EV in Use T1 Flashcards
Do some revision
study in a very concentrated way for a short time
past papers
exam papers from previous years
learning purely by repetition
To bury yourself in your books
spend the maximum time studying
To know the subject inside out
know it completely
long essay, often part of a course, usually thousands of words
very long, original, research-based work, perhaps 80–100,000 words, for a higher degree (e.g. PhD)
could be just 50–100 words, often used for school work
using other people’s work as if it was yours
handed in;
give details of
carry out research
Do research
drop out
leave the course before the end
equality of opportunity
when everyone has the same chances
pupils are chosen for entry
everyone enters without exams and education is free
inherent in
existing as a basic part of something
make something continue
sees, considers
well- endowed
R eceiving a lot of money in grants, gifts from rich people, etc. [= endowments]
achieve an excellent standard
education at university or college level
tuition fees
money paid to receive teaching
Curriculum reform
Реформа навчальних програм
Навчальнтй план
if an environment is fast-paced, things happen quickly there
positive word for something which is exciting and difficult
available jobs
competitive salary
as good as, or better than, other salaries for similar jobs
benefits package
all the extra benefits that a company offers (as well as a salary)
career prospects
opportunities for promotion and career development
hands-on experience
practical, direct (not theoretical)
customer-facing experience
dealing directly with customers
managerial experience
experience of managing other people
requirements you use to make a decision
To be shortlisted
selected from a larger group
boost your confidence
improve or increase
speak up
speak (more) loudly and clearly
line manager
the person who is directly responsible for your work
A panel
Group of people
To talk us through
tell us about in more detail
professional development
training given
to employees to increase their knowledge or skills
the person who checks your work
Notice period
time you need to work in your job after you have officially told the company you are leaving
giving an overview of
paid leave
time off you are paid for, such as holiday or parental leave
opposite number
has the same position / does the same job as me
working together to achieve shared goals
more formal equivalent of opposite number
/ræˈpɔː/ communication/relationship
ˌhaɪəˈrɑːkɪkəl/ has a structure with important
and less important people
pecking order
system where some people have the right to get
benefits/promotions before others
agreement where two people each share the same job
ordinary, not interesting
meet a deadline
have something finished by a fixed day or time
making you feel satisfied that you have done something important or useful, or done something well
amount of work I have to do
knock off
finishing work; informal
the same thing is repeated every day
To stuck behind a desk
sitting at a desk all day; informal
extremely boring
stuck in a rut
stuck/trapped in a job they can’t escape from
dead-end job
with no prospects of promotion
To go in with
formed a business partnership with
run-of- the-mill
ordinary, not special or exciting
short-term financial reward
money gained
amount of confidence felt by a person or group
work–life balance
the amount of time spent working compared to the amount of time spent doing things you enjoy
looking to work in / seeking a career in
Planing to work
maternity leave/paternity leave/adoption live
perks / (extra) benefits
extra things apart from salary, e.g. a car, health insurance
holiday entitlement
number of days you have the right to take
as holiday
increases/rises; formal
depending on how well you do your job
overworked and underpaid
said together as an informal, humorous fixed expression
voluntary/ compulsory redundancies
people losing their jobs, by offering to do so / having no choice
skeleton staff
the minimum number of workers needed to keep operating
part with their money
spend money
Hasn’t looked back
has moved forward successfully
purchasing power
ability they have to buy goods, i.e. the amount of money they have available
trade something up
buy one that is of higher value than the one you had before. (opp. = trade down)
loss leader
the item being sold at a low price
come/go under the hammer
sold at an auction. [sale of goods or property where people make gradually increasing bids and the item is then sold to the highest bidder]
shop around
try different companies or shops to see which offers best value
producing a lot of money
red tape
bureaucracy (negative)
hammer out a deal
talk in detail until a business agreement is made
agreement in which one company takes control of another one (compare with merger, in which two companies join together to become one company)
swallowed up
taken over by a larger company