Evaluating Nutrition information and macronutrients Flashcards
What is food made up of?
- Macronutrients and alcohol (energy yielding nutrients and alcohol) 2. Micronutrients (vitamins and mineral) 3. Phytochemicals (Secondary plant metabolites -phenolic acids, flavonoids in particular carotenoids and photos ternies) 4. Water( main component of body fluids) 5. Other (preservatives, colours)
Which Components of Food Provide ‘Energy’?
- Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are the only nutrients in foods that provide energy. Alcohol also provides energy
- These nutrients are also referred to as macronutrients and can be digested and metabolised by the body into fuel that our body uses to support physical activity and basic functioning.
- Alcohol in beverages will also provide energy/fuel for the body, however, it is not a nutrient (it is classified as a narcotic drug) because it does not support body functions.
- Although vitamins, mineral and other compounds in food are beneficial to the body in many other ways they will not provide you with the energy.
What are carbohydrates?
- Most important source of food energy in the world
- Carbs provide 17kJ/gram
- Plants make carbs from sunlight
- We eat plants and use this energy stored in the plants
- Largest single source of energy in diet
- Carbs necessary for brain function
- Many unrefined carbs provide fibre • What are the food sources of carbs???
What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are chains of molecules found in three forms:

How are carbohydrates digested?
- Begins in the mouth with salivary amylase
- Primary site of CHO digestion is small intestine where enzymes amylase, sucrase and lactase cleave disaccharides into single sugars
- Monosaccharides absorbed into bloodstream via wall of small intestine

What is dietary fibre?
- Indigestible forms of carbohydrate - not broken down to glucose.
- Fibre uses intestinal bacteria to produce energy (8kJ/g)
- Two types: soluble & insoluble
Where is insoluble fibre found?
Leaves, roots, bran, whole grains and beans
Seed coverings (bran, wholegrains)
Plant stems, leaves and skin
How is insoluble fibre digested and what is its function?
Does no dissolve in water
Absorbs water through the colon bulk up stools and aids defamation
Helps to keep you regular
Where is soluble fibre found?
Oats and barley
Beans, cereals, seeds, seaweed, psyllium
Inulin, gums
How are soluble fibres digested and what is its function?
- dissolves in water- gel-like
- resistant to digestive enzymes
- Fermented by bacteria in the colon to form acids that provide energy (8kj/g)
- Reduces blood cholesterol by binding to bile acids
What is polydextrose?
• man-made substance similar to soluble fibre, Iso fermented by bacteria (4kJ/g), not sweet, used as a bulking agent in carbohydrate modified products
What is resistant starch?
naturally occurring (e.g unripe bananas) and in commercial foods, resistant to digestion in small intestine, fermented by bacteria in colon, linked with positive gut health – area of research for microbiota and health
What is glycemic index?

- Ranks carbs on measured rise in blood glucose levels compared to a reference - Low: 0-55, Moderate: 56-69, High: 70 or more
- Limitations: complex, not consistent in categories, for carbs only

How much of our energy intake should come from carbohydrates?
45-65% total carbohydrate
15-25% protein
20-35% total fat

basic facts

What is protein?
A unique macronutrient as contains nitrogen
- Dietary protein provide amino acids for body to make proteins.
- Human body makes an estimated 10,000-50,000+ unique proteins from 20 aa’s
• Many cells and structures in the body being broken down and rebuilt and
require a steady supply of protein
• Proteins functions include:
– growth and development
– building and repair of muscles, bones, organs, blood, skin, hair
– repair of damaged tissues due to illness or injury
– regulation of body fluids and hormones
– blood clotting Body Dietary
– helping the immune system fight disease protein
Function of dietary protein:
Protein is essential for many body functions including:
– growth and development
– building and repair of muscles, bones, organs, blood, skin, hair
– repair of damaged tissues due to illness or injury
– regulation of body fluids and hormones
– blood clotting
– helping the immune system fight disease
What is the process of protein digestion and uptake?
- Begins in the stomach with denaturing of protein to expose chains -more efficient enzymes activity
- Digestion is completed in small intestine with trypsin, chymotrypsin and other enzymes.
Amino acids — go to bloodstream
What are the protein requirements of the body and what do these depend on?
Can be determined by measuring nitrogen balance Protein being used by body: = Nitrogen consumed (dietary protein)
minus nitrogen excreted (urine and faeces)
• -ve nitrogen balance: more nitrogen excreted than input;
more proteins being broken down than synthesised eg. Illness, injury, surgery, lose wt
• +ve nitrogen balance: less nitrogen lost than ingested; body is using dietary protein for synthesis of new protein
eg. Pregnancy, lactation, growing child
• Nitrogen balance: total body protein does not change
Protein requirements depend on:
- genetic makeup
- age, growth
- body size, muscle and bone mass
- pregnancy and lactation
- illness and injury
- healing
How much of our energy intake should come from protein
15-25% protein

