every sunday 2 Flashcards
felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way:
profound effects/feelings/implications
profound truths/wisdom
to accept something to be true without question or proof
let’s assume that
- assume identities/a look of indifference
- assume office/control/responsibility
/The issue has assumed considerable political proportions
to not sleep at all
not sleep a wink
i didn’t sleep a wink last night with all that racket
to reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about the known facts:
2 verb
little can be safely deduced from these figures, deduce that,
through a process of deduction, make deductions from the available facts ( deduction of tax)
The interest I receive on my savings account is paid after the deduction of tax.
infer from sth that, by inference, draw inferences from the data
to make yourself accept something that you do not like because you cannot change it:
resign yourself to sth
i resigned myself to waking up at 5 am
to resign from, resign as - hand in resignation
resignation, hand in/give in/send in your resignation, trigger a wave of resignations
do sth with resignation
to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly, to drive at sth
imply that, an implied criticism
I’m not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
- …., as the name implies ( as can be deduced from the name), …
- involve or necessitate sth: socialism implies equality
take or accept sth eagerly
seize the chance/opportunity with both hands, seize the initiative , leap at
- seize power/control
- seize hold of
yield successful results
(=yield collocations)
bear fruit
once i applied myself and tried to be more assertive, my efforts eventually bore fruit
an attempt to yield increased profits, , yield crops, yield results, an increase/reduction in yield , yield benefits/results, yield hefty returns
in the same way as
in common with
In common with many parents, she feels torn between her family and her work.
- find common ground, have sth in common
to share something out differently from before, especially in a fairer way:
redistribute wealth/income, redistribute resources, New legislation should ensure fair competition and equitable treatment for all the market players.an equitable distribution of wealth/resources/profits
point in time
noun and verb
in final stages, at the stage where, at some stage, just a stage, go through a stage, a key stage, from an early stage, reach a critical stage, at this stage,
to stage a conference/an event/exhibition, stage a protest/demonstration
to stage a production/show, go on the stage
what sb wants to happen
against sb’s will, impose will upon communities
make a will , in one’s will, do sth at will,
respect colloc
have great respect for, a formidable figure who commands a great deal of respect
earn/gain the respect of
show lack of respect for human life, show no respect for
convey/give my respect to, to respect sb’s privacy
in many important respects/one important respect, in most respects
with respect to
causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large, powerful, or difficult:
a formidable task/obstacle /adversary
delay doing sth
hold off
hold off ing
Let’s hold off making a decision until next week.
to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people:
convey profound feelings
convey how/wh, convey the impression that
more noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others:
Research forms the predominant part of my job.
predominant objectives
the predominant customers/type of
the whole extent of
the length and breadth of somewhere
travel the length and breadth of Austria
do sth in a house in all parts of it
clean/search/paint/decorate sth from top to bottom
in a way that exists everywhere, or involves everyone:
it is universally acknowledged as
universally recognised as
universal access/service/standards The wireless infrastructure provides universal access to the internet for all residents.
to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound:
you’ll SNAP that ruler if you bend it too far
snap sth off
- get angry= to snap: i snapped at her
snap shut or to snap sth shut
snap out of it, snap up
take holiday snaps
a small, noticeable part of a problem, the total size of which is really much greater:
the tip of the iceberg
impossible to doubt
indisputable skill/fact
- to just be able to manage, especially when you have financial difficulties:
- be barely able to pay for your food/clothing
keep your head above water
struggle to make ends meet
keep body and soul together
wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.
in your imagination or memory
in your mind’s eye
to decide you are going to do something and to put a lot of effort into doing it:
set/put your mind to sth
to a level that is more than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable:
undue pressure/hardship/strain
an undue burden/delay- put undue strain on your finances
undue concern
Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on the local tax payer.
a difficulty or problem
financial/economic hardship
extreme/severe hardship
pose an undue hardship on
intolerable levels of hardship
to stop someone from worrying about something:
set/put your mind at ease
he phoned to say they’d arrived safely, so that really put my mind at ease
put misconceptions at rest
worry over sth
have sth on your mind
i have a lot on my mind at this moment
happening repeatedly, usually in an annoying or not convenient way:
continual problems/interruptions/attacks/breakdowns
continually - repeatedly= they argue continually, security measures are continually updated
used when you want to make what you have just said sound less strong:
mind you … -remember to do sth
be undecided or unsure
torn between
be of two minds
very shocking and surprising
It costs a staggering $50,000 per week to keep the museum open to the public.
He staggered all his colleagues by suddenly announcing that - surprised/shocked
move or walk with difficulty
stagger to somewhere
The company is staggering under a $15 million debt and will almost certainly collapse by the end of the year.
the achievement of sth desired
the fulfilment of a lifelong dream/ambition, fulfilment of obligations/duties/requirements, fulfilment of educational potential, You will be expected to contribute to the fulfilment of our objectives/aims across key areas of the business,
a feeling of pleasure of satisfaction- close personal relationships are integral to finding fulfilment , a sense of fulfilment
fulfil the needs/requirements of, fulfil duties, fulfil ambition,Zoos fulfil an important function in the protection of rare species., fulfil the criteria/expectations
I’ve finally found a job in which I can fulfil myself
make sb pay too much
rip sb off
i think we’ve been ripped off
a rip-off
large in quantity
lavish praise/promises/spending/gifts
a strong emotion
be beside yourself (WITH rage/worry)He was beside himself with grief when she died. -overcome with worry/anger/grief
the things that will happen in the future:
destiny had been shaped by, control/determine/take charge of destinies
If a feeling or problem…, it is strong or serious and has existed for a long time:
run/go deep
passion anger runs deep
deep colloc
land in deep trouble, be in deep
deep voice
deep and profound
deep down
If you jump or are thrown in at the deep end, you start doing something new and difficult without help or preparation.
