Evaluation Flashcards
define the _____ of effectiveness (sign)
Training evaluation methods _____ to different approaches in collecting the data. (to be dependent on)
rely on
Information can help ________imporvements on training programs. (discover, verify, detect, confirm)
determine improvements
The training evaluation process is essential to ______training effectiveness. (get, indicate)
to access
This model _______ the evaluation process into 4 levels. (split, divide)
to break smth. down
Feedback is one of the most powerful ______ on learning and achievement, but this impact can be either positive or negative. (effect, impact, force)
Purely extrinsic motivation often backfires in the _____. (in the end, as a result)
long run
Tangible rewards significantly _______ intrinsic motivation, particularly for interesting tasks. (weaken, sabotage)