éval S2 Flashcards
buccal caries
Caries found on the surfaces of posterior teeth nearest the cheeks.
labial caries
Cavities located on the surfaces of anterior teeth, nearest the lips
baby bottles caries
mostly found on maxillary anterior teeth
– Rampant caries :
suddenly appearing, widespread, rapidly progressing type of caries, with advanced and severe decay on multiple surfaces of many teeth.
be found in people who have an abnormal lack of saliva = xerostomia
radiation-induced caries
radiation to the __head______ and _____neck
Incipient caries
lesion on a tooth which was previously demineralized but was remineralized before causing a cavitation.
Chronic caries
condition that has taken an extended period of time to develop
Recurrent / secondary caries
A caries which appears at a location with a previous history of decay (often on the margin of fillings or other dental restorations).
Arrested carie
A caries found at a location that has not experienced previous decay
class _I__ caries
– Pit and fissure caries
class II caries
Proximal /interproximal caries On posterior teeth
class _III__ caries
On anterior teeth includes the incisal edge
class _IV__ caries
incisal edge is not included
On anterior teeth
Root caries
generally due to gingival recession
most commonly located on mandibular molars, followed by mandibular premolars, maxillary anteriors, maxillary posteriors and mandibular anteriors
class __V_ caries
any other smooth surfaces of enamel except interproximal areas
class __VI_ caries
located on cusp tips of posterior teeth or incisal edges of anterior teeth
ordre signs caries
1 A chalky white spot The decay is incipient (beginning).
2) Brown spot = reversible
3) cavitatioon = irreversible
The lesion is brown and shiny.
Dental caries were once present but the demineralization process has stopped, leaving a stain.
A brown spot which is dull (terne) in appearance.
A sign of active caries
Four elements are necessary for caries to form :
– 1 – A tooth surface (enamel or dentin)
– 2 – Caries-causing bacteria
– 3 – Fermentable carbohydrates (such as sucrose)
– 4 – Time
pH début déminéralisation de l’émail
below ____5,5______
the two bacteria which are considered responsible for cavities
Streptococcus _____________________ mutans
- Lactobacilli ____________________
risk factors caries
– Reduced saliva + – Reduced saliva
four zones caries
- The translucent zone = deepest layer of the enamel + first visible sign of caries
- The dark zone = slight remineralization of enamel
- The body of the lesion = greatest demineralization
- The surface zone = relatively mineralize + present until the loss of tooth structure results in a cavitation.
The dentin, unlike the enamel, develops three zones affected by caries
- translucent zone = deepest layer of dentin + advancing front of the carious process and it is where the initial demineralization begins
- zone of destruction = between the two other zone = where bacteria attack and where the dentin will decompose
- The zone of bacterial penetration = Surface closest to the enamel
If the odontoblasts live long enough to react to the dental caries, the dentin which is then ______produced_______ is named
« reactionary » dentin
, if the odontoblasts are killed, the dentin produced is called
« reparative » dentin
palatal caries
Caries located on the lingual surfaces of maxillary teeth and are located beside the hard palate.