Everyday language Flashcards
Can you help me please?
Yes I can! / No I can’t
May I go to the toilet please?
Yes you can! / Please wait a moment.
Can I work with ____ please?
Yes you can! / Not now.
What does ____ mean?
It means _____
Can you say that again?
Sure, I said ________
I’ve got a question.
What’s your question?
May I go please?
Ok. / Please wait.
Sorry I’m late.
It’s okay. / Sit down. / Please join us.
Which one?
This one!
Should we write this down?
Yes, in your notebooks. / No, just listen.
I’m done!
Looks good! / Good job! / please fix this
Is that right?
Yes it is / No it isn’t
What’s wrong?
I am sick. / I am sad. / Nothing! / I don’t know what to say / I don’t know what to write
How are you today?
I am _______
Good morning!
Good morning!