Everything Flashcards
What percent of Muslims are Sh’ia , what percent are Sunni and when and why did the split happen.
In 632 A.D, Prophet Muhammad died and soon after the split happened, meaning 90% of Muslims are Sunni and 10% are Shi’a.
Name the 6 articles of faith in Sunni
Tawhid, Malaikah, Kutub, Nubuuwah, Akirah, and Al’Qadr.
What are the 5 roots Usul-ad-din in Shi’a Islam ?
They are the bases of the Shi’a faith.
List the 5 roots Usul-ad-din in Shi’a Islam.
Tawhid,Adalat, Nubuwwah, Imamate.
What are the 3 most significant festivals in Islam ?
Id-ul-fitr, Id-ul-Adha and Ashura.
What is predestination?
the idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe.
How do Sunni and Shi’a Muslims differ in opinion when it comes to Predestination?
Shi’a Muslims believe Allah knows what will happen in the universe, but he doesn’t decide it. Sunni Muslims, however believe Allah knows AND decides what will happen in the universe.
What does Tawhid mean ?
The belief in the oneness of Allah.
List some qualities of Allah
Omnipotent, Beneficent, Fair, Just,Transcendent, Immanent and merciful.
What is Zakat ?
A form of obligatory charity.
How do Sunni and Shi’a Muslims differ when paying Zakat ?
Shi’a Muslims give 20% of their annual savings to charity, whereas Sunni Muslims give 2.5%.
What are the Five Pillars of Sunni Islam(in order)?
- Salah
- Sawm
- Zakah
- Hajj
- Jihad
What are the Arabic words for Heaven and Hell?
Heaven(Jannah) and Hell( Jahannam).
What is the Shahada and when is it said?
It is the declaration of faith, and said when a baby is born, when someone coverts to Islam and when someone is on their deathbed .
In Hajj, where do Muslims pilgrimage to?
What is Id-ul-fitr and what is it known as?
Known as the ‘lesser Eid’, Id-ul-fitr celebrates a month of successful fasting during Ramadan with gifts and cards exchanged between family and friends. Muslims go to mosque for a service and prayers . A big meal is eaten.
What is Id-ul-adha and what is it known as?
Known as the greater Eid, Id-ul-Adha is the commemoration of sacrifice, a reminder of Allahs blessings and how important it is to submit to Allah. The festival remembers The prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son.
Muslims commemorate and remember Ibrahim’s trials by themselves slaughtering an animal, such as a goat
People spend time with family and friends, and presents and cards are exchanged.
What is Ashura and how do Shi’a and Sunni Muslims differ in how they celebrate it ?
Shi’a Muslims mourn Hussein’s( the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, son of Ali )death passionately , holding processions and rituals like self-flagellation(whipping themselves). Sunni Muslims fast to honor Moses’ victory over Pharaoh and therefore the freedom of the Israelites in Egypt, focusing on reflection and prayer.
How often are Muslims required to pilgrimage to Mecca(Hajj) , as long as they are fit to do so?
At least once in their lifetime.
What direction do Muslims pray towards in their 5 times daily prayer (Salah)
Towards Mecca.
What is Khums ?
Khums is the annual tax of 20 per cent that Shi’a Muslims include in their Ten Obligatory Acts.
What is a prayer cycle called?
Where did prophet Muhammad receive his revelation?
Mount Hira
What is Jummah and when is it held?
Jummah is the weekly Friday prayer in Islam, held around midday. It includes a sermon and congregational prayer.
What is The Hadith ?
The Hadith is not a holy book, as it doesn’t contain direct words from God, however it is the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad as recordered by his followers and therefore Muslims still use it as a guide on how to life their life as a successful Muslim .
Who is the Prophet Muhammad?
Prophet Muhammad is the founder of Islam, regarded as the final messenger of God. He received revelations from God, which were later compiled into the Quran.
What is Wudu?
Ritual washing taken place before Prayer to be spiritually and physically clean.
How many times a day do Muslims pray?
5 times!
What is holy war?
War fought for RELIGOUS reasons, often in defence of Islam and an Islamic figure will often give permission.
Explain what the night of power is and its significance in the Islamic faith.
The Night of Power is the night when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It falls during the last ten nights of Ramadan. Considered the holiest night in Islam, prayers are believed to be especially powerful, and forgiveness and mercy from God are sought.
What are the types of jihads ?
Greater jihad, and lesser jihad.
how are Muslims expected to treat the Quran ?
Place in high places, touch with clean hands and recite regularly.
Things about Angels (Malaikah).
Don’t require any food , drink or sleep and were created to serve Allah.
What quote from the Quran shows Tawhid ?
“There is no other God but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad is his Messenger”
How many prophets are there?
25 named in the Qu’ran , but there is believed to be over 124,000 in total.
How are prophets seen?
They are all seen as fully equal ; “ we make no distinction between them “
On judgement day, what hand will the book containing the life deeds of the person being judged be placed on based on if they’re going to Heaven /Hell.
Heaven -right hand
Hell-left hand
Explain what will happen on Judgement day.
Once Gods purpose for the world has been fulfilled, Israfil will sound a trumpet, signalling the beginning of the day of the judgment. The world will be destroyed and all dead bodies will raise (resurrection) and gather in Arafat. People will cross the sirat bridge.
How does the belief of Day of judgement influence Muslims ?
It encourages Muslims to live a life avoiding sin and a good life according to Islam so they can go to Heaven , they try to pass the test of life and take responsibility for their actions .
Who built the Kaaba in Mecca?
Prophet ibrahim (Abraham) and his son, Isma’il (Ishmael).
What does the Shahada do ?
Sums up what a Muslim should believe in .
What is Greater jihad?
Making the effort to be a better Muslim through a personal, inward struggle
What is lesser jihad?
Defending Islam from threat.
What is lesser jihad also known as?
The holy war
How can greater jihad be achieved?
Following the five pillars
Study the Qu’ran
Help those in need
Avoid temptations and negative qualities
Why do Muslims perform Salah?
To get closer to God and because it’s one of the 5 obligatory pillars .
How do Muslims make sure they perform Wudu properly ?
By following the detailed instructions from the Qur’an .
What is sawn?
Fasting during the month of Ramadan .
What is Ashura also known as ?
The day of remembrance.
How did God (Allah ) reveal the Quran
Over many years, Allah revealed the Quran (his message) through Angel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad.
What are angles created from ?
Who is the angel Mika’il and what is his job ?
He is the archangel of mercy who rewards good deeds and provides nourishment to people. He is in charge of the weather , natural forces and provisions for human needs.
What is the Imamate ?
the belief in Shi’a Islam that certain individuals, known as Imams, are divinely appointed leaders and successors to Prophet Muhammad.the first Imam was Ali,the cousin and son in law of prophet Muhammad.
What is the name for the direction to Mecca during prayer ?
What is Jihad ?
Refers to the struggle against evil, either as an individual or
as the collective faith of Islam.
What are the 10 Obligatory Acts in Shi’a Islam?
Nahi Anil Munkar
What does Hajj to Mecca consist of ?