Everything Flashcards
- physical properties(medium, scale)
- formal properties like elements( line,value,color,shape,texture,) principles (balance, rhythm,dominance)
- composition of artwork(how they are arranged
Implied which is info,feelings,ideas that are inferred from the literal content
-literal straightforward description
Where was it made Who made it when was it made Why was it made Where is it now
New Stone Age
10,000-35,000 BCE
Venus figurine
Upper Paleolithic
Venus of Willendorf
Created by Early modern humans 30,000-24,000 BCE
Red pigment found
Cave paintings
Discovered 1940 by 4 children with a puppy and it was in France
the hall of bulls
Give me dem horses,bulls, and stags
The shaft of the dead
Mega lithic
Menhir: single standing stone
Dolmen- chamber of upright stones with flat roof
Stone circles- circle stones (duh)
Great. Pyramids
Classical Greek
Heightened realism
Sense of movement in free standing statutes
Spacious, fluid, balanced
More pronounced realism and expressiveness
Greater variety of DRAPERY and pose(extreme torsion)
Secular sculpture
Eastern Roman Empire and Christianity
Justinian 1 the great was the start cause for the FIrst golden age in the 6 century
Second golden age in 9 century
Hagia Sophia
Church of Holly wisdom
Istanbul, Turkey
Built as church on Justinian order then converted in mosque in 1453 Now museum
Iconoclast Controversy
8 century
Really divided Catholicism from Orthodox Faith
Iconoclast. Vs. Iconodules(Philes)
Emperor Leo 3 and Monks centered in
Supporters throughout Western provinces
Eastern provinces
Romanesque. 1000-1150
Gothic. 1150- 1450
Roman- heavier more squat🏋🏾 and fewer windows and light round arches
Gothic- larger more elaborate and emphasis on vertical form decorated with stained glass use of flying buttresses pointed arches “French style “ “ modern style”
Porto renaissance
Renaissance Humanism
A shift toward an individual
In Florence during the 14 century
Developed from rediscovery of Latin/Greek txts
God created the universe, but humans developed and industrialized it.
Beauty represent deep inner virtue and value
14 and 15 century Italy
Transition between medieval art and renaissance emphasis on painting
Giotto- developed pictorial space
Alberti- developed linear perspective
Rise of humanism individualism
The announcement of Death of the virgin
Trying to do linear perspective
Arena Chapel
Padua, Italy
Painting on plaster walls/ceilings
The lamentation
Weird crying angels most expression
Mary is there
Jesus just killed
The last judgment
And well basically protoRenaissance
Maso Di Banco, pope st sylvesters miracle 1340
Stuff stuff
Liked to draw coliseums into round like figures love of architecture
Linear perspective
On the left in adoration of the magi
Abstract ideas principles represented by characters of events in narrative or pictorial form
Discovered pictorial space,naturalism , and focused compositions
Early renaissance sculpture
Mary magdalen-lady with wood texture face and old looking
The David flamboyant
Masscio trinity
Well vanishing point and look Jesus is staked with people surrounding and the back looks like it disappears
Filippo lippi
Vanishing point happens
Georgio Vasari
Promoted the concept of concepts genius and the one emerged with Christianity which is cult of genius.
God like status
Leonardo high renaissance
Painting,architecture,engineer,military science, botany, anatomy, geology,geography,
Human eye is final authority
Michelangelo high renaissance
Painter sculptor architect poet engineer
Refused to train apprentice
Emotional,rough,uncouth with cruel wit
“Liberate the figure from the marble that imprisons it”
To do the tomb of Julius the second much had to paint the Sistine chapel and put sky then went to 12 apostles
Raphael high renaissance
Interested in color,line,form,grace than anatomy science
A sponge of copy cat of other artist styles . Style appeal to pope and peaople
Titian high ren
Famous Venice painter. Dom. 60 years
Incredibly prolific and versatile-myth/real/port/land
Technique color set a precedent for western painting
10-20layer paintings of glazes
Jan Van Eyck high renaissance
Most innovative Flemish painter of 15 century
Perfected technique of oil
Bosch high ren
Garden of earthly delights panel three sections left heaven middle earth right he’ll
Protestant reformation and counter reformation
Jjbhcg jxf
Printmaker and painter basic best of n ren
Leonardo of the north
Publish books of geometry and human proportions
Nature rhino birds and animals
Designer painter draftsman
Realistic detalied portraiture
Fled to England BCE iconoclastic became court painter for king Henry VII in 1536
Mannerisms parmigianino
Long neck madona
Mannersinm bronzino
Venus Cupid and the time
Protestant reformation and coountee reformation
Martin Luther developed splinter groups and radical fundamentalism emerged in areas
The developed by Catholic Church to reinforce and promote ideals of church
European rulers Allie as themselves with either movement depending on political and economic self
El Greco mannerism
Drastic change in stuff but I don’t get
Harmony - dissonance
Reason- emotion
Reality- imagination
Love mannerism
Italian baroque theatrical focuses dramatic. Caravaggio
The conversion on the way to Damascus - the is a horse and a person getting stomped Alexander? And the. A person in the background
The crucifixion- person lifting the cross with person tied on and two other helping
Artemisia Italian baroque gentileschi
Judith slaying holofernes - two of them stabbing the guy
Judith and her maidservant with the head of holofernes- about to flee because of above
Compare carrvaggio with artemisia of standby well once diff persepectives
Berniniitalian baroque
The rape of prosperina detail is amazing as he lifts her up.
The David- is in act of throwing a rock thing intense stare
Ecstasy of sang theresa- when experiences stuff
Dutch baroque
Happened because of stuff
Frans Hals
Did portraits of people ordinary
Small canvas
Judith leister Dutch baroque
The proposition- guy try’s to pay girl for you know what
Self portrait
Rembrandt- Dutch baroque
Did amazing romantic portraits cute?
Did the dead guy getting viewed
Hendrickje bathing in a river
Jan Vermeer Dutch baroque
Worked in a studio used mirrors and
The love letter- the mirror and stuff
The allegory of the faith - girl looks distort
Flemish and Hollander baroque differences ??????
French romanticism Theodore gericault
The raft of the medusa
Cons table john
The hay wain French roman
The massacre at Chios
French rom , Delacroix Eugene. It was difference and re painted before opening and they were emerged in neoclassicism
David also debut too
Also girl seated in a cemetery beauty
The naked lady
Spanish romanticism
Emotion was an end itself
Goya arrived in Madrid and influenced by Rocco and then deaf then court painter then
The yard of madhouse- a bunch of crazed people
Witches in are- church’s lies so A bunch in sky hiding
The nude maja- a women naked
Charles 5 and fan- mocking them in portrait
Third and second war of may - BCE French
Third the execution of defenders of Madrid
Black paintings- land stuck fighting
Goya etchings- printmaking attacks social church customs and
Los Capricos- same
Los disasters se la Guerra- war
Rococo 18th century French culture
The embarkation for cythere- rich wait afterlife
The musical context-girl get in seduced
The swing- guy looking up the girls skirt
Primarily style inferior design marked by elegance,opulence,-and ornamental fixtures
Jacques Louis Davidsupporter of jacobins
The death of Socrates - neoclassicism
The oath to f the horatii
The death of Marat- only personal
Consecration of the empower napoleon
The French Revolution
French Revolution so neoclassicism and then Ingres
Understudy of David? Maybe?
Then nap 1 on the imperial throne-
The grand odalisque- naked lady
Princess de brogile- detail blue dress