Every Single Fucking Character Flashcards
Isabel de Castile
Married to King Ferdinand of Aragon also Catholic. She also helped her husband sponsor Columbus’s journey to the New World
King Philip the Handsome
Married Juana La Loca. First Habsburg monarchy in Spain.
Charles V of Austria and I of Spain
Many people consider him to be the first king of Spain. The concourse and ruling of the Aztec and Inca empires happened under him. His reign was brought down by war. The Spanish church boys in America with the biggest source of wealth and power to Spain at this point.
Francisco Pizarro
Conquered the Incan Empire and three expeditions. He founded Lima, Peru
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Discovered and claimed the Pacific ocean for Spain
Hernan Cortez
Conquered The Aztecs in central America
Diego de Almagro
A soldier who Joined forces with Pizarro and agreed to split the wealth. He been fraught with Pizarro and ended up killed. As a result of his family then killed Pizarro
King Joseph of Biaganza
King of Portugal 1750z Worked with the Marquess of Pombal who really did the work
Sabastiāo José de Carvalho
Marquess of Pombal
The secretary of state during King Joseph I reign. He created the reforms of Portugal:
- Free Trade amongst Captaincies
- Central Government was moved from Salvador de Bahia to Rio de Janeiro
- Natives were Free
- expulsion of the Jesuits
He prevented Brazil from fragmentation held the country together. He created the basis for public schools, new tax pays, added more departments for studies. He made the official language of Brazil Portuguese.
King Ferdinand of Argon
Catholic king who sponsored the first voyage of Christopher Columbus and 1492
King Philip II
Son of Charles the I of Spain and IV of Austria. He finished colonizing and established government new Spain. He was able to obtain the largest expansion of the Spanish Empire in the New World. He brought the first universities, first bishops, and first cities. He was a part of the house of Habsburg
Charles III or Spain
First number of the house of bourbon. Under him Spain get independence was last Land in Africa. Bourbon reforms are mainly to raise the tax collection in order to modernize Spain by limiting power of the Creoles and establishing supremacy over their territories. Charles law seven years war with Spain in the country was struggling. This was the reason for the reforms.
Pablo Villeda
Priest that started to call for independence in Peru.
Servando de Mier
Priest that starts a call for independence in Mexico.
Francisco de Miranda
Forerunner of Simón Bolívar. He led an attempted invasion of the captaincy general Venezuela. His attempted Independence failed. He’s very dictoral and got handed over to the Spanish baby Bolívar because his actions were treasonous. He led the Patriotic Society of Caracas.
Antonio Cariño
Hey Colombian radical that called the independence. Many people did not agree with his independence process.
Mariano Moreno
Argentinian. Wrote the Landowners Petition which attacked Spanish navigation acts and urged people to free trade with other nations. He’s started an aggressive route to independence and was forced to resign.
Miguel Hidalgo
Mexican catholic priest who is known as the founding father of Mexico. He marched cross Mexico and with an army of 90,000 men and attached Spanish Peninsulares and Creole elites. They were not well trained and when they met Spanish troops who were well-trained most of them flood and were killed. Hidalgo
Was executed
Miguel Belgrano
Argentinian. Created the Argentinian flag. He led the ill-fated Paraguay campaign. Though he was defeated, it initiated the events that led to the independence.
Antonio Morelos
Mexico’s second rebellion, along side Hidalgo but different. He was a priest and gained land in South Mexico because of the ports. He relinquished his loyalty toward King Ferdinand VII which gave land to native Mexicans , social integration of mestizos and Indians to Mexican societies, and called for first legislative conference called Congress of Chilpancingo (Anahuac).
Vincente Guerro
One of the leaders in Mexican independence and fought alongside Morelo’s. He ratified the Mexican independence and was the first president of Mexico
Simón Bolívar
Venezuelan Creole Who gave Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Columbia independence. He took advantage of disorder in Spain and created his independence campaign. Victory at battle of Carabo made Venezuela his. Conservative and organized a national congress in 3 years.
Alexandre Petión
Presidents of Haiti and offered his support to Bolívar
José Antonio Páez
Venezuelan leader who fought with Bolívar and during Venezuelan Wars of Independence. Later led the Venezuelan break away from gran Columbia.
