Everyday Phrases 2 Flashcards
It was supposed to rain today
Bha dùil agam gum biodh an t-uige ann andiugh
I was supposed to make bread
Bha mi an còir aran a dhèanamh
I was supposed to be there
Bha mi gu bhith ann
I am not being careful
Chan eil mi a’ gabhail cùraim
I can take care of myself (care for)
‘S urrainn dhomh cùram a’ thoirt dhomh fhèin
I can take care of myself (handle it myself)
‘S urrainn dhomh mo thailleamh fhèin a thogal
They accused me of it (that)
Thog iad orm sin
I adjusted it (moving)
dh’ atharraich mi e
I adjusted it (put it right)
Chuir mi air dòigh e
Adjust your coat (moving)
Thoir caradh air do chòta
That won’t affect you (here nor there)
Cha chuir sin ann no às dhut
That won’t affect you (impact)
Cha bhuil sin ort
I can’t afford it
Cha ruig mi air sin a cheannach
You asked for it! (You will pay for it)
Bidh ceannach agad air
You asked for it! (on your own head)
Air do cheann fhèin a tha e
Make the best of it
Dèan an rud as fheàrr dheth
Do your best
Dèan do dhiceall
It’s perfect
Chan eil mura biodh ann
It’s perfect (‘S ann)
‘S ann foirfe a tha e
You’re better off for that
‘S fheairrde thu sin
You’re better off for that
‘S fheàirrde thu sin
You’re worse off for that
‘S misde thu sin