Everything Flashcards
When would synergies be positive? and who does this power hurt?
if the merger results in:
- economies of scale
- economies of scope
Market power (horizontal merger) hurts customers, employees suppliers and competitors
vertical integration (vertical mergers)
diversification and financial gains (conglomorate mergers)
improving management (discipline) hurts managers
When are synergies < 0
Empire building (agency problem)
hubris and mistake
when are there no synergies but an acquisition could still make money? and who does this hurt
exploiting misvaluation
exploiting information advantage
both hurt the sellers
what is a warrant?
a call option given by a firm
Formula for the Wacc
= E/V * re + D/V * rd*(1-t)
Market or book values?
Always have market vlaues in mind at least for equity
Current or target ratios?
usually use target because we are discounting future cash flows, if the target ratio is not available it is normally assumed to be the average of the industry leverage ratio
if the firms business risk is expected to remain constant and the firm is a pure player current is fine
how to get cost of debt?
if traded use yield to maturity if not find or estimate credit rating and take one of the following approaches:
risk free rate + beta of debt for corporate bonds for the rating * market risk premium
risk free rate + credit spread for the rating
how to get the beta for multi-segment firms?
first find beta of comparable pure players for each divison then unlever the beta and re lever the beta
how to find D/V
peer average / historical average
how to find return debt?
RF + debt beta * market risk premium
When is tax shield risk similar to asset risk?
when the firm maitains a target leverage ratio (aligning with the assumption of the WACC method)
When to choose APV and when to choose Wacc?
APV if there is a debt schedule rather than a target leverage
How to choose growth rate?
2 procent voor de meeste industrien die matured zijn als de industrie sneller gaat goreien dan inflatie 3 of 4 dan pak je inflatie en long term GDP growth (groei industrie) krimp industrie kan je naar 0
Value APV = V unlevered firm + PV (Financial side effects) what are those side effects?
Interest rate tax shield,
issuance costs
cost of financial distress
agency costs and benefits of debt
How should the Interest tax shield be discounted?
If the tax shield is a s certain as the debt repayment than the cost of debt is appropriate
if the tax shiled is more risky than the ability to apyoff the debt, then a higher discount rate is necessary
in particular, when the firm maintains a target leverage ratio, the discount rate is the cost of unlevered equity.(but in this case you could also use the WACC)