El Pipilas
Juan Jose de lots Reyes Martinez Amaro
Stormed through Spanish grain warehouse with men killing many Spanish soldiers. He wanted personal freedom as a miner in my freedom of miners as a whole
Ignacio José Allende y Unzaga
Going to Spanish army of Mexico but switched sides and started attending secret independence meeting. He fought with Hidalgo and Morelo’s
Manuela Saenz (Libertadora Del Liberatodor)
Mistress of Simón Bolívar. She was involved with politics and military affairs, especially with regards the independence. She prevented an assassination attempt of Bolívar and helped him escape.
La Corregidora (María Josefa Crescencia Ortiz Tellez Giron)
Husband was the Corregidor of Mexico. She started sending meetings because of the mistreatment of mestizos. She started hosting the meetings at her house and it became the official location for the meetings and of storing weapons for the revolution. Hidalgo and Ignacio attended
José de San Martín
Proclaimed independence of United Provinces of River Plate with Miguel Belgrano. Liberates Upper Peru. Meets with Bolívar in secret in Guayaquil in 1822.
Dom John VI
King of Portugal
Dom Pedro
Son of Dom John VI and was left to rule Brazil when he left. he became the laughing stock of Brazil when Jorge Avilez forced him to step down. Pedro called independence with the Cry of Ipiranga when his friend José Benifácio was forced out of his position as Minister of Kingdom and Forgeign Affairs.
Jorge Avilez
Forced Dom Pedro and José Bonifácio out of power
José Bonifácio
Fatherly figure to Dom Pedro. He wa a the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil. Jorge Avilez forced him to resign.
Pancho Villa
Mexican revolutionary general. Commander of division of North constitutionalist army. He is army was undefeated. Close relation with USA and the media. Caudillo
Antonio Lopez de Santana
Took power from Augustine de Inturbide which was the first Mexican independence. With 4,000,000 km of land and 7 million people, the country was weak. The Mexican American war caused Mexico to lose lost half of their land the US. There was also disputes with France, War of Cakes
Benito Juarez
More liberal. Resisted French occupation in Mexico and over through the second Mexican empire. Restored the republic. Used Liberal measures to restore country.
Porfirio Diaz
Mexican soldier and politician. Surfer three decades. He had a very old way of doing things. He imprisoned José Limantour, his rival in election, and declared himself winner of his eighth term. They started the Mexican Revolution. Took land away from the Hacendados (wealthy land owners) and gave to to the Campesinos (rural people) who had no idea what to do with it and how to run it.
José Limantour
Ran against Porfirio Diaz but in prison and when he was going to win.
Francisco Madero
Wealthy landowner who runs for president of Mexico against Diaz in 1910. Arrested by the government but escapes USA and launched Plan of San Luis which called for Mexican Revolution and collapse to Diaz which began the revolution.
Victoriano Huerto
Mexican military officer and president of Mexico. He led a counter-revolutionary coop which when they attacked, it was called the 10 tragic days which maduro was assassinated. This was the most violent and sad moments of the revolution. His regime was immediately opposed by revolutionary forces. His fall was also helped along with:
1) USA intervention (TAMKO incident and Veracruz)
2) Battle of Zacatecas, where Villa defeated his troops.
Venustiano Carranza
Rebelled with Villa in the north. President in 1914 of Mexico. Constitutionalist. Most important leader of his time. Where do USA, workers, minors, intellectual elites, and Mexican constitutionalist army. Put in Constitution of Queretaro which is still in existence today. This constitution consisted of
- Public Education
- expropriation of land (favor to peasants)
- labor and social laws (no child labor, 8hr work day etc)
- limited power of the church
Emiliano Zapata
Liberation Army of South Mexico leader.
Dr. Gasper Francia
Perpetual Dictator of Republic of Paraguay
Paraguayan lawyer and politician. One of the first leaders following independence of Paraguay. Anti Elite. Resisted Yegros Conspiracy. He was accused of ruling Junta of being too inclined to Buenos Aires, therefore he proposes a creation of a Congress which gets him lots of support. He consolidated political power by introducing own supporters and military. He pushes the importance of gold trade for in the “portenistas”.
Ricardo Flores Magón
Ran newspaper “Regeneración” and published editorial which was liberal sided. Doing to Liberal party in Mexico with his brothers. But he was forced to exile because they were more radical. He created the Junta Organization Del Partido Liberal Mexicano
Bernardo Reyes
Mexican general politician. He favored Deas and illuminated public rivals. He modernize the state in support of the lives of workers. Expanded military forces Minister of War by 30,000 men.
Yves Limantour y Marguet
Secretary of finance of Mexico. Secured national debt in Mexico had a strong finance basis