Evaluation and Selection of Psychological Tests Flashcards
What is one factor to consider when evaluating the appropriateness of a psychological test for a particular examinee or situation?
The qualifications of the examiner.
What is another factor to consider when evaluating the appropriateness of a psychological test for a particular examinee or situation?
the characteristics of the examinee and the test.
Regarding examiner qualifications, the _______________, __________, ________________, and other ____________________ needed to __________________ a test and ________________ its results are important ___________________ when choosing a __________ or other ___________________________________.
knowledge; skills; training; qualifications; administer; interpret; considerations; test; assessment technique
Several documents published by the American Psychological Association address this issue, including the …
Ethical Standards for the Distribution of Psychological Tests and Diagnostic Aids (APA, 1950).
The Ethical Standards for the Distribution of Psychological Tests and Diagnostics Aids includes a _______________ system for categorizing test user _________________.
three-tier; qualifications
Level A tests may be …
administered and interpreted by nonpsychologists.
Level B tests require …
“some technical knowledge of test construction and use … [and completion og] supporting psychological and educational subjects”.
Level C tests should be …
administered only by individuals “with at least a Master’s degree in psychology … and at least one year of supervised experience under a psychologist.”
Examinee characteristics relevant to the evaluation of a psychological test include the examinee’s a____, d_______________ level, g_______, r________ level, l_________ proficiency, ph_________ abilities, m___________, a__________, f__________ with testing procedures, and c______________ and s___________________ background.
age; developmental; gender; reading; language; physical; motivation; anxiety; familiarity; cultural; socioeconomic
For example, the validity of a test is likely to be compromised when there is a mismatch between the ________________________________ and the ____________________________________.
language requirements of the test; examinees language proficiency
As another example, the validity of a test is likely to be compromised when …
testing procedures are modified to accommodate an examinee’s disability but the test was not developed or normed for individuals with that disability.
Regarding test characteristics, determining the appropriateness of a test requires considering not only the match between the ____________ of the test and the _____________ for the assessment but also the test’s …
purpose; reasons; reliability and validity, its standardization (administration and scoring procedures and norms), and the types of scores that the test provides.
Reliability refers to …
the degree to which test scores are free from the effects of measurement error.
Validity refers to …
the degree to which a test measures what it was designed to measure.
Standardization is used to describe _____ characteristics of a test.
First, a test is said to be standardized when …
“the testee’s words and acts, the apparatus, and the scoring have been fixed so the scores collected at different times and places are fully comparable” (Cronbach, 1984).
Any deviation from standardized administration and scoring procedures may result in …
invalid conclusions about an examinee’s test performance.
What is an example of deviation from standardized administration procedures?
the modification of test instructions
Second, a test is referred to as standardized when it has been administered …
under standard conditions to a representative sample for the purpose of establishing norms.
The greater the discrepancy between an _______________________ and the ___________________________________, the less _____________ the test will likely be for that ____________________.
examinee’s characteristics; characteristics of the norm group; valid; examinee
Regarding types of scores, the scores provided by most tests can be categorized as _______________________, ____________________, or ____________________.
norm-referenced; criterion-referenced; self-referenced
Norm-referenced scores …
permit comparisons between an examinees test performance and the performance of individuals in the norm group.
What are two examples for norm-referenced scores?
percentile ranks and standard scores
Criterion-referenced scores are also known as …
domain-referenced and content-referenced scores.
Criterion-referenced scores permit …
interpreting an examinee’s test performance in terms of what the examinee can do or knows with regard to a clearly defined content domain or in terms of performance or status on an external criterion (e.g., predicted rating on a measure of job performance).
For example, when a criterion-referenced test is used for the purpose of ___________ testing, an examinee’s performance is usually reported as _____________ of the test items answered _______________, and the _______________ is compared to a ___________________________________ (e.g., ___) to determine if the examinee has reached _______________ or requires _________________.
mastery; percent; correctly; percent; pre-established cutoff; 80% correct; mastery; additional instruction.
Self-referenced scores are provided by …
ipsative scales.
Ipsative scales permit …
intraindividual comparisons - i.e., comparisons of an examinee’s score on one scale with his scores on other scales.
What is an example of a self-referenced score?
An examinee’s scores on the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule provide information on the relative strengths of he basic psychological needs.