Evaluation Flashcards
Issues with insanity
- Legal definition
- Burden of proof
- Ineffective verdict
- Social stigma
- Overlap with automatism
Insanity - burden of proof
The defendant has to prove the defence on the balance of probabilities which can be misleading for juries due to the fact that arguably it should not be up to them to determine someone as being insane, as it should be up to the medical experts.
The reverse burden is contrary to the fundamental principles of English law and arguably in breach of article 6 ECHR which states that the defendant is innocent until proven guilty
Insanity - Social stigma
The use of the word insanity is very derogatory. Many people with a recognised medical condition would term themselves as being insane. It is bad enough to describe those with mental conditions as being insane but, it’s definitely inappropriate to describe those with conditions such as diabetes or epilepsy as being insane. Some defendants will not use the defence simply because of the negative connotations, which leads those who may be convicted of serious crimes and not deserve to be due to the fact they did not use the defence they were entitled to.
Insanity - Overlap with automatism
It can be very difficult to determine whether or not that an individuals automatic state was die to an internal or external factor. The difficulty usually lies with diabetics and epileptics and those whose physical conditions can affect the mind. The consequences can be catastrophic, due to the fact that those with a successful automatism defence leads to acquittal, but those who have a verdict of NGRI usually result in having a hospital order.
Issued with consent
- Inconsistencies in case law
- Consent and Euthanasia
- Consent and Sexual Offences Act 2003
- Horseplay Exemption
Consent - consent and euthanasia
No one is able to consent to their own death, even if you assist someone to take their own life and they are terminally ill, that is still murder. This means that if a terminally ill person chooses to die they will need to commit suicide. This becomes a problem if they are physically unable to, which is a very outdated approach and other countries have a more liberal stance eg Switzerland and the Netherlands. The decisions in Pretty & Purdy lead to the DPP to creat guidelines as regards to assisted suicide.
Consent - Inconsistencies with case law
It is difficult to reconcile the decisions made in Brown & Wilson. In brown the court held that consent could not be a defence to homosexual sadomasochism but in wilson it was a defence for sexual pleasure. So the difference in wilson it was held to be the same as tattooing but this decision was inconsistent with Emmett involving high risk sexual activity.
Consent - Horseplay exception.
This is effectively friendly violence between those of a similar age, even where such behaviour results in serious injury, the courts have held that consent can be a defence. It is surprising to suggest that the aggressor did not have the mens rea, not even recklessness. Kt is even more surprising that the courts have held that honest belief in consent is a defence even in cases like jones and in Aitken where the victims were both violently attacked.
Issues with murder
- The law has developed ‘bit by bit’ and lacks coherency
- The serious harm rule-MR issue of intent to cause GBH
- There is no defence where excessive force is used
- There is no defence of duress
- There is a mandatory life sentence
- The minimum sentencing guidelines further aggravate the situation
Murder - The law has developed ‘bit by bit’ and lacks coherency
The bit by bit development of law has caused problems particularly with the meaning of intention. The main issues surrounding the virtual certainty rule and foresight consequences.
There have been many attempts to explain what this is. Woolin did not satisfactorily classify the law suggesting that intention can be found from foresight of consequences. So it is not certain whether this is actual law or just a rule of evidence, the case of Matthews & Alleyne failed t clarify this by saying there was no real difference between a rule of law and substantive evidence.
This means that the virtual certainty rule is difficult to explain and for juries to understand.
Murder - The serious harm rule
In the 2006 report, the law commission identified that in 1957 when parliament passed the Homicide Act 1957, they never intended a killing to amount to murder unless the defendant realised that his conduct could cause death.
The law commission felt that the current law on murder was too wide. The mens rea does not necessarily correspond to the harm caused, this is felt to be unfair and unjust because it means that a defendant who did not intend to kill will still receive the same sentence as someone who killed in cold blood
Murder - There is no defence where excessive force is used
Self defence is an all or nothing defence, where if the defendant uses too much force then he is guilty of murder, if it is reasonable, he is acquitted
What amounts to reasonable force depends on the defendants honest and instinctive belief at the time of the killing. The difficulty here is that the defendant is unlikely to be thinking clearly or to be able to weigh up a situation.
The outcome can be very harsh for the defendant as he was in a situation which justified the use of some force but he misjudged it and was excessive as highlighted in Clegg and Martin.
