Europe Flashcards
Landmark Tower in Paris, France
Eiffel Tower
Where is the Eiffel Tower?
Paris, France
What is the major Catholic Church in Paris, France?
Notre Dame
Where is the Notre Dame?
Paris, France
What is the name of museum with master pieces located in Paris, France?
The Louvre
Where is the Louvre museum located in?
Paris, France
What is the name of French loyalty’s palace in Paris,France?
Where is Versailles Palace located?
Paris, France
What are the name of two key cities along the French Riviera?
Nice & Cannes
How does Nice & Cannes can be defined?
Key cities along the French Reivera in France
What is the name of mountain along Germany, Austria, Switcherland, France and Italy?
The Alps
What are five countries contained Mt. Alps?
Germany, Austria, Switcherland, France and Italy
What is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy?
The Colosseum
Where is the Colosseum located?
Rome, Italy
Where are thoes following famous cities located; Pisa, Siena, Verona, Portofino, Genoa?
What are five famous cities in Italy?
Pisa, Siena, Verona, Portofino, Genoa
What is the name of fountain in Rome, Italy?
Trevi Fountain
Where is Trevi Fountain located?
Rome, Italy
Where is an independent country inside Rome, Italy?
Vatican City
What is Vatican City?
An independent country inside Rome, Italy
What is the major attraction in Pisa, Italy?
Leaning tower of Pisa
What is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa, known worldwide for its unintended tilt?
Leaning tower of Pisa
Where is Leaning tower of Pisa?
Pisa, Italy
What is an economic union called in Western Europe that includes three neighboring monarchies, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, which lie in the north western European region between France and Germany.?
Benelux countries
What are three Benelux countries?
Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg
What are follows reffered to; Sicily, Sardinia, and Capri?
Italian Islands
What are three Italian Islands?
Sicily, Sardinia, and Capri
What is the name of canal in Venice, Italy, which forms one of the major water-traffic corridors in the city?
Grand Canal
What is the name of popular canal with water taxis, lined with classical buildings & crossed by the Rialto bridge in Venice, Italy?
Gondola, Grand Canal
Where is Grand Canal located?
Venice, Italy
What is the name of highway without the maximum speed limits in Germany?
Where is Autobahn highway?
What is the name of castle in Germany that was the inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle?
Where is Neuschwanstein Castle?
Hohenschwangau, Germany
What is the name of city that has second World war concentration camp in Germany?
Where is Dachau belongs to?
What are four islands that greece made up of?
Crete, Mykonos, Corfu, Rhodes
Which country has following islands; Crete, Mykonos, Corfu, Rhodes?
What is the name of famous author’s property in Amsterdam, Netherlands?
Anne Frank House
Where is Anne Frank House?
Amsterdam, Netherlands
What is the name of Portugal’s southmost region?
The Algarve
Where is the Algarve?
What is a region in the south of Spain, reffered to “Coast of the Sun” or “Sun Coast”?
Costa del Sol
Where is Costa del Sol located?
What and where is Auschwitz?
Concentration Camp in Poland
What is the name of Concentration Camp in Poland?
What is commune in Romania?
Brasov & Bran
What is a commune in Brașov County, Romania?
Where is Bran in Brasov?
Where do Baleric and Canary islands belong to?
Where do Azores and Madeira islands belong to?
What are four Islands of Europe?
The Balearic, The Canary, The Azores, and Madeira