EVENTS from 1955 - 1966 Flashcards
What happened at Little Rock High School?
NAACP - governor of Kansas ordered national guard to stop black students from going to school which undermined Eisenhower’s authority so he ordered the national guard to stand down. Lots of media coverage.
What happened in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
MIA - Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to white person, boycott lasted a year and bus company lost 65%
What happened at the Greensboro sit ins?
Students - started with 4 students refusing to leave cafe until they were served, 300 students by 4th day. Woolworths lost $200,000 in business, there was high media coverage.
When was the Freedom rides?
When was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
When was Little Rock High School?
When was the Greensboro Sit Ins?
When was Albany?
What happened at Albany?
Students protest with MLK, failure as there was little media coverage as police were pre warned not to use police brutality.
What was the Freedom rides?
Black activists got on public bus in the south and were attacked by white activists and KKK - massive amounts of media coverage and CORE, SCLC, SNCC all worked together.
When was the Birmingham riots?
What happened at Birmingham?
March through most racist city, Bull Connor ordered police to attack protestors, huge media attention, MLK arrested and Kennedy travelled to Birmingham to get him out of Jail.
When was the March on Washington?
What was the March on Washington?
250,000 marched and 50,000 were white. The March gained huge media coverage and forced Kennedy to begin work on a civil rights bill. The civil rights leaders began working closely with federal government.
When was the Mississippi freedom summer?