Many people feel that this a situation where the defendant is not culpable as a true murderer and should not get the same sentence.
Murder - There is no defence of duress
Duress is where the defendant is threatened with death or serious injury so he takes part in the offence.
Duress is allowed as a defence to almost every crime but not for murder or attempted murder.
So under the existing law a defendant who killed in these circumstances would receive a mandatory life sentence.
This is unfair because there is no recognition that the defendant was placed in an impossible situation.
Murder - There is a mandatory life sentence
Defendants aged 18 or over that is convicted of murder is given a mandatory life sentence (the judge has no option).
Offenders aged 10-17 who are convicted of murder are detained at Her Majesties Pleasure.
This is unfair because it means all murderers are treated the same irrespective of the circumstances.
This means that cold blood killers such as The Wests are treated the same as those who kill out of love or fear or in self defence.
Murder - The minimum sentencing guidelines further aggravate the situation
The minimum tariff is set when a life sentence is given, the judge gets guidance from the sentencing guidelines.
Minimum sentences are set by the Criminal Justice Act 2003. Under the rules Tony Martin would be given the same tariff as a contract killer, so theres no differentiation in levels of culpability.
Issues with Diminished Responsibility
- Burden of proof
- Developmental immaturity
- Intoxication
Diminished Responsibility- Burden of proof
Burden of proof with this partial defence still lies with the defendant.
This is Inconsistent with the principles of English Law and is an anomaly within it.
With most other defences the, the defendant only needs to raise it and it is then up to the prosecution to disprove it.
Furthermore, it can be argued that this is inconsistent with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights - the right to a fair trial.
Diminished Responsibility - Developmental immaturity
The law commission suggested the developmental immaturity in those under 18 should be included within the definition of DR. This is because there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the frontal lobes of the brain (which are responsible for controlling impulsive behaviour) do not develop until the age of 14.
The government decided there was no need for a definition due to the fact that conditions such as learning difficulties and autism are recognised medical conditions, but development immaturity is not the same as a learning difficulty
Without the definition, children as young as 10 can be convicted of murder when they are developmentally immature-ie they cannot control their impulsive behaviour because of their age, and therefore cannot rely on the defence of DR
Diminished Responsibility - Intoxication
There are still issues remaining about how the defence should be applied if the defendant is intoxicated and also suffering from an abnormality of mental functioning due to being addicted to a substance.
The court expects the jury to only consider how much alcohol the defendant needed to satisfy their addiction and then disregard anything that was consumed beyond that.
This a very difficult, if mot impossible, task s by their very nature, addicts will generally consume as much of their addiction as possible.
Issues with Loss of Control
- Loss of Control
- Sexual Infidelity
- Fear of Serious Violence
- No Defence If The Defendant Is Acting Put Of A Considered Desire For Revenge
Loss of Control - loss of control
There was a proposal to remove the criteria of loss of control altogether.
This was due to a number of factors, but particularly because many people, especially battered wives, kill out of a combination of factors.
The government did not adopt this position and therefore the defence is unhelpful to a number of people
Loss of Control - Sexual Infidelity
Under the old law of provocation a person could kill their partner and be able to successfully rely on the defence of provocation if it had been established that the spouse/partner had been having an affair.
The law recognised that if someone discovered such knowledge about their partner they would usually be very angry and are likely to lose their self control.
However, this was specifically excluded as a trigger for loss of control under CJA 2009. The case of Clinton has made an attempt to soften this by suggesting situations in which the discovery of an affair may be relevant, but this is only as far as the circumstances of the offence.
Loss of Control - Fear of Serious Violence
This qualifying trigger was included in order to help cover situations such as those in Clegg and Martin.
This creates a rather peculiar situation in that the jury are being asked to decide if someone who acted in fear of serious violence has ‘lost control’.
Surely this is a bit of a circular test, in that they are reacting to a situation that they are in.
The very particular facts of both Clegg and Martin may still also make it very difficult for defendants to use this defence as they were not necessarily in fear of serious violence - Martin was trying to prevent his home being burgled and Clegg was trying to protect the barracks he was patrolling.
Loss of Control - No Defence If The Defendant Is Acting Out Of A Considered Desire For Revenge
The issue that this creates is that it may prevent the defence being available to those who potentially need it the most.
