Evaluation Flashcards
Scientifically racist
Only 40% of convicts studies had atavistic features
Founding father of Criminology. His research and theory has value.
Body types can change over time
Not everyone who is a mesomorph commits crime/ doesn’t explain why other body types commit crimes
Could cause a prejudice against certain body types - used to fuel eugenics movement
XYY theory?
Jacobs et el found that XYY was overrepresented in prisons
John Wayne Gacy was thought to have XYY syndrome
Dangerous to assume someone is born evil
Abstract ideas aren’t measurable
There would be more cases of incest if Oedipus complex is real
Bowlby’s research support linking to childhoods.
Lab study, controlled
Bandura’s supporting research
Doesn’t show real life modeling -people were strangers
Relies on self report-innaccurate results
DeYoung(2010) found link between testosterone and psychoticism
Found that only p and n have links, not e
Highlights the impact of discrimination in the law enforcement system and how white collar crime is under-policed
Not all capitalist societies have a high crime rate. Japan has one of the lowest in the world.
Not all poor people commit crimes
Doesn’t provide a reason for crime to happen in the first place
Not sure how much crime is the right amount
Right realism?
Flood page (2000) found that people that come from single parent backgrounds are more likely to commit crimes than those who came from families with both parents
Zero tolerance can lead to a deviance amplification spiral
Zero tolerance can cause police brutality and injustice
Easily implemented
Not long term
Used as a justification for genocide
Death penalty?
Found not to work after the UK’s temporary ban in 1961
Power imbalance
Can be cathartic
Shelder (2010) found it to be just as effective as CBT
Behavioural modification?
Only controls crime inside prisons and not outside
Anger management?
Ireland (2004)
Unless expensive, usually poor quality
Gill and Loveday found that it didn’t reduce crime, just move it
Has helped police capture multiple criminals -Jamie Bulger’s murderers.
Restorative justice?