Evaluation Flashcards
Strength of Apophatic way (respectful)
Apophatic way is more respectful approach as it recognises that God is transcendent and wholly other to a human realm.
Strength of Apophatic way (prevent)
Any language used by humans reduces God to a human level. Apophatic way prevents anthropomorphic representations of God.
Strength of Apophatic way (Experience)
Fits with religious experience and mysticism. William James observes that religious experiences are ineffable; they cannot be described in ordinary language.
Weakness of Apophatic (W.R Inge) Dean of St Paul’s
Apophatic leads to an “annihilation of God” where we lose connection between God and world. Backed up by Flew on falsification.
Weakness of Apophatic (bible)
Not a true reflection of how religious believers speak or think about God. Scriptures of all major faiths describe God in positive terms. e.g Psalms - The lord is my Shepard.
Weakness of Apophatic (Gospel)
Believer has no means of communicating with the non believer about the subject of God - cannot spread Gospel
Limitation of Maimonides
Limited knowledge - not clear that a ship can be described in the way he maintains e.g could be a coffin or something
Strength of Cataphatic way (avoids errors)
Not univocal so avoids anthropmorphically of God
Not equivocal so avoids agnosticism
Strength of cataphatic way (positive)
Religious believers are more inclined to take positively about God.
Strength of cataphatic way (Jesus)
Jesus used analogy to help us describe God, E.g he began with the phrase “the Kingdom of God is like”
Weakness of cataphatic way (subjective)
Theory of analogy does allow some picturing in a way that the via negativa does not but danger comes on individual level. “God is my Shepard” may be imagined and understood differently by different people
Strength of symbols (preserving)
Preserves transcendence and mystery of God in a way that analogical does not
Strength of symbols (risk)
To say that God is good having a similar use to ours reduces him to our level - symbols avoids this
Strengths of symbols (change)
Symbols can change with time may be a strength as it ensures that the message remains relevant to its changing cultural context
Strength of symbols (Tillich and communication)
Tillich’s insight that symbols are able to communicate deeply in a way that ordinary language cannot (ineffable) beyond words
Weakness of Symbol (Randall)
JH Randall argues that symbols are non cognitive and provide no information about God
Weakness of symbol (change)
As symbols are culturally dependent and change overtime may mean that our ideas of God will change over time or be misinterpreted - Hijacked
Weakness of symbol (Hick)
John Hick has accused Tillich’s notion that a symbol ‘participates in that to which it points’ as Tillich doesn’t explain precisely what he means by ‘participation’. What precisely is the participating symbol in the sentence ‘God is Love’? Is it the entire proposition or is it the underlying concept of the loving nature of God? How can we participate in this way is we do not know what we’re participating with? This makes Symbol wholly inadequate.