For example, battered wives who kill their husbands are usually acting out of fear of serious violence, but there will often be an element of revenge there too - or at least the jury will be able to find one where the victim has been abused for many years and then finally react to their situation.
If they do find that this is the case then the defence should fail.
This could also be true of those in Martin’s situation too, as he had been burgled many times in previous years.
Problems with Non-Fatal Offences
- Language
- Hierarchy of Seriousness of Offences and Sentencing
- Mens Rea
- Outdated
NFO - Language
- Written in Victorian times
- No definitions of key words or phrases
- Language is old fashioned
- The term assault is used inconsistently
- Wounding is not defined
NFO - Hierarchy Of Seriousness and Sentencing
- Set Of Hierarchical offences
- Inconsistencies with Sentencing
NFO - Mens Rea
- Liability for ABH
- Liability for GBH
- Punishment not matched with culpability.
NFO - Outdated
- Psychiatric harm
- Telephones
- Spreading of AIDS
NFO - Victorian times
The offences against the person act 1861 was drafted and written in the victorian era. This leads to many problems - the relevant sections such as s47 s20 s18 are randomly interspersed with other sections covering such offences such as poisoning and kidnapping.
NFO - No definitions of key words or phrases
There are no actual definitions for phrases such as “Actual bodily harm” or “Grievous bodily harm” which leads to case law to define them and can result in inconsistencies within decision making.
NFO - old fashioned language
Badly drafted and used inconsistently.
An example of this is that maliciously is used in s20 and s18 but it is not defined in the act, as it is interpreted to mean recklessly but this si out of step with modern understanding of the word
S18 makes the mr clear by using words ‘with intent’
NFO - The term assault is used inconsistently
S47 refers to assault occasioning ABH when it also covers battery, which can cause confusion with the understanding of the act and may interfere with the application of the act.
NFO - Wounding is not defined
Wounding is not defined in the act.
Again it relies on case law to help define that a wound is a break in the continuity of the skin, so in simplicity a pin prick can be a s20 offence which in reality, it does not match with the normal understanding of the term wound.
NFO - coherent set of offences
It was never intended for assault, battery, s47, s20 and s18 to be a coherent set of offences.
It is also unclear with the hierarchy of the seriousness of these offences. Surely if the number of the act indicates the seriousness of the offence, then it can imply that s20 is more serious than s18, or that s47 is more serious than s20, which we know to be untrue, and it makes it unclear of the seriousness of these offences
NFO - logical structure in Sentencing
If we look closely, s47 and s20 could potentially give the same sentence, which is unjust due to the fact that s20 is a more serious offence than s47.
Plus the jump from s47/s20 to s18 of a life sentence, makes it questionable of the structure of Sentencing guidelines for these offences and it questions the fact whether this is fair to the defendant.
NFO - Liability for ABH
A defendant can be guilty under s47 even though there is no intent/recklessness to cause some harm
NFO - Liability of s20
A defendant can be guilty of s20 even though there is no intent/recklessness to cause serious harm
NFO - Seriousness match culpability
The defendant can be punished for a more serious offence than he intended or foresaw, which means that the punishment does not actually fit his culpability, which makes it unfair!
NFO - Psychiatric harm
A Victorian draftsman for the OAPA would not have considered Psychiatric harm due to the fact that it was an unknown illness in the Victorian era.
NFO - telephones
At the time of 1861 telephones were not even invented, let alone social media and e-mail.
NFO - spreading of AIDS
The act is not suitable for situations such as shown in Dica. The prevention of the spread of STD’s would not have been considered in the Victorian era.
Aids wasn’t highlighted as a sexually transmitted disease neither. So above all how else are we suppose to deal with these modern problems, with an outdated act?
Problems with Automatism
- Overlap with insanity
- Irrational distinctions - especially diabetics
- Distinction between insane/non insane automatism
- Inconsistencies within case law
Automatism - Overlap with insanity
It is difficult to differentiate between insanity and Automatism in cases such as in diabetes and epilepsy, it is often only a very minor difference between the two, as shown in Quick and Hennessy
Automatism - irrational distinctions
It makes no sense for one kind of diabetic action to be Automatism and the other to he insanity, either all should be insanity or all should be Automatism.
Automatism- distinction between insane/ non insane automatism
Why would you have a phrase that dictates that insane automatism is essentially insanity and not a type of automatism? This creates unnecessary confusion.
