everyday voc Flashcards
furriin (ka) n.
jir (ka)
year (when used with a number)
weydiiso v
ask for/on behalf of oneself
dhowaan adv.
dhac v.
happen; fall
gaw adj
hor (ta)
front, in front of, before
maxkamad (da) n.
dooro v.
jecloow v.
love, like
shaac (a)n.
glare, light
shaaca ka qaad
announce, make public, reveal, bring to light
billoow v
begin, start
3rd. sing. masc. past of biloow
khayaan v.
cheat, deceive
waay v.
fail to, be unable to; lack
ka waay
not to be able to obtain from
qaybso v.
divide, share
xaq (a)
justice, right
aad v.
go to, reach; fall on (a certain day when used with ku)
caymis (ka)n.
waayo conj.
because; so
hub v.
be sure
hubso v.
make sure for oneself.
91 jir furriin weydiisatay
Magaalada New York waxaa dhowaan ka dhacay arrin dadweynihii magaaladaas aad uga yaabisay, waa arrin ku saabsan furriin oo dadweynuhu uu ka daawaday telefishinka.
Haweeney da’deedu tahay 91 sano oo gaw ah lana yiraahdo “Matilda Willis” ayaa dalab furriin ay ku weydiisaneyso hor keentay maxkamadda, waxay iska fureysaa ninkeeda oo 79 jir ah waxayna sheegtay in ninkeedu uu ka tegay uuna ka doortay haweeney uu jeclaaday oo jirta 70 sano keliya!!
Haweeneydaas da’da ah ee la yiraahdo Matilda waxay shaaca ka qaadday in ninkeedu uu bilaabay inuu khayaano muddo laga joogo 35 sano, wuxuuna ninkeedu ku tilmaamay sababta khiyaanadiisa iney ahayd inuu haweeneydiisa Matilda ka waayey jeceyl.
Haweeneyda da’da ahi waxay weydiisatay in xoolaha loo kala qaybsho, caymiska nafteeda, waayo waxay sheegtay inay hubto inay 10 sanoo kale caafimaad ku noolaaneyso.
A ninety-one year old who asked for a divorce
In New York City s.th. happened recently which greatly surprised the public of that city; it was a matter concerning a divorce that the people watched on tv.
A woman, exactly ninety-one years old, named Matilda Willis, brought before the court a request asking for a divorce; she is leaving her seventy-nine year old husband, and she said that her had left her and chosen a woman he loved who was only seventy years old.
This old woman named Matilda has revealed that her husband began to cheat on her thirty-five years ago, and her husband indicated that the reason for his cheating was that he lacked love from his wife, Matilda.
The old woman requested that the wealth be divided between them; and she said that the rightful amount coming to her would be used for her life insurance; because she said that she was sure that she would live in good health for another ten years.