basic facts

What are lipids?
• Lipids are insoluble in water
• Many different forms in food and in the body. Three types
commonly found in foods and in cells and tissues of the body are:
– Triglycerides
– Phospholipids
• Triglyceride are most common food based lipid. Named because it has a glycerol head with 3 fatty acid chains
• Fats in our food = Triglycerides with combinations of different fatty acids. Triglycerides can be classified by their chain length, level of saturation , location of double bonds and isomeric form.

What animals products can protein be found?
Animal protein sources, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy, are similar to the protein found in your body. These are considered to be complete sources of proteinbecause they contain all of the essential amino acids that your body needs to function effectively.
What plants have proteins in them?
Tofu, tempeh, and edamame. Soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and edamame are among the richest sources of protein in a vegan diet. …
Lentils. …
Chickpeas. …
Peanuts. …
Almonds. …
Spirulina. …
Quinoa. …
What is the fats classification by carbon chain length?
- Short-chain fatty acid (less than 6 carbons)
- Medium-chain Fatty Acid (6-12 carbons)
- Long-chain Fatty Acid (12 or more carbons)

Fats classification by saturation
- Saturated
- Unsaturated

What are the essential fatty acids?
omega-3 and omega-6

Which type of fat is not recommended
Trans fats

Describe the broad classification of dietary lipids
Refer to image

Why do we need lipids/fat
•Dietary fat:
• Important source of energy for the body (particularly
for infants and children)
• Supplies essential fatty acids, important for proper
• Carries fat-soluble vitamins and aids their
• Help regulate cell function and maintain cell
membrane integrity
• Body fat:
– Provide cushioning for bones
– Protect underlying organs
– Insulate us from the cold
– Used to make important hormones and cells
• Fat contributes flavour and texture to foods
What is the process of lipid digestion?
- Begins in small intestine with emulsification by bile salts.
- Lipase acts in small intestine
- Monoglycerides cross the intestinal lining into bloodstream – resynthesized into triglycerides and transported as chylomicrons

How much dietary fat do we need in our diet?
20-35% total fat

Basic facts

What is alcohol?
• Alcohol or ethanol forms from fermentation of
• Fruit sugars in wine, potato starch in spirits and
barley starch for beer
• Provides 29 kJ per gram, but no nutrients.
• Alcohol does not need to be digested to reach the
bloodstream – it is readily absorbed, unchanged
from the jejunum.
- Some contain antioxidants
- Many known harmful effects of alcohol
• Three possible metabolism pathways. The major
pathway starts with ADH and this is the rate
limiting step. On average people can metabolise
about 5g ethanol per hour. This varies from
person to person
Things for revision
• The main functions of the macronutrients: carbohydrates,
protein and fat and dietary sources.
• Dietary sources of different types and different
classifications of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
• Factors affecting protein needs
• The recommended intakes of macronutrients as a % of
total energy intake in the diet
• The varying health effects of different types of
carbohydrates, proteins and fats
• The classification and health effects of alcohol
What health effects do different fats have? Is saturated fat healthy now?
Its complex but no!
• ↓ saturated fat and replace with unsaturated (not trans) →↓ CVD – (Cochrane review, ↓ saturated fat → 17% ↓ in CVD when replaced with
polyunsaturated fats. The greater the decrease in saturated fat the more serum cholesterol is reduced. Benefits healthy and high risk people; men and women)
• ↓ saturated fat and replace with wholegrains →↓ CVD (but not as much) • ↓ saturated fat and replace refined carbohydrates does not ↓ CVD • Trans fats are consistently linked to CVD • Unsaturated fat is preferred to saturated fat • ? Optimal amount of omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids

Saturated fats are predominant in which type of foods?
Red meat – beef, lamb, pork.
Skin-on chicken and other poultry.
Whole-milk dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream.
Palm and coconut oils.
polyunsaturated foods are predominant in which types of food?
Flaxseed, corn, soybean, and sunflower oil. Walnuts.
monounsaturated foods are predominant in which types of food?
Olive, peanut, and canola oils. Avocados. Nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans. Seeds such as pumpkin and sesame seeds.
trans fats foods are predominant in which types of food?
Trans fat is naturally found in small amounts in some animal products such as meat, whole milk, and milk products. Check the food label to find out if trans fat is in your food choices. Trans fat can often be found in many cakes, cookies, crackers, icings, margarines, and microwave popcorn.