European Explorers Flashcards
Vasco De Gama
Discovered the sea route which helped establish a colonial empire in Asia and Africa. Went to India.
Christopher Columbus
Their most known voyage was when he stumbled upon the Americas in 1492 and landed in the Bahamas (San Salvador). Searched the Caribbean for riches and found Hispaniola
Americo Vespucci
He discovered that the West Indies were separate and far away from India, and mapped out parts of North American Coast and Caribbean.
Ferdinand Magellan
Discovered “Sea of the South,” what is now called the “Strait of Magellan, “ founded Guam, discovered trade winds, first to circumnavigate the world.
Hernando Cortes
Discovered a pyramid where people sent sacrifices to their god, marched to Tenochtitlan, conquered land from Aztecs and claimed it for Spain.
Sir Francis Drake
Sailed along the West Claimed land in San Francisco and called it New Albion.
Leif Erikson
Arrived in Greenland and converted people to Christianity. Explored a region called Vinland, was first European on North America.
Pedro Cabral
Followed same route as Vasco Da Gama, discovered new land in South America.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Traveled to South America and traded with natives. Discovered the Pacific Ocean. Dedicated most life to exploring.
Marco Polo
Traveled from China to Venice, did not conquer land just voyaged it.
Henry Hudson
Discovered the Hudson River, explored a lot of the arctic.
Juan Ponce de Leon
Discovered Puerto Rico, discovered that it had gold and other resources. Discovered Florida Keys and Gulf Stream ; also discovered a warm ocean current.
James Cook
Discovered Hawaiian Islands, mapped coastlines of New Zealand, and created maps of Pacific Islands. Discovered Botany Bay.
Zheng He
Temporarily conquered Vietnam, built imperial capital invasion, extended Great Wall of China. South Africa to trade
Francisco Pizzarro
Defeated the Incas in Peru. First European to discover Pacific Ocean, became mayor of Panama, claimed land for Spain.
Ibn Batutta
Did not conquer land. Wrote a famous travel log, the Rihlah.