Automatism- inconsistencies within case law
Especially diabetes. Quick - insulin caused him to act which equals automatism. Hennessy - the diabetes caused him to act which equalled insanity. Sleepwalking - Burgess was entitled to the inanity defence but sleepwalking caused by external causes would be Automatism.
Problems with intoxication
- Decision in Majewski
- Richardson and irwin attempts to make this fairer but there are still issues.
- Specific/Basic intent
- Involuntary Intoxication - especially decisions in kingston
- Public policy issues
Intoxication - Devision in Majewski
The decision in Majewski effectively made choosing to get drunk sufficient mens rea for many criminal offences.
Is this really fair? It is very harsh!
It also ignores the principle of coincidence of actus reus and mens rea - the decision to drink may be several hours before the defendant commits the actus reus of the offence
Also, the recklessness in becoming intoxicated means a defendant takes a risk of doing something stupid when drunk. At the time of becoming intoxicated, the defendant has no idea that he will actually commit the offence. Usually for offences where recklessness is sufficient mens rea, it has to be proved that the defendant knew there was a risk of the specific offence being committed.
Intoxication - Richardson and Irwin attempts to make this fairer but there are still issues
Magistrates or Jurors have to decide whether or not the defendant would have realised the risk had they not been drinking. If they would not have realised this risk they can rely on the defence of intoxication, but this is still problematic.
It is very difficult to know what a particular defendant would have realised when sober.
In Richardson and Irwin the defendants were uni students and it is difficult to say that they would not have realised the risk of throwing their friend off the balcony yet they would still rely on the defence of intoxication.
Intoxication - Specific/Basic intent
If the defendant is charged with murder or s18 he can use intoxication as a defence, however they may be guilty of the lower level offence, eg. Manslaughter or s20. For other crimes there is often no corresponding basic intent offence eg. Theft.
So if a defendant is charged with one of these offences and successfully claims he did not have the mens rea due to his intoxication, he is not found guilty of any offence.
Intoxication - Involuntary intoxication-especially decision in kingston.
Where the Involuntary Intoxication lowers the defendants inhibitions, the decision in kingston means that the defendant is guilty if he forms the necessary mens rea and ignores the fact that the defendant was not to blame for the intoxication. The defendant would jot be guilty of t he basic intent offence where the prosecution would have relied on recklessness, it is very unfair to defendants in Kingston’s situation.
Intoxication - Public Policy issues
So the contradictions in this area are largely because the law is policy based for 2 main reasons.
Reason number 1 - intoxication is a major factor in the commission of many crimes and this should not be overlooked.
Reason number 2 - there is a need to balance the rights if the defendant and the victim. If intoxication was always the defence then the victims rights would not be protected.
Problems with self defence
- Necessity
- Pre-emptive strike
- Excessive force
- Relevance of defendant’s characteristics
Self Defence - Necessity
This is a question for the jury, it is often very straight forward but it can be very difficult to determine if its not obvious. The jury were not there at the time the crime took place, and therefore cannot place the,selves in the defendants shoes. Different people have different tolerances and find different things threatening.
Self Defence - Pre-emptive strike
This can be a breach of law.
Th law is not always clear about whether or not a person has to wait until they’re attacked before they use force. On the one hand it takes a sensible approach, as it could be ridiculous if a person would have to wait until they were stabbed before they are allowed to defend themselves.
Example: AG’s ref no 2 1983.
But on the other hand the force used may be seen as excessive and unnecessary.
Self Defence - Excessive force
This particularly an issue for defendants charged with murder as defendants do not stop and think about the amount of force they are using and clearly didn’t realise the force they used was excessive. It is very difficult for a jury to determine as they were no there at the time. This is highlighted in cases such as Clegg and Martin.
Self Defence - relevance of defendants characteristics
Not all of the defendants characteristics can be considered when deciding if the defendant needs to defend himself.
In Martin Psychiatric evidence meant that the defendant had a condition which made that he perceived more greater danger than the average person, was not relevant.
In Cairns the court of appeal held that it was not appropriate to consider whether or not the defendant was suffering from a psychiatric condition (paranoid schizophrenia) which may have caused him a dilution of whether or not he was about to be attacked. It is unclear whether or not these decisions still apply to the CJIA 2008