an extra piece of equipment that can be added to a machine:
a special attachment for (grinding coffee0
- open an attachment, email as an attachment , attach a photo to, a cable to attach the printer to the computer,
- form (a strong) an attachment to sth/sb, lifelong attachment to-
-To attach a particular quality to something is to consider it to have that quality: attach importance/significance to, i attach a great value,
complete - noun
be paid on the completion of
be nearing completion
a contract of employment, a temporary contract, break the terms of the contract, draw up , enter into a contract,
to contract a disease,
to contract with, the company contracts to do sth, our company was contracted to …
to gradually increase in number
mount up
let bills mount up, the costs mount
make somebody go away
scare sb off/away
Don’t make too much noise or you’ll scare away the birds.
to scare customers off
an idea or belief that sth is true when it’s not
have no illusions about, be under no illusions , labour under the illusion that
create the illusion of, increase the illusion of depth
a particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally:
several instances of, in this instance, an instance of
to mistake sth for sth else
misinterpret the situation, to misinterpret remarks/claims/sth
the plethora of regulations is both contradictory and confusing. this ambiguity leads to laws that may be open to misinterpretation
a symbol of
as a token of gratitude/appreciation,
Metal tokens are used instead of cash in some slot machines in casinos.
First they had to queue up to receive a small plastic token, which they could then exchange for food.
by the same token , used to mean that something you are about to say is also true, for the same reasons as what has just been said:
not regular or fixed
casual labour/labourers/workers
a casual remark/comment/observer
She does not intend necessarily to give up work but may work on a casual basis.
casual clothes/attire
- representing sth else
- represent sth else exactly
- an example that represents sth else
be symbolic of sth
- embody - to embody good sportsmanship on the playing field
- the epitome of
an amount that is neither small nor large
moderate, moderately
moderately priced housing , moderately successful, moderately priced/sized, moderate growth./inflation/prices/risk/cinomes,
to moderate your stance, moderated weather conditions
make sb really angry
make sb’s blood boil
go to a place
set foot in somewhere
be related by blood, sb’s flesh and blood, A sound, sight, or thought that makes your blood run cold frightens you very much:
I heard a tapping on the window which made my blood run cold.people who join an organization and who can provide new ideas and energy:
The company has brought in some new blood in an effort to revive its fortunes.
something that prevents a particular event or development from happening:
a lack of formal education is no bar to becoming wealthy
a bar to promotion
be barred from ving, bar sb’s way/path
a lack of interest in sth
show indifference to/towards
feign indifference
be indifferent to
have sympathy with , sympathy for (a view)
have great/little/no sympathy for sth
a dazed expression
the situation in which events or conditions combine or happen together:
work in conjunction with sb
conjunction of circumstances
an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad, or difficult one:
the plight of the poor/homeless
relieve the plight of children living in poverty
based on experience as opposed to theory
experimental studies/data/evidence
back up theories with solid empirical data/evidence, empirical studies show
a distinguishable characteristic
personality/character trait
unattractive traits
a few people, or a small number or amount of things
a handful of
cultural colloc
identity, differences/diversity/heritage
understanding sth
insight into .. human relationship, provide a rare insight into
of a person
withdrawn and taciturn
a detached house
a new angle
lend a fresh perspective to the subject
from .. perspective
keep things in perspective, to put sth into perspective
the process of mixing or combining
promote racial/cultural integration
encourage regional integration, integrate yourself into a society/new culture
You need to integrate exercise into your normal life.
The idea with young children is to integrate learning with play.
in the region of
economic decline
in the depths of recession
recover from/fall into a deep recession
a sign or result of something, indication of sth
a reflection of , a sad reflection on society
your reflection on the subject
also-serious and careful thought
on reflection, sb’s reflection on/about sth, after some reflection,
extremely large or great
an infinite number/varieties
the universe is theoretically infinite
with infinite patience, she explained the complex procedure to us
infinite care
in a way that obeys some rules but is not likely:
theoretically possible
to do something immediately, without considering if it is a good idea:
not think twice
They didn’t think twice about laying off hundreds of employees.
an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening:
as a precaution against sth
take the necessary precautions
We’re taking every precaution necessary to ensure the safety of our employees
safety/security precautions
an important job, especially a military one, that someone is sent somewhere to do:
a peace/rescue/fact-finding mission
also=My mission in life is to educate the rich about the plight of the poor.
to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain, or shock://to breathe loudly and with difficulty, trying to get more air:
gasp in surprise/horror,
gasp for breath
gasp - say sth hurriedly, while catching one’s breath : gasp out (an apology)
give a gasp of (astonishment/pain)
be gasping for a drink/cigarette
a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing:
rivalry among/between, fierce rivalry for sth, rivalry to do sth
put old rivalries aside, in rivalry with
personal and political rivalries
to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually:
undermine sb/sb’s position, undermine sb’s confidence
the integrity of (government statistics) is being undermined
mentally healthy
also- if the foundations of the house aren’t stable, the building is likely to collapse
a stable job/employment ,
a stable economy/country/government , financially/politically/economically stable,
relatively stable prices
a building in which horses are kept