Evaluate the view that divisions within parties is the largest obstacle to the president managing to achieve their aims (20) Flashcards
Divisons within parties are
Trumps main policy, American Health care Act 2017 failed to pass through the senate do you opposition from Republican moderates ‘the Tuesday group’.
Healthcare freedom act 2017, repealing the mandate of ACA was rejected in the senate, John McCain and Susan Collins were amongst Republicans who voted against.
Biden BBB, Joe Manchin blocked a important part of Bidens agenda in the Senate, conservative blue dog coalition, he didn’t support.
Continued negotiations between Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer eventually resulted in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which incorporated some of the Build Back Better Act’s climate change, healthcare, and tax reform proposals while excluding its social safety net proposals
DREAM Act key piece of Obama agenda, failed to reach the 60 vote threshold to end filibuster in the senate, 5 democrats voted against.
Divisons within parties arent
Conservative faction in the democrats is small, blue dog coalition have only 10 members in the 118th congress.
American recovery reinvestment Act 2009 was 787 billion stimulus based on Keynesian theory due to 2008 recession.
7 more fiscally neo conservative democrats were worried about state deficits and voted against the bill.
34 democrats including blue dog democrats voted against the passage of the ACA in 2010.
2017 Tax cuts and Jobs Acts, all 51 Republicans voted for the act.
Divisions between parties arent
Many major pieces of legislation have received bipartisan support in the past meaning that the president is able to achieve their aims.
PATRIOT Act 2001, 98-1
CARES Act 2020, 2.2 trillion-dollar stimulus, 96-0.
Barrack Obama signed the Every student succeeds act 2015 which received bipartisan support, passing 85-12 in the senate.
Divisions between parties are
Obama Merrik Garland appointment was blocked by a Republican controlled senate in 2016, majority leader Mitch McConnel would not consider the appointment. PARTISAN
Healthcare Freedom Act 2017 and the American Health care plan 2017 did not pass due to zero democrat support.
DREAM act, 5 democrats voted against when attempting to end filibuster, zero republicans voted on the side of the democrats, the reason divisions are so influential is due to increasing hyper partisanship.
Government shutdown 2013, Fiscal conservatives emerged out of the Tea Party movement, pressured congressional leaders in 2013 to reject all increased in the dept ceiling and appropriations bills. Caused the executive government to shut down.
SCOTUS checks are
Trump v Hawaii 2018
Trump v Sierra Clun 2019
SCOTUS prevents the president for exceeding their constitutional powers, but often a president’s policy or aims do not include them breaching the constitution and in this case (most of the time) congress will be more important in checking the power of the PM.
SCOTUS checks arent
The supreme court is a important check on the executive and can sometimes prevent them from achieving their aims if they exceed their powers.
Examples include… NRLB V canning 2014, Trump v Vance 2020, Nixon v US 1974, Hamdan v Rumsfeld 2006, Texas v US 2021, Department of homeland security v regents of the university of California 2020