What is baptism?
The first sacrament, by which a person becomes a Christian.
What is initiation?
The way new members of a group are made.
What does ‘bible’ mean in Greek?
It means ‘the books’, this is one of the reasons why the bible is the holy book for all christians as the bible is not one book but multiple books that have been brought together.
What is reconciliation?
The sacrament of reconciliation is also known as confession. This means that it is the process when we go to say sorry to god for our sins and he forgives us.
What is a church?
The people of God
What is a parish?
The church is a small area with a parish priest and a parish church.
What is a deanery?
A group of parishes in a diocese.
What is a diocese?
The church in a certain area for which a Bishop is responsible.
What is a cathedral?
The main church in a diocese. It has the bishop’s chair in it.
What does water mean in baptism?
Life- the new life of a Christian.
Cleansing- from original sin
Death- to the old self you were before baptism.
What does oil mean in baptism?
The oil of catechumens symbolises that the person has been healed and made strong.
The oil of chrism symbolises that a Christian has received God’s spirit and is ‘set apart’ by God for his service.
What does light/a candle mean in baptism?
We need light to see clearly. Without light we could not find our way.
The light of a candle helps us to see.
The light of a candle is gentle and warm.
What does contrition mean?
Being sorry in your heart for your sins. This is what happens first in confession/reconciliation.
What is confession?
A person confesses their sins. This is what happens second in confession/reconciliation.
What is penance?
The priest offers advise. This is what happens third in confession/reconciliation.
What is absolution?
The forgiveness of Jesus come to the person. This is what happens fourth in confession/reconciliation.
What did got create on the first day?
On the first day God created Day and Night
What did got create on the second day?
On the second day God created the sky.
What did got create on the third day?
On the third day God created the Earth, sea and plants.
What did got create on the fourth day?
On the fourth day God created the sun, moon and stars.
What did got create on the fifth day?
On the fifth day God created fish and birds.
What did got create on the sixth day?
On the sixth day God created animals and human beings.
What did god do on the seventh day?
On the seventh day God rested.
What does salt water symbolise in the Passover meal?
The tears of the slaves.
What does a roasted egg symbolise in the Passover meal?
It is the symbol of mourning/new life.
What does the lamb bone symbolise in the Passover meal?
It symbolises the sacrifice of the lamb.
What does the bitter herb symbolise in the Passover meal?
He bitterness of slavery.
What does the Cheroset symbolise in the Passover meal?
The cement used by slaves to build.
What does the green vegetable symbolise in the Passover meal?
Simple food for the slaves/God provided for them.