Events Flashcards
A new promise with God is given.
The Ten Commandments
God has a plan and the humans are the pinnacle of his creation.
Creation Account- Genesis 1
Jesus shows his divine nature.
The Transfiguration
Worship has to be done with the right attitude.
Cain and Abel
God shows that his chosen people will not be forgotten.
The Passover
God sends his son to fulfil a prophecy.
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus’s message is too complex to understand.
Peter’s Denial
God provides everything for mankind and sets out rules.
Creation Account- Genesis 2
God makes a promise to his people.
Near Sacrifice of Isaac
God expects obedience and punishes when we break the rules.
The Fall
A sacrifice is made for mankind.
The Crucifixion
Jesus show self-restraint and discipline.
Temptation of Jesus
Jesus shows that Kingdom of God is for everyone.
Call of The Disciples
Jesus shows that the Kingdom of God has finally arrived.
The Resurrection.